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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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After the company merger, our new boss is making all of us developers use macbooks (i'm on desktop ubuntu atm), switch to 1x27" displays instead of 2x24", everybody is getting matching keyboards, mice, chairs and desks. Cause the office needs to look nice. You couldn't make this shit up, seriously.

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Had a mastoidectomy a few days back, and had ossicles in one ear replaced with fancy implant things. I now have to carry a card around stating that I can't be exposed to magnetic flux density gradients of greater than 720Gs/cm (7.2 T/m).


So, am I now more IDM because I am now part cyborg, or am I less IDM because I can't hang around big magnets anymore?

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I guess a mastoidectomy is just about the bone whereas your sternocleidomastoid is a muscle and is most likely to hurt you mostly because of its inner muscles than because of the bones it connects.
Don't know if you'll understand me, I suck at explaining things in English lol.

FWP : my turntable is making weird things, such as being unable to play vinyls until the end (when I'm almost at the end of a side, it starts looping a small sample and then the arm rips and the vinyl stops - pretty IDM but I'd like to hear ending tracks TO THE END FFS). If anybody has an idea of what might cause me all that trouble :cry: ...(the needle perhaps ?)

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Wow, why did you have to have surgery? My sternocleidomastoid is really bad, was it sth like that?

I had a cholesteatoma (a cyst thing) that eroded the ossicles and was impacting my cochlea. Had to have it taken out lest I eventually go deaf in this ear



FWP : my turntable is making weird things, such as being unable to play vinyls until the end (when I'm almost at the end of a side, it starts looping a small sample and then the arm rips and the vinyl stops - pretty IDM

Sample the loops it makes, and make a track exclusively from those loops! Since the turntable chose the loops itself, you should credit it accordingly and award it a cut of any royalties

Edited by Tricone RC
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At work, I sit down to rest in the canteen. Halfway through my peaceful lunch, a girl that works there sits down across from me and begins to tell me everything that's happened in the past day or so. She seems to take my silence as interest in her affairs, which it is not.


It wouldn't be so bad if it was actually a conversation, but any attempts to offer anything to what she is saying--"Oh, they did that? Have you tried this?" and so on--is completely ignored and she continues talking, unabated, uninterested in any comments to what she is saying. I am but a tape recorder to her: something she is speaking into, not expecting a response, wanting nothing but to sit there and bare witness. And then she walks off once she has finished, without anything further said, her mind cleaned and mine bored to death. Conversations are fine: listening to a verbal livejournal post, not so much.


I understand that she's a single mum and doesn't have anyone else to tell this stuff to in work place of insensitive can't-keep-secrets people, but still... :¬/

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lol she'd probably talk to me during the deed too


Not it would ever happen: she only fancies black men (her own words), and I'm paler than the moon. And I'm not interested in relationships of any kind, so no thanks! Mutual lack of interest for such a thing to happen. And sleeping with work mates is a disaster too. How sleeping with her would solve the talking problem is beyond me lol

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How sleeping with her would solve the talking problem is beyond me lol

it depends where you put your.....


ah nevermnd





Mesh: yeah but I still have no interest in sleeping with her, warm rugs or not. Thanks for your tips though, especially during these cold months any tips on keeping warm are greatly received.


Double: don't have one

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The piano progression I was just working on resolves the same way the theme from Midnight Cowboy does... but I really love how that sounds. It's going to pain me to change it to something else, but I know that I must. :catsuicide:

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FWP : my turntable is making weird things, such as being unable to play vinyls until the end (when I'm almost at the end of a side, it starts looping a small sample and then the arm rips and the vinyl stops - pretty IDM but I'd like to hear ending tracks TO THE END FFS). If anybody has an idea of what might cause me all that trouble :cry: ...(the needle perhaps ?)


Does your turntable have an anti-skate adjustment on it?

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thinking of adding to everyone else's first world problems by creating a spontaneous beatbox recorded on crappy microphones soundcloud page, who knows perhaps it'll inspire a sampling generation that i can sue for royalties, and things will be looking up for the dleetrnaetor.

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FWP : my turntable is making weird things, such as being unable to play vinyls until the end (when I'm almost at the end of a side, it starts looping a small sample and then the arm rips and the vinyl stops - pretty IDM but I'd like to hear ending tracks TO THE END FFS). If anybody has an idea of what might cause me all that trouble :cry: ...(the needle perhaps ?)


Does your turntable have an anti-skate adjustment on it?



Yes. But maybe I should have a look at it and see how I can configurate it better.

I guess I'll have to take my turntable with me on my next bus ride to my record store !

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I hate how Facebook is slightly/heavily muzzling everything that isn't an instagram selfie now. The page I manage at work has depressing statistics, like 5% of total fanbase reached each post. Tried everything : tagging, pictures, posting at specific hours... It justs instantly fucks off deep down the web :catsuicide:

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i have people on my list that i haven't seen a post from for years (because if you don't communicate with their posts, they get pushed down the list). Hence all these people wanting things liked. They should explain though "PLEASE LIKE THIS SO THAT WE MAY CONTINUE TO APPEAR IN YOUR LIST". Of course there's that other thing where they wanted to discourage posts as ads or something din they. Mleh, some people only use their accounts as party and gig lists.

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