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screengrab from the extras section of the bluray "enhancement pods", pertaining to the part of the film where the linguist hologram is teaching David to speak the language of the Engineers.


and yes, it's of course an easter egg



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a less headline tantilising version of the 'news'


The fate of a Prometheus sequel is likely being decided as we speak…on Blu-ray shelves nationwide. Ridley Scott‘s return to the Alien universe just came out on Blu-ray after its slightly disappointing U.S box office, grossing just over $126 million. When combined with its international take, though, the film was a moderate hit, grossing just over $400 million. That’s not a number that guarantees a follow up but the movie has generated a ton of discussion and a strong showing in the home market would surely help the sequel’s case immensely.
Edited by oscillik
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so they replaced the alien eggs with easter eggs?


is that a reference to the resurrection of jesus? alien reseurrection. the word resurrection sort of has erection in it. in prometheus there are some deep throating scenes. so is repace's character, forgot her name, like mary mother of jesus being impregnated by an alien?














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screengrab from the extras section of the bluray "enhancement pods", pertaining to the part of the film where the linguist hologram is teaching David to speak the language of the Engineers.


and yes, it's of course an easter egg




does the translation make any sense?

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finally saw this for the first time last night.


wow... that was prettty bad. i went into it pretty neutral but it was way worse than i expected.

...which is a shame because it was a great looking film. the sound design was excellent, too.



if you stripped out all the dialog, slowed down the pace a bit, and replaced the soundtrack with some of the darker 'selected ambient works 2' style tracks... it would be a great film.

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After seeing this for the second time at home, it's definitely not as engaging as it was for me on my first viewing in 3D. Primarily I felt that it lacked in atmosphere more which is the strongest aspect of the film. I would agree it suffers a bit from the music which felt more like a comic book score than sci-fi. Visually refreshing definitely and definitely something I will re-visit when I can watch 3D at home on nice screen real-estate. The dialogues main problem was it felt inconsistent in tone. Seemed like it was trying to be too many different things and unfolded anti-climatically (tho I could see that as on purpose to impose the obvious disappointment of man's "biggest questions" pursuit).

Edited by compson
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I remember being really surprised at how carefully the trailer was edited to make it look like it was going to be a much better movie.

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I watched half of it again the other day with two friends. We tore that movie a new asshole. There are so many things that make absolutely no sense, but the worst is probably the cave they're running around in. The geologist and that other guy gets lost in the cave, which is quite an accomplishment, because on the 3D map it looks like it's just one long cave.

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They should have gotten the geologist to go back and check something and then have trouble with the beasties. That way he and his mate would be separated from the group as they wanted. Anyway, like i said in my review, he couldn't have gotten lost as he was the guy with the scanning bots, which he should have had an interface for. This map making part of his job actually could have been a reason to separate him from the group, to get killed.

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whose dumb idea was it to have the geologist and the biologist in there anyway?

Their death scene is the worst part in the movie, like Jurassic-Park-2-bad. Also these magical 3d scanners, they're called what, pups? puppies? "hhooooooooowwllll" fuck this.

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I thought the pups and mapping was cool as shit but yea, if you are making maps you can't get lost especially when there is some watching it from the ship.


Charlize's death was the most cringeworthy. if you can out run a plummeting spacecraft then surely you can go left or right and actually run away from it.


were they trying to get at that these alien creatures were actually evolving because of the human interaction? like they went from snakes to huge squids to xenomorphs in a few days?



I loved the look of everything though even if it was very clean. all the graphics were cool as shit especially the engineers galaxy maps. I could have spanked to that.

Edited by jules
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Almost 90 pages about a movie where the gist of the posts is about how crap it is. You guys have some determination to focus on things you don't like! Wow. Seriously. Wow.


I'm not sure what the point is, but obviously it's a good way to spend some time on the internet. Having a collective crap on something in the cloud. It's a binding thing obviously. Look how much we agree on how crap something is. But the thing has been released in may. Is the point near when we can agree on hating something else? I'm sure pretty much everything what needed to be said has been said by now. And I'm (obviously) getting to the point where I get the urge to take a huge crap on this thread.


*tries to take a crap but drops a sissy fart instead*

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Almost 90 pages about a movie where the gist of the posts is about how crap it is. You guys have some determination to focus on things you don't like! Wow. Seriously. Wow.


I'm not sure what the point is, but obviously it's a good way to spend some time on the internet. Having a collective crap on something in the cloud. It's a binding thing obviously. Look how much we agree on how crap something is. But the thing has been released in may. Is the point near when we can agree on hating something else? I'm sure pretty much everything what needed to be said has been said by now. And I'm (obviously) getting to the point where I get the urge to take a huge crap on this thread.


*tries to take a crap but drops a sissy fart instead*


I didn't watch it in may. I watched it this past week.


Also, ,..


I loved the look of everything though even if it was very clean. all the graphics were cool as shit especially the engineers galaxy maps. I could have spanked to that.


Overall i liked this film cause it looked amazing. And i'm starved for big budget sci-fi.

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New rule: only hipsters are allowed to nag and bitch on this forum. The plebs can watch and suck it whenever they finally catch up with the reality. There should be no special treatment for the mods. But I do think the mods should be the uber-hipsters on this board, delet...

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Guest Mirezzi

I'm sure I've missed far too much of this discussion to see references to Mass Effect, but this movie felt like the equivalent of Children of Men, a blatant video game ripoff or if we're being generous, "homage."

If you took a handsome dose of stupid pills and managed to suspend your disbelief, it was enjoyable.


Failing that, it sucked.

 I took the just about the right dosage and managed to almost like it.


I wrote the following comments on Facebook:

Prometheus was a little silly and a little Lindelofian, but nowhere near as bad as I was led to believe.It was transparently set up for a sequel, but hey, I'm intrigued enough to watch the sequel...on blu-ray anyhow.


Later, in response to a friend who watched it twice but hated all over it:



Obviously you liked its badness enough to see it twice. It's kinda campy like 70's sci-fi and let's be honest, some of us oldies are a bit nostalgic and revisionist about Alien / Aliens. They're filled with cheese, too. I think contemporary audiences are just far less forgiving. We're also spoiled by television shows. I watched Prometheus and thought, this would have made a good TV series. They could have spent three seasons on that narrative throughline.


Another friend referenced Boyle's Sunshine, which is pretty damned accurate. Whether the Scott fans like it or not, Prometheus is in the same conversation with Sunshine, Event Horizon, Alien Resurrection, and Starship Troopers. Its attempts at intellectual subject matters are worthy of Saturday Night Live and ultimately, their successes are built on slasher film or even camp conventions.


Due to its use of dirty old film stock and tangible / physical Stan Winston creations, I will always prefer Aliens. It was just so direct and honest about its intentions. 1. We're gonna scare the shit out of you. 2. We're gonna deliver a few lols. 3. The action is epic. 4. It's not over until the credits roll.

Edited by The Overlook
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In short: I can't wait how the story develops in the next part. The movie will be as amusing as the first (yes, I do see it as a first in a new series, as opposed to a prequel). And the nagging and bitching likewise.

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New rule: only hipsters are allowed to nag and bitch on this forum. The plebs can watch and suck it whenever they finally catch up with the reality. There should be no special treatment for the mods. But I do think the mods should be the uber-hipsters on this board, delet...


So .. i've got carte blanche to moan, as long as i attach the tittle uber hipster to my name ? .. hrmm, that's a tough one.

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You say it like the attachment is the hardest part. I hope you realise there's more to it than just being able to live with the hipster stigma. You also have to be all nazi about all things hip. Before everyone. Or at least 30 years later, when everyone has lost all memory about it.

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