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Guest Bramsworth

I like how AFX - Canticle Drawl (Alt. Version) is put on as if it's a real track. It so sounds like it's probably the very beginning when rich was coming up with the idea by accident by hitting stuff on his keyboard lol


Nice though since I love seeing how a song develops, and he made..quite a huge development out of just a few chords(or notes..)

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i could easily see somebody clueless distributing FLAC versions of these wavs but encoded at the wrong speed (ie: setting them as 44.1 khz instead of 48)

i'd like to think that was an intentional aphex twin prank

Edited by Awepittance
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i could easily see somebody clueless distributing FLAC versions of these wavs but encoded at the wrong speed (ie: setting them as 44.1 khz instead of 48)

i'd like to think that was an intentional aphex twin prank


has to be.

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this is great news, although i really do wish they were with it like other labels and did this 7 years ago, better late than never i guess

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Anybody could just record the sound from their soundcard anyways through Goldwave or something. Plus you're getting them for free on the site by listening to them to begin with, they probably don't care.


I would buy this in a heartbeat...if all the unreleased stuff was all on one disc. All these multiple releases just screams "we need to find the best way to squeeze as much from the fans as possible" vibe to it :(


Considering most people didn't buy the Analords in the first place cause they were limited pressed on vinyl only... I don't mind this at all. I will be pissed if AFX just gets fat and happy eventually financially and decides to never release new music again. But until then, I really don't give a shit if he charges double for his music.


You've got a point... I'm a hypocrite since I've only ever heard the Lords on Anal through downloads only. :(


Yeah thats my thinking too - when the Analords were coming out in 2005 tons of people just got them from slsk because they were vinyl only. And buying a copy of chosen lords when that came out doesn't really make up for that. I think what Rephlex is doing here is a smart idea.


edit: I mean, the original Analord series was like 43 separate tracks or something - thats like a quadruple album, worth paying a bit of money for.

Edited by zazen
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I want the new Wisp on cd!! or vinyl..


Is that ever gonna happen?

from the other thread

From Wisps Myspace -

"the record is a collection of new and old (anywhere between 2003 and 2009) tracks, made available for your downloading pleasure. Hard copy to follow, but for now, enjoy the wonders of instant data retrieval."


so looks like.

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Rephlex sucks at preventing piracy, the URLs to the preview mp3s (the whole tunes encoded in V4) are findable in the page's source.


We're not worried about this to be honest. We originally had it so you could download the preview tracks in full anyway. These tracks are only 64kbps and very low in quality (even tho they sound great)

Most people have pirated Rephlex material anyway. But you can't get to the high quality MP3's or WAVs. We might scrap the flash player and just have downloadable preview clips anyway.


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