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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Being in China I watched the whole series on DVD after it had all aired, so I had read the collective watmm opinion that season 5 was the weakest, too rushed and crippled by the writer's strike. But I thought it was just fine. The newsroom parts were pretty weak, but I was surprised by how much I liked the Carcetti stuff, I think they did a really good job of dramatizing power politics and the way it erodes your idealism over time.


If you look at the show for any of its constituent parts you can find flaws - is the writing perfect? no, it's a bit unnatural sounding at times; is the acting perfect? no mcnulty and a few others are kind of weak, etc. The reason I think it was probably the best show I've watched on television was how bold and ambitious it was, and how it never wavered from its goal - to depict the criminal side of an entire city over 5 seasons, and then to carry it out, with blatant disregard for the conventional rhythms of TV shows, where you have to have cliffhangers and BIG DRAMATIC DENOUEMENTS to keep viewer interest. Yes each season did have a climax, but it felt much more organic and inevitable than in other shows. If I look at any other series I liked, I find it bends to convention much more - though Sopranos stayed good, it did become formulaic, where each season seemed to be "introduce previously unknown character, follow arc, then kill said character at end of season." Even Twin Peaks felt the need to have the "who shot Dale Cooper" cliffhanger, and they had no idea where to go with the second season. But somehow the Wire managed to hold it all together and build one coherent story over five seasons. It's much more a novel than a TV show.

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me too! Funny thing is most people seemed to go "wtf" at that season, but I think after watching the entire show twice it may be my favorite.



S2 is definitely underrated, people just go apeshit because they wanted to see more Omar/Barksdale, which btw they DID, just not as much...but thats beyond the point. You can't explain how dealers work without explaining where they get their shipments from.


Frank Sobotka was a great character, you could tell he was willing to do any dirty shit necessary if it meant continued employment for his workers....classic antihero.



i couldn't get down with Ziggy though. Just annoyed me.

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yeah ziggy was really annoying but the way he self destructs was very well done I thought. One of those idiots who even after he completely crashes and burns doesn't understand how he got there. I thought the resentment he had towards his older more competent brother was well drawn. Well done character even though he was colossally annoying...I liked the older brother and the female cop, really well drawn characters. And yeah Frank's walking down to meet with the Greeks and having his fate decided by a phone call was really powerful stuff.

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Guest Mirezzi

I've not watched Deadwood, but I saw his name mentioned and just wanted to chime in with the following:


I don't know how Timothy Olyphant keeps getting work.

You know, I have to agree, but having just watched a couple episodes of Justified (very meh show btw), I can see why he gets work. He plays modest/stoic/unflappable like a statue, but that's more or less what's asked of him.


I have ranted on here about brother mouzone (?) before. The weakest part of the series imo.

edit: haha jinx

I think so, too, and in fact, his little "showdown" with Omar was fucking retarded and tried, with a single scene, to ruin the series. lol

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

just finishing rewatching the uk office. thats the best tv show ever. maybe.

favorite part: the part where gareth goes by the motorbike sidecar. had to rewind that bit it was perfect.



i did forget how happy the ending was. somehow i remembered it sadder

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Guest Mirezzi

I thoroughly enjoyed Six Feet Under. True Blood on the other hand...

Okay, I was being unfair to SFU, but I still think it's majorly bleh once you get over its formula. The acting is uneven at best, too.


True Blood is definitely a much worse evil. Alan Ball = Shit.

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ah right, i only just started (and finished) watching it late last year so i didn't see any threads on here when it was originally. ended up watching a season a week i think! i guess i can blame christmas for that a bit though


i guess he was only kind of a minor role... but it was just so jarring!


to be balanced about it - one thing i didn't like was that continually bad theme song... is that some sort of HBO rule. the last season (with i kind of assume steve earle...) was especially bad!


agreed....the 4th season version wasnt too bad.



the theme at the end of every episode is so damn perfect though.

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i must admit that Six feet under is now being reran in order on HBO and i'm getting kind of sucked in. I felt it was really gimmicky when it came out but now so much TV resembles it, that it actually kind of stands the test of time. It's much better than i remember initially feeling about it.

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I think Six feet under is either good or bad depending on whether or not you watch it with a girlfriend, and probably whether or not you come from a traditional background. I caught one episode when it was on its first run and decided it was pretentious, but last year I picked up the complete box set and watched it through with my Chinese gf and we both really enjoyed it. She was intrigued by the unconventional family stuff, and it has a decent blend of drama and humor. The much-praised final episode is unintentionally hilarious, though - note to Hollywood: old person make-up never, ever works (for ref, see jennifer connelly in "A beautiful Mind")

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I thoroughly enjoyed Six Feet Under. True Blood on the other hand...

Okay, I was being unfair to SFU, but I still think it's majorly bleh once you get over its formula. The acting is uneven at best, too.


True Blood is definitely a much worse evil. Alan Ball = Shit.


no you were right the first time, it's all dogshit.

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black swan - 5/5 - i loved it.


i never thought much of natalie portman as an actress until this movie. i mean, most of the performance kinda leaned on the desperate horror/confusion face, but there are very impressive moments.


her mom was so fucking creepy from the very start. immediately creepy, but ambiguously so. well done.

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