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bands that are mega hyped


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Guest Renivatio




Lady Gaga

Grizzly Bear

and i agree with awepittance, i think glitchmob sucks royal ass

Sunn O)))


John Mayer



that is all

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I do enjoy Tobacco though, a side project of one of the guys from Black Moth Super Rainbow. Don't love it, but it's not bad.


Also on Fever Ray/The Knife - I enjoy The Knife. Sure they have a few cheesy songs, as do most of our lovely IDM artists and other bands we like. But what I want to say is that I'm surprised people are saying Fever Ray sounds just like The Knife...really? I've only heard one or two Fever Ray singles but they weren't at all like The Knife. Maybe certain Knife songs, but definitely not the stereotypical Knife song. Maybe I should just listen to the album and shut up. :facepalm:

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Well, I'm just going off a handful of songs from each project. There are probably some differences, but not ones that make me think "hey, this is clearly a song by The Knife and not Fever Ray". If I spent some time with each album perhaps I'd change my opinion, but there's way too much other good new music that needs some lovin' first.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Autechre, I used to have a broken fridge and the cooler made a noise that could quite easily fit into any of their albums.

Daft Punk, Ed Banger or any French house all seem to make dull little repetitive tunes for Austrailian back-packers.

Killing Joke just sound like ghey indie to me.

Ive never heard any dub step that left me anything other than bored.

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if you can't see that Black moth super rainbow is directly influenced by the lofi downtempo aesthetics of boards of canada i dont know what to tell you. its pretty obvious to me how big of an influence BOC has had in general (rock music, pop music especially, Broadcast and Focus Group may not exsist if it wasnt for BOC opening the door on library music esque evocative tunes) and its not just down tempo hiphopish electronic music, it is a very specific tailored sound


Totally. I like BMSR ok but it's all the same (Tobacco's solo stuff too).


And I agree they as well as Animal Collective and Deerhunter spawned even more meh hipster projects/groups of the same kitschy post-BoC aesthetic...Neon Indian, Washed Out, Memory Tapes. I've listened to them and they're ok, but they come across as so damn unoriginal and pretentious.


And Wavves just sucks. Same with Vivian Girls. Fuck lazy lo-fi.


I'm surprised no one's mentioned Panda Bear. To be fair, I didn't get past the first four songs, but it seemed so substanceless to me that I was actually kind of disturbed... though maybe that's a sign that it's worth giving another listen since it's weird to be effected that much by music. I'm of the camp that really liked Merriwether Post Pavilion but can't get into anything else AC's done. But I'll admit it's culminated into something pretty awesome.


Me too, but I guess he falls under Animal collective.

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I like Melvins and Isis quite a bit, Pelican to an extent. I've tried some Neurosis and haven't really gotten into them. I'm not a fan of sludge for the most part (I like the less sludgy Melvins), and don't care for black metal or drone.


I hear ya, metal's diverse but I definately lean to sludge or doom, which most "post-metal" seems to crossover with.


Are you a death or prog fan by any chance? I always hear Opeth is the shit when it comes to more technical and clean metal.

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Autechre, I used to have a broken fridge and the cooler made a noise that could quite easily fit into any of their albums.



Yeah I really appreciate earlier Autechre. But after I really got a chance to mess with a nord modular in depth, I was like "oh...wow...I just made an autechre album...hmm"


Still respect em tho.

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I like Melvins and Isis quite a bit, Pelican to an extent. I've tried some Neurosis and haven't really gotten into them. I'm not a fan of sludge for the most part (I like the less sludgy Melvins), and don't care for black metal or drone.


I hear ya, metal's diverse but I definately lean to sludge or doom, which most "post-metal" seems to crossover with.


Are you a death or prog fan by any chance? I always hear Opeth is the shit when it comes to more technical and clean metal.

Prog yes, death no. I've tried a little Opeth, but it hasn't done much for me. Maybe too clean, dunno. I'm picky with vocalists too, a singer I don't like is enough for me to dismiss a band.

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Burial I think is ok but definitely over hyped... I've only heard Untrue but every song on that album is exactly the same. It's a nice formula but 50 minutes of it is a bit much, usually I just listen to Archangel.


I love Animal Collective but I do think that Merriwether is over hyped... again, all the songs are a bit too similar to each other for my liking. When they played them live there was a much more dynamic range between them, then they kinda made them all samey for the studio version. But I still think it's good... just far from their best (I still stand by Feels).


And I never really liked Person Pitch.


But they're still awesome.


I used to really like Tool. I find music that's a little on the darker/melancholy side of things boring these days. I much prefer happier music usually. Depends on the band/artist tho.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Killing Joke just sound like ghey indie to me.

Really? Based on what album(s)?



In the 80's I just wanted to listen to Crass and Black Flag, Killing Joke were cold bakes bean from a can student music to my ears.

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Yeah I really appreciate earlier Autechre. But after I really got a chance to mess with a nord modular in depth, I was like "oh...wow...I just made an autechre album...hmm"


haha i call bullshit

BS that i still respect Autechre or that it's easy to make generative patches like theirs?


I wasn't trying to say I "made an autechre album" completely and perfectly, just sayin'... it doesn't seem that hard (to sound similar to them) after using the seq. and various other nord modules.


either way :cisfor:

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Aphex Twin, there's some good stuff there but I just can't get on with his stuff, it's just not my thing I guess. Oh, and most Boards of Canada is boring.

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Kanye West


Lady Gaga




I'm also wondering what the hype for Fever Ray is based on. I like The Knife's Silent Shout, but the Fever Ray album just fails to grab me.

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Aphex Twin, there's some good stuff there but I just can't get on with his stuff, it's just not my thing I guess.



I think at least half of what Richard D James makes is a complete waste of time, and the rest is some of the best music ever made. I very rarely listen to I Care Because You Do but Richard D James album is faaaaantastic!


When I first got SAW II I also hardly ever listened to it. Then one day I decided to narrow it down to 70 minutes, taking out all the tracks I don't like and I listen to that ALL THE TIME.

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Aphex Twin, there's some good stuff there but I just can't get on with his stuff, it's just not my thing I guess.



I think at least half of what Richard D James makes is a complete waste of time, and the rest is some of the best music ever made. I very rarely listen to I Care Because You Do but Richard D James album is faaaaantastic!


When I first got SAW II I also hardly ever listened to it. Then one day I decided to narrow it down to 70 minutes, taking out all the tracks I don't like and I listen to that ALL THE TIME.


also this is a good idea im gonna try it

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Aphex Twin, there's some good stuff there but I just can't get on with his stuff, it's just not my thing I guess.


I think at least half of what Richard D James makes is a complete waste of time, and the rest is some of the best music ever made. I very rarely listen to I Care Because You Do but Richard D James album is faaaaantastic!

I basically feel the same.


I think the reason so many people 'LOVE' Aphex Twin is because he was their gateway into IDM and/or experimental electronic music (I'm including myself in that statement). And he was an inspiration to so many other musicians I enjoy, so I guess I'll always consider him a favorite. But you can't deny some of his stuff is weak.

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I don't really see how you can compare The Melvins with Tool.

And honestly, Enter the 36 Chambers and Illmatic overhyped? WTF is wrong with you people.




Bands that are overhyped (and that aren't mainstream rock/pop acts):

the Pixies

Nine Inch Nails (ok I guess they're fairly mainstream)


I dunno, too tired to think of more.

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REM is a mainstream rock/pop act. I don't really feel they're overhyped...popular, but I wouldn't say there's huge hype surrounding them. They have their fair share of haters. I like about half of their stuff, maybe closer to 1/3. The good stuff is very solid though.


I agree with Pixies...good but overhyped.

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Well that's one of the cool things about Tool. When it seems like there is nothing happening, there is usually quite a bit happening due to different time signatures and almost off beat rhythms. Playing guitar or drums along with Tool really sinks this in, as you can be playing something seemingly simple, but it makes me feel really on edge and super focused to stay within the correct pattern and rhythm, on even simple things. However, I agree, it is quite a different experience for the listener, and not always that entertaining.

ever since i got into king crimson, i've found that they do the complex riffs thing better than tool. maybe that's why i tired of them hehe.


just thought of one more-


Sunn O))). For all the droney metal out there i have no idea why this band is the most popular, plus the fact that they stole their logo from an amp brand is kind of stupid


they're pretty fucking amazing live! and black one is a masterpiece.


shit how could i forget Daft punk, thanks for reminding me

yes! oh fuck.


REM started off life as a college/indie band, and in the 90s Peter Stipe was hailed as the second coming.

lol peter stipe?

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