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Brian Eno - Small Craft on a Milk Sea

Guest extherium

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Guest extherium

Got to agree with those of you here that say the collector's edition is a rip. An extra $350 for a copper plate and unique print... plus some companies (not suggesting Warp in particular) have a habit of reprinting supposed "limited" stock.


I really appreciate the aesthetics of it, but it's not really a fair deal.

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The price for the Collector's Edition does seem pretty steep. The price of these sort of things always ramps up as soon as they add "Signed" items into collectors sets. Probably the most unbelievable example I've seen to date would be this:


Grace Jones - 'Hurricane'


As for the normal "Limited" edition, sixty pounds is a fairly typical price tag attach to one of these vinyl+CD sets.


What irritates me is that they haven't uploaded even a render of what the Collector's Edition will look like.


The cover artwork reminds me a bit of the tDR cover for Brothomstates' 'Claro'.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Josh Berman of Warp Records described the album’s sound in an e-mail to Wired.com.



“This record swings from ambient droning tones to some up-tempo pieces featuring guitar work by Leo Abrahams and programming and various

sounds from composer and production whiz Jon Hopkins,” said Berman. “The whole thing has a rather ethereal vibe.”


thanks for bringing this.

it's quite enough for me to get it :music:

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Got to agree with those of you here that say the collector's edition is a rip. An extra $350 for a copper plate and unique print... plus some companies (not suggesting Warp in particular) have a habit of reprinting supposed "limited" stock.


I really appreciate the aesthetics of it, but it's not really a fair deal.


I guess it boils down to supply and demand. Apparently Warp thinks they're going to sell at this price, and they're probably right. The fact that they go for sale at a specific time online implies that some kind of scramble is expected to happen, or more cynically, they are trying to create the impression that there's going to be a scramble to entice people on the border to buy.


Personally, I think $450 is insane for a new album. You can buy a nice low-end synth for around $400, and you'll probably get a lot more utility out of that.

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mine too lol. but for me its vacation vs this release money wise so I will rather spend my time at the beach and listening to the mp3s lol. no to be honest its really a hard decision not to get the artwork right now even so I am not such a hardcore eno fan

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Nick Robertson has run the design company WORDSALAD for 10 years and works across many media from print to television.

Recent projects include: ‘7 Million Paintings’ software and exhibitions and other work with Brian Eno; exhibitions, television,

book jackets and the proposal for a new London monument with Peter Ackroyd; ‘Picture of Britain’, ‘Around the world in 80

Treasures’, ‘Francesco’s Italy and The Romantics’ with BBC arts and work with MTV, Warner Music, Virgin, Penguin books, ICA,

Channel 4 and Real World records, to name but a few. He has clients all over the world and has recently set up a

company (Lumen London) to explore the idea of published art.

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OT I know but all the title makes me think of is an album my friend David did called "Waist Deep Seas Of Milk". Not sure why that puts me off but it does.

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Does it bother anyone that they are promoting all this limited edition nonsense with screen shots of artwork and packaging and talk of Eno signed prints and etched copper plates and yet, there is nowhere on the internet where one can listen to even the tiniest sample of the music?

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Does it bother anyone that they are promoting all this limited edition nonsense with screen shots of artwork and packaging and talk of Eno signed prints and etched copper plates and yet, there is nowhere on the internet where one can listen to even the tiniest sample of the music?

it's cause the music is going to be bunk

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Guest Greg Reason

I saw Eno's 7 Million Paintings installation at the Sydney Opera House, it was a bunch of rubbish. Tacky as fuck.


This whole boxed set looks absolutely wonderful though, I must say. I couldn't justify the vast expense but it certainly looks delightful.


It is funny how little mention has been made of the music though :emotawesomepm9: I'm sure it'll sound ok....

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Guest Calx Sherbet

The music WILL come, people. And lol at complaining about the price of the high end box. It's an original piece of art for god's sake.

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seriously bipolar thread, this. my prediction;


there will be a constant undercurrent of a sound similar to his recent live shows with the necks as the backing band


which is ooooookay by me


and there will be a few tracks which wouldn't be out of place on another day on earth



there will be two, maybe three tracks with vocals



and it will close with a beautiful, sparse, elegaic track with only two instruments, or else just one instrument and voice



the use of reverb on the album will be incredible. i have a feeling it's going to be the best eno in a while, regardless

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Guest extherium

Aaaand tracklist:


1. “Emerald and Lime”

2. “Complex Heaven”

3. “Small Craft on a Milk Sea”

4. “Flint March”

5. “Horse”

6. “2 Forms of Anger”

7. “Bone Jump”

8. “Dust Shuffle”

9. “Paleosonic”

10. “Slow Ice, Old Moon”

11. “Lesser Heaven”

12. “Calcium Needles”

13. “Emerald and Stone”

14. “Written, Forgotten”

15. “Late Anthropocene”

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£60 to get this on vinyl? Oh, it's in fancy packaging?


Warp are taking the piss.


They had better not pull these shenanigans when the next releases come out by their major artists.


It's not just the money that's an issue for me, either. I bought Oversteps, and I really can't be arsed getting it off the shelf because all the packaging makes it too much of a chore to play. It takes up too much space on my shelves too. You can buy sealed copies for £10 less than the list price on discogs, and I see plenty of unsold copies in shops, so I'm guessing that it didn't do amazingly well.


I would have bought the Eno album if it had been £18 and in a well-made, regular cover. I really hope that this Eno album and Oversteps aren't setting a precedent for future Warp releases.

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£60 to get this on vinyl? Oh, it's in fancy packaging?


Warp are taking the piss.


They had better not pull these shenanigans when the next releases come out by their major artists.


It's not just the money that's an issue for me, either. I bought Oversteps, and I really can't be arsed getting it off the shelf because all the packaging makes it too much of a chore to play. It takes up too much space on my shelves too. You can buy sealed copies for £10 less than the list price on discogs, and I see plenty of unsold copies in shops, so I'm guessing that it didn't do amazingly well.


I would have bought the Eno album if it had been £18 and in a well-made, regular cover. I really hope that this Eno album and Oversteps aren't setting a precedent for future Warp releases.


I am sure it does. be prepared for signed boc with paintings for $500

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I'm not soooooooo anal at getting these little titbits that don't mean an awful lot to me, so I'll be ordering the standard CD. If it comes to it and the boxset is worth an extra £250 IMO then so be it. But before seeing it from a pretty good view I won't risk it.

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Guest ruiagnelo

at this point, if the cd only version has the same artwork i would be more than happy.


€ 350.00 is just a surreal price for something we haven't heard a single sample from yet.

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