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The Hobbit loses Guillermo Del Toro

Rubin Farr

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lol yeah there's no other director in the world capable of directing it.



(note: italics used to denote INTENSE SARCASM)

edited for notes.

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yes. Cuaron is brilliant, he should do more.

more good movies like y tu mama and children of men less bad movies like azkaban


I didn't see Azkaban, but agreed about the other two. I still don't know why people seem to bust a nut over Del Toro, Iñárritu, and Rodriguez, but give Cuaron less acclaim. I like Del Toro's taste - he likes some of the same artists and films I do - but as a filmmaker he's pretty hit or miss. Iñárritu is uninspired, and Rodriguez is good at what he does but doesn't aim very high. Cuaron is the only one where I feel "this guy has huge potential." Some of the shots in Children of Men were utterly brilliant.

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I love Cuaron. The prisoner of azkaban was tolerable mostly thanks to the director, I really don't like Harry Potter, but that one was pretty fun, he won me over. Some of the scenes in the Children of Men are fucking genius. I can't wait to see what happens when somebody hands him a good script. So yeah, guy needs to make more movies, it's a shame he gets no work.


Edit: oh. he directed great expectations :facepalm:

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am i the only person here who thought the second hellboy movie was a horrid piece of computer animated turd?


yeah, I know, haters only hate. :emotawesomepm9:


It was shit.


I mean...






Guillermo has made one brilliant movie and that one is Pan's Labyrinth.

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that's true, pan's labyrinth is pretty ace.. (i've yet to see the devil's backbone too)


Don't bother. I was really disappointed by it.


how so, does it show its age in a bad way?

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I like the original clash of the titans. Or stuff like clay . Stuff that takes work. CG is usually crap unless its like a cartoon.

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that's true, pan's labyrinth is pretty ace.. (i've yet to see the devil's backbone too)


Don't bother. I was really disappointed by it.


how so, does it show its age in a bad way?


It just seemed as if he had too many great ideas that they weren't able to create so the make-up ended up looking like crap and the story was fairly uninteresting. All in all, I don't think anyone should watch The Devil's Backbone after having watched Pan's Labyrinth. The other way around should work though.

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