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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I got fifteen quid stolen from my purse at work today. Happy Birthday to me.

where did you conjure the avatar from?


happy birthday btw. I had a shitty one too last weekend. I hate birthdays.

I made it in MS Paint years ago - I was depicting the upper-middle class pigeons (my mum was feeding them stale croissants at the time) that were frequenting my parents' garden. The thing that looks like an eye infection is supposed to be a monacle...



I did get the money back, and then spent half of it on a very large, very overpriced stiff drink ten minutes later, which seems a bit stupid now.

lol I thought it was some kind of robot eye at first (fyi I am sticking with this interpretation for my personal enjoyment). how did you manage to get the money back?

Took it out of the work safe, made a petty cash claim! This may have been a bad idea and I may get a bollocking for it but it wasn't my idea and my manager approved it so fuck 'em.


I like the robot eye interpretation. If only more pigeons were croissant-consuming, tophat-clad androids. *Sigh*

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Guest jasondonervan

Trying to learn Japanese. Fuuuuuu


Don't say that - I'm signing up for a 10-week evening class in the Autumn! (It's a beginner course, btw)


Thunderstorms kept me awake all of last night. Lightning was ripping across the sky every few seconds (bedroom strobing with light, thought it was something up with my eyesight at first!), booming thunder every minute or so, torrential rain, neighbourhood dogs barking like crazy. I would have got up to watch it, but it was so hot I didn't even have the energy to get up to go to the window. Stumbled out of bed this morning with a pounding headache, feel terrible. The only saving grace is that I have the option to work from home.


Apocalyptic weather on day of birth of the new Royal babby = the anti-christ

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Took it out of the work safe, made a petty cash claim! This may have been a bad idea and I may get a bollocking for it but it wasn't my idea and my manager approved it so fuck 'em.


... I didn't know this could be done.


"hey boss-person, I need money for drinks and frivolity and shite"




lol what kind of business is it?

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Just a book shop. But it was an outside job; Someone broke through the fire escape and went through our bags, so apparently we're covered. I wasn't expecting to be reimbursed as it was my own fault for not using my locker. Wasn't gonna turn it down though!

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Guest jasondonervan



I got fifteen quid stolen from my purse at work today. Happy Birthday to me.


That really sucks. Do you have an idea who did it?



Sprillian works for Bernard Black. he stole some money from the shop safe and made it look like an outside job so that he would a) have money to spend on booze 'n fags, and b) graciously allow people to be reimbursed in the hopes that they would spend it on booze 'n fags to share with him.



"We're through the looking glass here, people"



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Thunderstorms kept me awake all of last night. Lightning was ripping across the sky every few seconds (bedroom strobing with light, thought it was something up with my eyesight at first!), booming thunder every minute or so

I was woken up at 3 this morning by a sudden cramp in my calf. Jumped out of bed going FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK! Scaring the crap out of my girlfriend in the process who punctuated every FUCK! with a WHAT?!

As I stood up and began to hobble around, there was a flash of light from the bedroom window which my sleep addled brain interpreted as someone taking photos from one of the houses opposite our bedroom window.


All in all a rather bewildering awakening.

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I got fifteen quid stolen from my purse at work today. Happy Birthday to me.

That really sucks. Do you have an idea who did it?

Sprillian works for Bernard Black. he stole some money from the shop safe and made it look like an outside job so that he would a) have money to spend on booze 'n fags, and b) graciously allow people to be reimbursed in the hopes that they would spend it on booze 'n fags to share with him.

"We're through the looking glass here, people"



Lol! I prefer this scenario.

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i watched crappy version of oblivion with korean subs and shitty sound just a day before the proper blue-ray rip surfaced, bummer.

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My NAS dun fuck up on me. Some terrabytes of film and music lost. Fuck me. Thankfully I didn't make backups... I'm going to do it, soon.

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im lonely & bitter, and hate it. i hate the entire universe

its so stupid and useless

wat a waste of space

black holes? supernovas? pulsars?

who cares


i used to think sharks were so cool as a kid. now i think theyre just dum fish with teeth

fuk sharks


& dinosaurs? good riddance

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there is none


thing i hate most of all right now, out of every pointless thing in the world

my icemaker is broke so i can't make a gin+tonic

and im too lazy to fix it or go buy ice trays. shouldn't have to do work to be drunk, thats the opposite of the whole point


also i hate those little fruitflies. those things are a god damn nuisance and need to mind their own business

little bastards

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pull it together, lads. it's summer and life is beautiful.


there's good music, food and drink to be had, and to be made. read a book, have a nice run or walk or bike ride, or sit in a field and play guitar.

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