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dunno if this has been mentioned yet, but no joke, the cd in the Skyrim Soundtrack entitled "Atmospheres" is gorgeous. Jeremy Soule really deserves to be an ambient legend.




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The most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. This one's by deathprod, not biosphere btw. The whole album is great (and very pretty, check out warp - warble) and so is deathprod's work, albeit quite dark.


I thought that one was by Geir. Well, I learn something new everyday. And yeah, beautiful song.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right, I've listened to my fair share but it's really getting into me right now. Maybe a few suggestions is all I'm after. I feel my ambient range is limiting me to a certain few and I'd like to expand my knowledge. I'm gonna post a few vids and would love to hear your recommendations to where I should go next.


Right, lets go (in no particular order).....


I find myself coming back to this track again and again. The perfect narrating mixed with the gorgeous backing works together so well. I find myself repeating the first minute over and over


Another from Fast Asleep, a truly beautiful sound



It's hard to pick just one from this album as several are equally amazing. Why I haven't heard much talk about Flumina on here I'll never know.



Ok, just one more from Flumina.



It's hard to pick one from 'Eager to ...' but, there you go.


Maybe an obvious choice but it seems to work wonders on a tarnished brain. This can flip my thoughts and feelings in an instant.


Well that's a few of what I'm really feeling at the moment. I'd appreciate some input from some well traveled ambient lovers.


Yes I know there's plenty of other ambient type threads. But this is another one. If you don't like it fuck right off.


Thanks a lot you beauties.


Much love.

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And my comment is backed up by pretty much every single song they've ever made. But particularly this one:




and this one




and many others but just download their two most recent albums and Ballasted Orchestra because those are the creme of the creme of the crop.

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Just nabbed last night. Great comedown. Panabrite - The Baroque Atrium





Not sure if those are the best ones but just the track order of the album.

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Yeah really pleased with The Baroque Atrium. Suite (For Winnie And Roxy) is the shit. Year of Panabrite!












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  • 2 months later...
btw what's the best album by celer, iyo?


Engaged Touches (especially the expanded version) and An Immensity Merely To Save Life are great. You can check it all out here:




Also, not enough for love for the 12k Label on WATMM:
















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just popped in to suggest these two. both groups have spectacular albums among their repertoire, but these both have resulted in long walks while listening on repeat. particularly the deaf center track.


not really the most electronic of ambient tracks, but fucking incredible.





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great suggestions, though I actually enjoy more Erik Skodvin solo stuff. All of his albums are incredibly* dark and good, like folk dark ambient:

a correction


atop, great! never heard of them! thx

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