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In more Ridley-related news, it's been revealed that Scott will be starting on the sequel to Blade Runner in 2013/14, and "takes place some years after the events of the first film" and "stars a female protagonist". Harrison Ford is not set to appear in the film.


One of the original writers is back to pen the sequel, but I hope to god it's a self-contained story in that universe and makes few, if any references to the first film.

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i was pissed at the avengers trailer for spoiling the hulk catch out of context since it's sort of an emotional spike in the actual film. no reason why that needed to be in the trailer.


money is a hell of a drug, they don't give a shit about being respectful to the audience, they just want as many of their asses in the seats on opening day


not to rain on the parade guys, but ALL the posters for prometheus so far have been cheesy as fuck, i still don't 'buy' the giant human statue head, it looks fucking cheesy. VERY AVP, and in some ways even worse, at least the inside of the pyramid in AVP didn't have a super polystyrene head floating inthe fucking middle.



edit: plus stringer bell from the Wire doing a southern accent, Let's just say nicely, that he's no Dominic West. his lines in the trailer sound probably worse than Peter Sellers in his cut role from Dr Strangelove, before he was replaced with Slim Pickens

Edited by Awepittance
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Guest zaphod

i'm not convinced that sold more tickets. it was a guaranteed blockbuster. but i see what you're saying.

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Holy shit guys it's just a silly poster.


Also I am lolling at people who think they know how the whole movie goes based on some trailers. But I do agree they have been showing too much in all of the promotional materials.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Hay noob, I've read the leaked plot and from the trailers it seems like it's probably quite close to completely accurate IE the trailers are giving 75% of the plot away. Take your noob opinions somewhere else, you're out of element.


You're also out of your element!.. Donny!

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So you implicitly acknowledge that for a noob (someone who hasn't read the leaked plot) the trailer just looks like a bunch of explosions and some other SF things? Isn't that what a trailer is supposed to be? Showing people what they can expect?


I'm seriously wondering whether all these rants are made by people with (obviously) a lot of background knowledge about the story, but who can't empathize with the people who lack that knowledge. Which just happen to be 95% of the people who are going to see this movie. You know, the masses.


For the masses these trailers are good. For the noobs these trailers tell enough about what they can expect, in a way where it raises more questions when it comes to the plot. The fact that some people have read some leaked plot disqualifies them to have any judgments about the trailers, if you ask me. Especially when they have lost track of the noobish mindset of the masses. At least, that's what it looks like to me.


And given the relationship with the Alien universe, most of the plot shouldn't be a surprise anyways. It's a scary sci-fi movie with explosions. What do you expect?

Edited by goDel
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Guest Shit Attack

mmm the problem with the trailer(s) seems to be, well first of all there was too many of them but it also looks not just like a preview of what you could expect from the movie but it looks like (from what i can tell anyway) a condensed 90 second version of almost everything that happens in the movie and it dosent help that internet helps people analyse it in great detail too with little animations + stuff .

so would be very surprised if i cant guess pretty much the whole plot (having not even read much about it) + most things that happen in it just fromthe trailer . Of course it would be cool if they knew that and were just trying to trick us too or something, that would be cool .

As for that poster it does look cheesy + basically is just saying " LOOK ! EXPLOSIONS + CHARLIZE THERON " you just feel that they are treating you like idiots or something. check out the original alien trailer for a comparison where they actually took time to make it look cool + not just ram it down your throat, made it seem mysterious or whatever . anyways having said this it dosent matter much + will still go watch it. dont have to watch the trailers if you dont want to

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yeah godel, i was thinking something similar to that. i mean, the trailers aren't particularly mysterious like the Alien one but if you saw one of the Prometheus trailers just once or twice rather than re-watching and analysing every trailer, i don't think it would spoil much... (maybe the UK trailer might a little bit, i think there was a lot of dialogue that explained stuff, but i only saw it once and i've forgotten what was in it now). one person might see an explosion and someone screaming, and that's all they'll see, whereas an obsessive will think omg pivotal plot shit ruined... and indeed it does seem like a few of the people who are upset about the revealing trailer have also read the leaked plot summary. which is just silly.


i could have just said ''i agree'' really. oh well.

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i just noticed that in Germany, the movie's full name is "Prometheus - Dunkle Zeichen", which translates to "Dark Signs".


Dark. Signs.







edit: it's also set to be released in August around here, when it'll be old hat everywhere else.

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might be. everything gets dubbed here, but they usually screen original versions too. I guess stuff like that is entirely up to the film's local distributor, sucks.

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might be. everything gets dubbed here, but they usually screen original versions too. I guess stuff like that is entirely up to the film's local distributor, sucks.


That's a positive evolution though. There's so much that you miss when seeing a dubbed movie or series. Most of the time the voice actors have to 'act' some character into the voice, making it sound bland or silly. Luckily we get the originals in Flanders.

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I think they've really tried to drive home the fact that this isn't an Alien film so the masses won't come out of the cinema disappointed that there's no face huggers ect which could give the film bad press, sadly this has meant giving most of the plot away which only leaves Ridley's cinematography and joining the dots to the story the only things to look forward to.





and I've just have ordered a Nostromo t-shirt for the day at the cinema (just like the one in Chronicle) :blush:

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That what you guys get for insisting on an R rating, now they have to make their cash in other ways.


I hear in one pivotal scene, Noomi Rapace's character distracts a proto-facehugger by getting it to nurse on a frosty can of Coors

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might be. everything gets dubbed here, but they usually screen original versions too. I guess stuff like that is entirely up to the film's local distributor, sucks.


I love german dubs, but only in movies that involve frequent use of the word spritzen

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i actually like Coors, for the record. but that commercial is ridiculous.


also, this interview is interesting. an hour with Damon Lindelof about Prometheus, Lost, and a little about Avengers/other shit. http://www.theverge.com/2012/5/21/3034664/damon-lindelof-extended-interview-On-The-Verge-episode-006

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