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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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what line of inquiry was your thesis to cover, what were you studying? Maybe talking through it will get you back on track eugene. It's mother's day after all ...

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what line of inquiry was your thesis to cover, what were you studying? Maybe talking through it will get you back on track eugene. It's mother's day after all ...

and here i was hoping you'd be willing to assist me with fwp #3 :spiteful:

the thesis, well i can tackle pretty much any sociological issue i desire but im generally focusing on "society and technology" and more specifically the interwebs, from a qualitative angle though. i did a small paper about reddit's world news subforum and its inner processes of gate-keeping (ie, filtering of information via grading of the content thus affecting its appearance location, whether it'll appear at the top (high view count) or get "buried", the whole idea of reddit is basically crowd-sourced gate-keeping). there are obvious, demographic and cultural determinants that'll affect what content will appear on reddit and how it'll be graded but i tried to show how reddit's inner culture and its actual "physical" interface come into play. empirically that paper was utter shit but the prof liked the idea anyway, so im thinking about continuing with such ideas more seriously maybe, not necessarily on reddit of course.

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Stupid, road construction project has shut down the main interstate route on the way to visit my mom... All other routes either go many miles out of the way before coming back, or are really swamped with detour traffic. Making what should be a 20min drive into about an hour's drive. Not dealing with that, so I'll bring her her gift later this week.

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My wife's seasonal allergies are killing me - she easily clears 100dB in 5-6 sneeze bursts... and they're all 5-6 sneeze bursts. Pretty sure the jarring surprise impact to the nerves is taking 15-minutes at a time off my lifespan. Won't dare suggest she cover up / muffle when she anticipates an attack (for fear of the immediate 'insensitive monster' verdict > open-ended stay in the doghouse), even though she's perfectly capable of it as demonstrated around our napping 1-y.o., mixed company, etc.

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just tell her to cover her mouth you pussy. I have allergies and didn't need to go to deportment classes in a swiss finishing school to figure that i should cover my mouth. It's just good manners, and stops the place from being covered in a thin film of mucus. And perhaps she will be embarassed and see your side of things eh ?

earplugs. ^^


heh ;-]

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what line of inquiry was your thesis to cover, what were you studying? Maybe talking through it will get you back on track eugene. It's mother's day after all ...

and here i was hoping you'd be willing to assist me with fwp #3 :spiteful:

the thesis, well i can tackle pretty much any sociological issue i desire but im generally focusing on "society and technology" and more specifically the interwebs, from a qualitative angle though. i did a small paper about reddit's world news subforum and its inner processes of gate-keeping (ie, filtering of information via grading of the content thus affecting its appearance location, whether it'll appear at the top (high view count) or get "buried", the whole idea of reddit is basically crowd-sourced gate-keeping). there are obvious, demographic and cultural determinants that'll affect what content will appear on reddit and how it'll be graded but i tried to show how reddit's inner culture and its actual "physical" interface come into play. empirically that paper was utter shit but the prof liked the idea anyway, so im thinking about continuing with such ideas more seriously maybe, not necessarily on reddit of course.



and there i was thinking that i could help. sorry man, but i am of no use coming up with where you can go from there.

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I've applied for about 20 positions in my field, many of them jr. positions that are a huge step down for me...... and no call backs.


Am I doomed? =(

It's really depressing lol

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just tell her to cover her mouth you pussy. I have allergies and didn't need to go to deportment classes in a swiss finishing school to figure that i should cover my mouth. It's just good manners, and stops the place from being covered in a thin film of mucus. And perhaps she will be embarassed and see your side of things eh ?


earplugs. ^^


heh ;-]


Sounds great in principle... you speak from experience having allergies but pray tell are you married? 9+ years and 1 kid later and a lot of fucking common courtesy has already left the building. You have to pick your battles.

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yeah, i'm sorry man. I felt bad as i was saying it. But i just felt like putting it out there. Maybe i should post you a stick or something. heheh.


(so sorry, but you gotta laugh about these things that you can't change.)

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The 8 dollar packet of biltong that i bought was flavourless !! Good grief, why put an huge BBQ sticker on the front of it. Then ingredients on the back mentioning coriander and spicies and sugar and all these fking things that i can't taste.


/cries as he bins it. /pours another gin and passionfruit.

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I just got back from an amazing Secret Chiefs 3 concert wherein they played a full set of their Zorn Masada material followed by a full set of their Ishraqiyun material and they went absolutely mental/metal with the second set and it blew my fucking mind and i was 6 inches away from the band, but now I'm sort of slightly deaf.


Also I saw them do two completely different sets on Sunday and that was awesome as fuck, too.


Here's the kicker, the absolute fucking kicker: during tonight's second set my gf was on my right and Sasha Fucking Grey was on my left. And I am in the middle watching Timba Harris play like a motherfucker right in front of my face, so goddamn close I had to back away from his violin/viola bow a couple times.


Sasha Fucking Grey (I am 99.9 percent certain it was her, and she smelled really nice and I mean that in a non-creepy way) was like right up on my arm and elbowing me in the most pleasant way you could ever be elbowed by a headbanging person.


So I guess that was the peak of my existence.

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Holy fucking shit Baph. Holy shit. Well it sounds like you earned it after recent events. Congrats on the awesome time! SC3 are maybe the very top of my list for acts to catch live. And I would way rather have Sasha Grey beside me for that than Ron Jeremy in front of me for the ferry walk-on lineup. That's the best I've got for porn star encounter stories.

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traffic in south lake union, AARRGHJJJFJSKHAGI! If you live in Seattle you know my woes. Just missed a really awesome opportunity. bah.


nice story baph, glad to hear she smells ok.

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I have two assignments for tomorrow that I just don't feel like doing, since they won't matter at all. We've already been graded for this semester, so these last two are pretty much just there to make it look like we're doing something. Meh.

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Holy fucking shit Baph. Holy shit. Well it sounds like you earned it after recent events.



I just now realized who she is too. She must be your guardian angel or something Baph.

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I wanted to heat up 2 frozen hamburgers, you know the kind that have already been cooked and have a very uniform taste and shape, but I was afraid to run into one or more housemates while using the kitchen but then realized they'd fit in my breadtoaster so I made them in the toaster and had them with some mayonnaise and CFO (Crispy Fried Onions) and they were pretty alright.

Maybe this is more of a stupid first world solution than a problem, sorry.

The problem is that this post would be better with a picture of the toaster but it's too much hassle to upload a picture, taking it is no problem.


I hate it when people use an acronym and then explain what it stands for, seems to defy using acronyms.

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Need a friggin root canal.


I got two last year. Just got my crown made up for one of them.


Hurray thousands of dollars. Thank god for benefits.


I have two assignments for tomorrow that I just don't feel like doing, since they won't matter at all. We've already been graded for this semester, so these last two are pretty much just there to make it look like we're doing something. Meh.


instead of doing those you should help me with my qualitative analysis assignments for my cost accounting course. :happy:

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I just got back from an amazing Secret Chiefs 3 concert wherein they played a full set of their Zorn Masada material followed by a full set of their Ishraqiyun material and they went absolutely mental/metal with the second set and it blew my fucking mind and i was 6 inches away from the band, but now I'm sort of slightly deaf.


Also I saw them do two completely different sets on Sunday and that was awesome as fuck, too.


Here's the kicker, the absolute fucking kicker: during tonight's second set my gf was on my right and Sasha Fucking Grey was on my left. And I am in the middle watching Timba Harris play like a motherfucker right in front of my face, so goddamn close I had to back away from his violin/viola bow a couple times.


Sasha Fucking Grey (I am 99.9 percent certain it was her, and she smelled really nice and I mean that in a non-creepy way) was like right up on my arm and elbowing me in the most pleasant way you could ever be elbowed by a headbanging person.


So I guess that was the peak of my existence.


damn dude. so jelly. sasha is fucking hot beyond comprehension

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