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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Rabid Grannies

Belgian trash horror-slapstick, released by Troma. When you watch a film like this you know what you're in for, and overall this one delivered, with a couple of memorable moments. Like the transformation of the grannies, the horrible things they do to the little girl, and the priest's dilemma (the one granny in the knight's armour... beautiful).

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Source Code - 5/10. I'm a little late getting to this. It was enjoyable for the first 30-45 minutes then it fell apart for me. Sort of devolved into this sentimental stab at character building and the end made no sense to me at all.

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haywire 7/10


i would like to touch her boobies


I kinda want to watch this for the fight scenes. Heard there really well done.


yes they are and it is well put together, well worth a watch, keeps your attention. i rated high for its specific type but the film does lack depth. gina carano is good fun to watch, i still want to touch her boobies

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

The sitter

amusing. the gangsters reversal was silly though. and i'm not convinced the kid was gay either. is liking tennis gay?



f u n

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Guest Shit Attack

Apocalypse now:redux - 9/10 - Great apart from french plantation part

Persona - 8/10 - Pretty Great

Magnolia - 3/10 - not great

Cabin in the woods - 2/10 - ungreat

Profondo Rosso - 7/10 - cheese greater

Hearts Of Darkness - 6/10 - semi almost good

boogie nights 4/10 - not great, some goodness IE : "you got the touch" part

Chronicle - 6/10 - starts pretty good, gets worse

The Damned 0/10 - the exact opposite of greatness. Ugh

the Avengers - 7/10 - pretty good. fight on the flying aircraft carrier thing was great

Solaris (1972) - 8/10 - flawed greatness

Stalker - 9/10 - pretty great

The mirror/zerkalo - 5/10 - some greatness, some boredom

the Evil Dead - 8/10 - almost high level of greatness

Rebel without a cause - 5/10 - pretty average

Inglorious basterds - 4/10 - some good, some bad, maybe some little bits of greatness

Shame - 6/10 - quite good

alien 3 special edition - 7/10 - much greater than original version (havent seen it for a long time tho) underrated

21 jump street - 3/10 - some funny bits, no greatness of any kind.

There will be blood - 8/10 - almost upper reaches of greatness

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hard boiled - turned off after an hour when i realised it had another hour to go. maybe wasn't in the mood for relentless shoot outs and motorbikes jumping on fire and stuff. got bored.

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I had the displeasure of catching the second half of the movie Hostel 2 on TV. It was the most ridiculous movie I have ever seen, totally useless whichever way you look at it.

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keltoi, i happened to be catch part of a steven seagal film when i turned the tV on last night for the LRPC. Can't remember what it was called, it had Michael Caine in it. Something about alaskan oil platforms and inuit tribes. (edit - on deadly ground)


Anyway, i was shocked by the violence in it. I don't know why, but it just seemed so merciless and unrelenting. It was towards the end of the film that i jumped in, so i guess i didn't see all the hideous things that the evil side of the films ledger had been up to. But still how they killed that woman and the guy with the chopper blades, jesus.


Perhaps i've been in an happy anime bubble for so long now that i've forgotten what these types of films are like. Or it's just that with the rise of PC in hollywood, they actually just don't do casual graphic violence anymore in your stock action flick. It's left to those horrible gore based spectacle films, like the hostel ones, which i really can't stand the idea of watching, to do the honours. So i'm out of practise because of that.


Anyway ..


I had the displeasure of catching the second half of the movie Hostel 2 on TV. It was the most ridiculous movie I have ever seen, totally useless whichever way you look at it.


omG lol, i just mentioned that franchise in my post.

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I don't watch gore films really, but the most sickening "violence" flick I've seen is Funny Games US. For those that haven't seen it, it's not a gore flick, but it makes you sick regardless. I can't really say much more without spoiling it.


I actually really like the (idea of the) film, but I only "got it" after I had read about it afterwards. I suppose a piece of art (in any medium) shouldn't rely on a written explanation to get its idea across, but it might be that I am just daft enough not to get it on its own. I watched it on TV as well and had no expectations to what it was going to be about so maybe that made it harder to figure it out as well. The stuff with the remote at the end wasn't very good though no matter how you look at it (IMO).


Other than that I've seen a SAW film at a friends house, no idea what number it was. Another meaningless movie. What is it with the directors of these films that try to include some ridiculous plot? Why not just be honest and show us the torture porn crap and skip the plot altogether? Anyways, it didn't affect me much, I guess I saw it as too unrealistic.


The only other thing that affected me was a clip of what I think was Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was a scene where some dude stood on someones head with a boot. Stuff like that is really disturbing to me, much more than films with mass amount of blood and gore. Actually, one of my earliest memories is when I must have been about 4 years old and was playing with a teddy bear. For some reason (who knows why, curiosity maybe, kids are curious...) I wanted to stand on it. I remember feeling really bad, almost sick, almost instantly. I think that was the first time I realized there was such a thing as morals.


But back to films, the rape stuff in Deliverance is also pretty disturbing.

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Take Shelter - 10

I wanted to watch this film because of Michael Shannon's 3 minute appearance in Before the Devil knows You're Dead. Found the film unconvincing at first but I thought it was heading in a more supernatural/horror direction. I was gripped by the last half, Michael Shannon's performance elevates the film. That Brad Pitt got an oscar nomination for Moneyball over this is so ridiculous I can only assume no one on the judging panel had seen the film. He's that good I think I'm going to force myself to watch Boardwalk Empire to see what he does in it. Then I might watch Revolutionary Road, and pay to watch Zack Snyder's new Superman film. He's that good..


Triangle - 9

I'm trying to tell everyone to watch this. Then I tell them to not ask any questions, not look the film up, and not watch any trailers.


In Bruges - 9

The dialogue isn't even that clever, but clever enough for it to make every scene so enjoyable. The only film on this long list I wanted to watch again straight away. Colin Farrell repeating how much he hates Bruges never failed to make me laugh somehow. Far from finding the film slow as others have, I thought the moment the film changes happened too soon. I could have watched a lot more of just Farrell and Gleeson doing nothing. So many films neglect good dialogue that it was just fun to watch for that reason alone.


Kill List -9

Moneyball - 9

Drive - 8

Disappointed in some ways, I wanted more of him driving like how the film begins. That's not what the source material is all about though, so..


THX 1138 - 8

I watched the enhanced version without realising, and it confused me a little.


Tetsuo - 8

Senna - 8

Shame there's so few actual clips of Senna racing. I don't see the point in biographies that try to unearth the real person behind the talent, as though thats interesting in itself. He was just a normal humble guy - shock! When I watch a biography of anyone I want to come out of it with more knowledge of what made their talent so special, and this failed in that regard. I think Martin Brundle in another 15 minute documentary said something like, 'With Senna, unlike any other driver, every time he raced, he was never ordinary'. Or something like that. Which told me more than a lot of this film.


Winters Bone - 8

Scott Pilgrim vs the World - 8

Shinjuku Incident - 8

The Fighter - 7

The Town - 7

The Basketball Diaries - 7

A Serious Man - 7

Jon Carter - 7

Chronicle - 7

Limitless - 7

Wild At Heart - 7

Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol - 7

Magnolia - 7

Irreversible - 7

Tree of Life - 7

Animal Kingdom - 6

Super 8 - 6

Attack the Block - 6

The Adjustment Bureau - 6

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead - 6

Time - 6

In Time - 6

Buried - 6

Hugo - 6

Being There - 6

Contagion - 6

Antichrist - 6

Source Code - 6

Haywire - 6

Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 6

The Descendants - 6

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - 6

We Need to Talk About Kevin - 5

The Adventures of Tin Tin - 5

The Hunger Games - 5

King of New York - 5

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bloody hell, you've been on a mission my dear boy, a catch up mission. You been busy these past months/couple of years and finally had some time off to just space ?

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Take Shelter - 10

I wanted to watch this film because of Michael Shannon's 3 minute appearance in Before the Devil knows You're Dead. Found the film unconvincing at first but I thought it was heading in a more supernatural/horror direction. I was gripped by the last half, Michael Shannon's performance elevates the film. That Brad Pitt got an oscar nomination for Moneyball over this is so ridiculous I can only assume no one on the judging panel had seen the film. He's that good I think I'm going to force myself to watch Boardwalk Empire to see what he does in it. Then I might watch Revolutionary Road, and pay to watch Zack Snyder's new Superman film. He's that good..


Triangle - 9

I'm trying to tell everyone to watch this. Then I tell them to not ask any questions, not look the film up, and not watch any trailers.


In Bruges - 9

The dialogue isn't even that clever, but clever enough for it to make every scene so enjoyable. The only film on this long list I wanted to watch again straight away. Colin Farrell repeating how much he hates Bruges never failed to make me laugh somehow. Far from finding the film slow as others have, I thought the moment the film changes happened too soon. I could have watched a lot more of just Farrell and Gleeson doing nothing. So many films neglect good dialogue that it was just fun to watch for that reason alone.


Kill List -9

Moneyball - 9

Drive - 8

Disappointed in some ways, I wanted more of him driving like how the film begins. That's not what the source material is all about though, so..


THX 1138 - 8

I watched the enhanced version without realising, and it confused me a little.


Tetsuo - 8

Senna - 8

Shame there's so few actual clips of Senna racing. I don't see the point in biographies that try to unearth the real person behind the talent, as though thats interesting in itself. He was just a normal humble guy - shock! When I watch a biography of anyone I want to come out of it with more knowledge of what made their talent so special, and this failed in that regard. I think Martin Brundle in another 15 minute documentary said something like, 'With Senna, unlike any other driver, every time he raced, he was never ordinary'. Or something like that. Which told me more than a lot of this film.


Winters Bone - 8

Scott Pilgrim vs the World - 8

Shinjuku Incident - 8

The Fighter - 7

The Town - 7

The Basketball Diaries - 7

A Serious Man - 7

Jon Carter - 7

Chronicle - 7

Limitless - 7

Wild At Heart - 7

Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol - 7

Magnolia - 7

Irreversible - 7

Tree of Life - 7

Animal Kingdom - 6

Super 8 - 6

Attack the Block - 6

The Adjustment Bureau - 6

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead - 6

Time - 6

In Time - 6

Buried - 6

Hugo - 6

Being There - 6

Contagion - 6

Antichrist - 6

Source Code - 6

Haywire - 6

Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 6

The Descendants - 6

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - 6

We Need to Talk About Kevin - 5

The Adventures of Tin Tin - 5

The Hunger Games - 5

King of New York - 5


that's some generous scoring!

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bloody hell, you've been on a mission my dear boy, a catch up mission. You been busy these past months/couple of years and finally had some time off to just space ?

I watched all these over a period of a few months, so I'm only managing to watch about three films a week. I got a laptop, a new tv and only now have just started to download films and watch them through my tv..! I had a long list of films I wanted to watch though that's been increasing in size for the last five years, helped by the fact the video shop across the road is no longer and the nearest Blockbuster is too far away. Plus my work hours were cut in half..

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that's some generous scoring!


You think? Shit Attack is giving stuff like Magnolia only 3/10, Boogie Nights 4/10, Inglorious Basterds 4/10, is that normal for this thread? Hard to give a film below 5, I still enjoy some aspects of them.

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that's some generous scoring!


You think? Shit Attack is giving stuff like Magnolia only 3/10, Boogie Nights 4/10, Inglorious Basterds 4/10, is that normal for this thread? Hard to give a film below 5, I still enjoy some aspects of them.


looking again, i'd probably score 1 pt less for...



In Bruges - 9

Kill List -9

Drive - 8

Senna - 8

Winters Bone - 8

Scott Pilgrim vs the World - 8

The Fighter - 7

The Basketball Diaries - 7

A Serious Man - 7

Wild At Heart - 7

Animal Kingdom - 6

Super 8 - 6

Antichrist - 6

Source Code - 6

The Descendants - 6

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - 6



maybe i'm a hard-ass.

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The grey - fucking terrible out of ten. So many levels of terrible.

You were in alaska, where were the vistas. Why didn't you establish repore before dropping friendship and or spying reverie. Who gives a fuck about the rememberence campfire head phaze.


stupid arse, they must have been someone's cousin so they all got the gig that way film


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Solaris (1972) - 8/10 - flawed greatness

Stalker - 9/10 - pretty great

The mirror/zerkalo - 5/10 - some greatness, some boredom


does not compute numerically

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