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The Walking Dead - AMC TV Series (spoilers everywhere)

Rubin Farr

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I think there are 2 episodes left to this season


This is mid season, so there will be 8 more episodes to season 6 in October. Fear the Walking Dead resumes next week I think.

Season 7 starts in October.

My mistake

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it was us, the viewers, who got killed off the show in a brilliant sopranos-like ending. that was the last episode of the series obviously.


Yeah, i don't know what else should they do to throw me off finally (got addicted coz of comics - black & white! - and probably the first episode/season), even if they address me through the screen like fuck off already bitch ass escapist you eat our dicks. The problem i kinda liked the spin-off series in comparison.

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Just when I was easing up on my hate-watching, they pull me back in.


Bullshit finale on so many levels. It would be a waste of typing to go point by point.

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tbfqhymmv this is shit tv though.



edit: this and the midseason finale were the only eps I watched this season (this is also getting closing to where i dropped the comic). woeful stuff, mayne.

Edited by doublename
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lol @ people complaining about cliffhanger endings, have you heard of tv before?


There's so much cliffhanger after cliffhanger done so poor and dropped so instant it feels like there's no cliffs and no hangs anymore.

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tbfqhymmv this is shit tv though.

Shit TV that everyone still watches.





Walking Dead has to be the most watched show everyone moans about in recent memory.


Negan seems pretty cool, looking forward to the next season. Tried Fear the Walking Dead but the first episode was just really dull.

Edited by WeAreOceans
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Watched the first few minutes of FTWD. I fast forwarded to the end of the episode to see if anything happened. All the scenes looked the same from what I could tell through the forwarding. I miss anything?

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Starts off a few hours after where the last season ended.

They're on a beach at night time trying to get to some boat while zombies come at them.

L.A. is being bombed.

They get to the boat.

They pass a boat with people needing help... They keep going.

That teenage dude has his moms corpse with him not wanting to let go or something.

The teenage girl is using a cb radio to try and see if there are any survivors or people needing help.

They hold a burial at sea for dude's dead mom... he comes up and dumps her body in the water all pissed off like.

Teenage girl has a convo with someone on the radio

Strand gets pissed off at everyone and says shit like "My Boat... My Rules!"

Teenage dude and Druggie start swimming for whatever reason... Druggie get's confronted by a floating zombie, gets away and finds an overturned boat.

He goes in it and finds a log book... gets confronted by another zombie and he gets away.

(Overturned boat appear to have bullet holes in it)

There's an approaching boat coming at them at hi speeds... probably the guy the girl talked to on the radio.



The End...


OH... and they eat eel!



Edited by QBLA
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Starts off a few hours after where the last season ended.

They're on a beach at night time trying to get to some boat while zombies come at them.

L.A. is being bombed.

They get to the boat.

They pass a boat with people needing help... They keep going.

That teenage dude has his moms corpse with him not wanting to let go or something.

The teenage girl is using a cb radio to try and see if there are any survivors or people needing help.

They hold a burial at sea for dude's dead mom... he comes up and dumps her body in the water all pissed off like.

Teenage girl has a convo with someone on the radio

Strand gets pissed off at everyone and says shit like "My Boat... My Rules!"

Teenage dude and Druggie start swimming for whatever reason... Druggie get's confronted by a floating zombie, gets away and finds an overturned boat.

He goes in it and finds a log book... gets confronted by another zombie and he gets away.

(Overturned boat appear to have bullet holes in it)

There's an approaching boat coming at them at hi speeds... probably the guy the girl talked to on the radio.



The End...


OH... and they eat eel!




lol. Thanks for the recap, sorry for wasting minutes off your life typing that out brother.

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i'm sorry, but that FTWD premier last night sucked so bad. that was the most awkwardly directed & edited hour of tv that i have ever seen.


that beginning was so abrupt & confusing, i had to double check that i hadn't missed the first 20 minutes of the show. last time we saw them, everyones chilling in this gated mansion. season 2 starts and it's nightime, bombs are going off, half the group are on the boat, half the group are on the beach, zombies in the water, zombies on the beach, camera keeps jerking around so you can't tell what's going on... wtf? i kept waiting for the flashback scene to explain how everything got so shitty all the sudden.


the whole episode felt like a student film edited together by people who have no idea what they're doing, trying to meet some last minute deadline for their assignment. the pacing was so weird. just a sloppy mess. can't believe that made it to air like that.



lesson learned: swimming zombies can appear out of nowhere in crystal clear water in the daylight. so can capsized boats surrounded by debris.

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i'm sorry, but that FTWD premier last night sucked so bad. that was the most awkwardly directed & edited hour of tv that i have ever seen.


that beginning was so abrupt & confusing, i had to double check that i hadn't missed the first 20 minutes of the show. last time we saw them, everyones chilling in this gated mansion. season 2 starts and it's nightime, bombs are going off, half the group are on the boat, half the group are on the beach, zombies in the water, zombies on the beach, camera keeps jerking around so you can't tell what's going on... wtf? i kept waiting for the flashback scene to explain how everything got so shitty all the sudden.


the whole episode felt like a student film edited together by people who have no idea what they're doing, trying to meet some last minute deadline for their assignment. the pacing was so weird. just a sloppy mess. can't believe that made it to air like that.



lesson learned: swimming zombies can appear out of nowhere in crystal clear water in the daylight. so can capsized boats surrounded by debris.


I'm not sure if I'd describe just having shot my ex-wife in the brain as 'chilling out', but whatever. I liked the chaotic opening.


the capsized boat actually appeared out of fog, you could see it all around them when they jumped into the water. sea fog can happen at any time of day.

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I really gave up giving a fuck about the mess that was TWDSE06.


- poor pacing

- all-to-quick wrapping up of plot lines

- going nowhere characters (fr. whats-his-name)

- dumb-ass cliffhangers

- rehashed storylines

- pointless speaches

- odd char development (carol going awol)


Get a script lesson from Game of thrones guys and come back to me

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The trailer introduces King Ezekiel, an intimidating character to say the least, with his pet tiger Shiva. Held by a chain around her neck, Shiva roars to the camera but, rest easy, animal lovers, because Shiva is not an actual tiger. She is made of animatronics and CGIsince the show’s executive producer, Scott M. Gimple, didn’t think having a real tiger on set was a good idea.


because Shiva is not an actual tiger :facepalm:

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