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Guest The Vidiot

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Finished Hugh Howey's Shift, interested to see how it all ties up in the last part, Dust. But until then I will read through the two short story collections from Alistair Reynolds. All happening in the Revelation Space universe.

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Finished Hugh Howey's Shift, interested to see how it all ties up in the last part, Dust. But until then I will read through the two short story collections from Alistair Reynolds. All happening in the Revelation Space universe.


Thanks, it's great to know (having finished Wool last year) that reading the next book is worth it! :)

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I'm going to nab me the latest Penguin edition of Beowulf asap.


I really like the Seamus Heaney translation. I've skimmed through some of the other ones and they're not as enjoyable. pain in the ass finding a decent copy of the Heaney translation round here.

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I'm going to nab me the latest Penguin edition of Beowulf asap.

I really like the Seamus Heaney translation. I've skimmed through some of the other ones and they're not as enjoyable. pain in the ass finding a decent copy of the Heaney translation round here.

Where are you in the world? Faber have a nice edition of the Heaney edition - I can send you one if you like.


The Heaney translation is the best by far. Radio 4 were playing it recently, I suppose to posthumously reinforce praise for him, but the audio book doesn't seem to be available atm which is great shame - listening to it verges on a euphoric experience.

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Sweet, read it last year along with a load of other stuff by the same or similar publishers:




This is by Ass Goblin's author's partner. Didn't get chance to read it as it was a gift for a dinosaur obsessed friend. Might have to get myself a copy...




Some truly beyond the pale gore horror




More decent indie horror. This one is more bizarro than sick.




Wrestling themed disgusting detective horror thing, hilarious!




Absolutely disgusting and vile short stories, recommended.

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I'm going to nab me the latest Penguin edition of Beowulf asap.

I really like the Seamus Heaney translation. I've skimmed through some of the other ones and they're not as enjoyable. pain in the ass finding a decent copy of the Heaney translation round here.

Where are you in the world? Faber have a nice edition of the Heaney edition - I can send you one if you like.


The Heaney translation is the best by far. Radio 4 were playing it recently, I suppose to posthumously reinforce praise for him, but the audio book doesn't seem to be available atm which is great shame - listening to it verges on a euphoric experience.



I am in Sydney and that would be fab, thanks. I haven't had my hands on one of those since uni days. I always liked the way it started with "So." - it feels like a rich, quality translation.


would the postage for UK -> Aus be hefty? don't worry about it if it is. I appreciate it in any case :beer:

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ordered that for my lil bro for xmas. Is it as good as I hope?



I think it's beyond good and bad. Absolutely the most grotesque book I've read so far. Maybe not the weirdest.

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bizarro fiction has been around for a while. shatnerquake is probably the lollest title, although it doesn't really fulfill its premise.



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Guest Ron Manager

Gravity's Rainbow. First attempt. First Pynchon. about 80 pages in and too early to tell if i'm going to make it through. it is hard work though. i think i'm going to have to crack and read something online just to see if i actually have any clue what's going on. i'll persevere a while longer yet though.

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Chapterhouse: Dune. Loving it so far.



Lucilla just transfered her contentiousness into Rebecca.



re-reading the Kybalion: pearls of wisdom.


Dante's Divine Comedy: at Canto 6 And slowly Dante descends into hell..


Ghost in the Shell is a good read too. I'm really glad I bought it.

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Speaking about non-English books, the Finns here might enjoy this book. It's pretty IDMz.



That looks like a beautiful language. Would it be difficult to learn ?

Isn't that where Tolkien derived his Elvish from ?

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