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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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I watched Dean Spanley again. Very rarely do I watch the same film back to back but it is really a great film... bloody awful ending though. They should have cut it off at an even hour 30.

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big river man - ?/10... i'm not sure, but i think it's waaay below 5/10. i want to know how there are people on this planet that really think this is good in any way.

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Guest Al Hounos

They Live - Cheesy and heavy-handed, but those are its charms. However, the ridiculous never-ending fight in the alley had me wondering if the scene was some sort of parody. 7/10


Barry Lyndon - A film made with the same refinement, restraint and calm beauty of the period it documents. 8.6/10

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They Live - Cheesy and heavy-handed, but those are its charms. However, the ridiculous never-ending fight in the alley had me wondering if the scene was some sort of parody. 7/10


man that fight scene had me ROLLING the 1st time I saw that.

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District 9: I should stay clear of these sort of movies. What a load of bollocks.


The Limits of Control: Rather liked this. Will surely watch it again soon.

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jg ballard had an excellent take on it, worth reading if you have the time - link




if by excellent take you mean he tenuously connects all previous cronenburg movies to meet his flimsy interpretation then just basically lazily runs through the sequence of events that take place in this film then yeah.... excellent...


that is one pointless review, that has the bonus of pretty much telling the potential viewer exactly what happens before they watch it..

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jg ballard had an excellent take on it, worth reading if you have the time - link




if by excellent take you mean he tenuously connects all previous cronenburg movies to meet his flimsy interpretation then just basically lazily runs through the sequence of events that take place in this film then yeah.... excellent...


that is one pointless review, that has the bonus of pretty much telling the potential viewer exactly what happens before they watch it..


well i enjoyed reading it. and id hardly call his interpretation flimsy. how is it flimsy? im sure cronenberg himself would agree with most of ballards interpretation.

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Le Mépris - 8/10 - An excellent film of typical ironic Godard fashion. I definitely need to watch it a few more time before I come to any real consensus.

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Le Mépris - 8/10 - An excellent film of typical ironic Godard fashion. I definitely need to watch it a few more time before I come to any real consensus.


its been ages since ive seen it but the end shot still stays with me.

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ahh im jealous. ill be getting a blu ray player quite soon tho. my hdtv is only 22 inches but im going to start a massive blu ray collection :)

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It's a good time to start... I'm finding a lot of my Blu Rays cheaper then DVD thanks to Amazon. I grabbed Raging Bull, Bullitt, The Getaway, and Casino all for $7-9 a piece on my last rampage. It's ridiculous.... not to mention a bunch of Criterion Collections for $17.


Though Le Mépris was an 720 HD rip that I downloaded. I know Criterion said that it was going to be one of the first films they were releasing on Blu Ray which I will buy when they do eventually release it, but I guess priorities were reexamined.

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i watched citizen kane yesterday for the first time. i don't see why it's the top movie of all time, but it is very good in terms of cinematography, set design, acting... pretty much everything. i hated the ending.

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