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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I can't stop complaining to watmm.

This is the go-to thread for things on your mind that are troubling you. No need to feel shame in it. It's human nature to vent.


I probably spend too much time on the internet on account of having no social life IRL. Facebook doesn't really count as a social life, since most people ignore you...except if you're uploading photos of your recent marriage or newborn baby. Then they shower the fuck out of you with Likes.

I probably just need to close my FB so I can stop bitching about it elsewhere, since I'm feeling increasingly alienated on it anyway.

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I can't stop complaining to watmm.

This is the go-to thread for things on your mind that are troubling you. No need to feel shame in it. It's human nature to vent.


I probably spend too much time on the internet on account of having no social life IRL. Facebook doesn't really count as a social life, since most people ignore you...except if you're uploading photos of your recent marriage or newborn baby. Then they shower the fuck out of you with Likes.

I probably just need to close my FB so I can stop bitching about it elsewhere, since I'm feeling increasingly alienated on it anyway.


I closed my facebook about 8 months ago.


Never looked back.


Everyone important to me has my phone number. (well, most).

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Turns out the accounting degree I'm getting is just filler and it's completely useless. I know because Zeffolia told me so:



" But realistically speaking, business degrees are filler degrees on the level of communications and marketing for jocks and frat boys, not a real degree like say math, physics, or another non-premed STEM major. I just noticed it while reading the psychedelics thread and it gave me a minor chuckle that is all."




Guys if any of you are getting a business related degree just stop because it's useless and you're useless for getting one and it's not real education and you're a stupid dumb dumb, zeff said so.


Only STEM degrees are worth anything. Anyone else is worthless.



edit: that's signature material.





Jesus what thread haven't you posted something about this in?

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I can't stop complaining to watmm.

This is the go-to thread for things on your mind that are troubling you. No need to feel shame in it. It's human nature to vent.


I probably spend too much time on the internet on account of having no social life IRL. Facebook doesn't really count as a social life, since most people ignore you...except if you're uploading photos of your recent marriage or newborn baby. Then they shower the fuck out of you with Likes.

I probably just need to close my FB so I can stop bitching about it elsewhere, since I'm feeling increasingly alienated on it anyway.


I closed my facebook about 8 months ago.


Never looked back.


Everyone important to me has my phone number. (well, most).


Good on ya Stephen :)


Out of curiosity, did you make an announcement first to warn everyone that you were about to close it?

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I didn't really. Actually I suppose maybe I should have, now that you mention it. heh...


Probably should have given people the opportunity to get my personal info...

Oh no worries. I'm just trying to get ideas in case I end up doing the same. Not judging at all.

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I didn't really. Actually I suppose maybe I should have, now that you mention it. heh...


Probably should have given people the opportunity to get my personal info...

Oh no worries. I'm just trying to get ideas in case I end up doing the same. Not judging at all.


Not at all! It's actually a really good idea to let people know.


There might be some... I don't know what to call them... potential close friends? (Friends that you haven't seen for a few years etc) that might want to stay in touch, if you are saying you're going offline they might want your digits just in case.


I honestly don't think you'll ever look back after a few weeks.

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All good ideas.





The high end studio I emailed for prospective employment doesn't need me.


The 6 songs i've written lyrics for recently are all good on their own, but together they amount to way too much gloominess. I need to write from some other perspectives, or add a more pointed element of dark humor.


Did they tell you that (RE gloominess) or is that just your take on how things went? (or are those two separate fwp lol)


Oh two very much separate FWPs! I wouldn't be sharing song lyrics for a studio engineer job. Might introduce them to some of my music at some point if I did end up working there though.



I can't stop complaining to watmm.

This is the go-to thread for things on your mind that are troubling you. No need to feel shame in it. It's human nature to vent.


I probably spend too much time on the internet on account of having no social life IRL. Facebook doesn't really count as a social life, since most people ignore you...


Cheers man. Yeah, this thread is actually my main venting place, though I try to keep it more on the stupid as opposed to the serious side. That perhaps accounts for my dark lyrics (gotta vent the dark side somewhere!).


Oh yeah, one more FWP while I'm at it --gotta kick out my band's guitarist on account of him being to busy to commit to gigs, rehearsal, recording etc. It's a bummer because he's otherwise perfect for the part. Just has the right brain for it. I'm not sure I'll be able to find someone who is able to understand the music quite as well as he does. Also he's a cool guy, and he's the only one of us who currently owns a vehicle! Haha. Ah well, it has to happen, and I think he knows it too. It should be an easy breakup as far as the personal side of things go. But it's going to be hard if not impossible to find a worthy replacement. Boo. I've never had to fire someone before.

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However you phrase it, do it by email with a descending sunglasses gif attached to cushion the blow.


Bobby D's FWP - My almost 2-y.o. younger daughter is absolutely obsessed with the 1982 musical film Annie, and as a consequence most all of songs are effectively hardwired into my brain now, to the point where unless I'm actively listening to something else, they're on full repeat in my mind. Definitely worse than when I had Gin 'n Juice stuck in my head during my last two years of high school

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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Paneer is like a superior tofu made of cheese. Find an Indian grocery store and buy that and some ghee and sautee it in the ghee with some garlic and veggies. You'll never want tofu again, and anyway those phytoestrogens aren't good for your man parts.

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However you phrase it, do it by email with a descending sunglasses gif attached to cushion the blow.


Bobby D's FWP - My almost 2-y.o. younger daughter is absolutely obsessed with the 1982 musical film Annie, and as a consequence most all of songs are effectively hardwired into my brain now, to the point where unless I'm actively listening to something else, they're on full repeat in my mind. Definitely worse than when I had Gin 'n Juice stuck in my head during my last two years of high school

I'm really sorry, that sounds like a traumatic fucking nightmare for real. Might I suggest Disney's Frozen as a replacement?
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Paneer is like a superior tofu made of cheese. Find an Indian grocery store and buy that and some ghee and sautee it in the ghee with some garlic and veggies. You'll never want tofu again, and anyway those phytoestrogens aren't good for your man parts.

Garlic is heaven. Yeah I've known soy products to have some effect on the moobs also, which is partly why I prefer almond milk to soy. Somewhat unrelated, but I found a chickpea curry recipe recently that looks legit. I'ma try and whip some up in the near future.



However you phrase it, do it by email with a descending sunglasses gif attached to cushion the blow.


Bobby D's FWP - My almost 2-y.o. younger daughter is absolutely obsessed with the 1982 musical film Annie, and as a consequence most all of songs are effectively hardwired into my brain now, to the point where unless I'm actively listening to something else, they're on full repeat in my mind. Definitely worse than when I had Gin 'n Juice stuck in my head during my last two years of high school

I'm really sorry, that sounds like a traumatic fucking nightmare for real. Might I suggest Disney's Frozen as a replacement?


Next FWP is I wanna build a snowman, but there's not enough snow.

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New semester started today, Mondays and Wednesday's are gonna be busy this semester, 5 classes bright and early. 7:30am-3pm, 4 classes tuesday and Thursday. Gonna be a lot of workload to balance out this semester.

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getting sick of people putting soundclouds in their siG, i wonder how many hits you guys get from people just scrolling by on a touch device, probably no one is actually listening to your shit, it's all accidental and in bad faith which leaves a bad taste in the listeners mind. Sort that out clone ppl.


/post meant with the best of intentions, but yanoe, is annoying so yeah.

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the PrivacyBadger plugin blocks embedded soundclouds, surprised someone as paranoid as your good self doesn't already have it installed ;)

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