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There’s few things I regret more than committing to not drinking this January. I fucking hate it and I’m never doing it again. Getting absolutely zero of the short-term benefits, instead just feel miserable all the time. 12 more days til I get my life back. 

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I had 10 fucking cops in my backyard last night looking for some guy who was potentially armed. I had no clue what was going on so I opened my patio door and they yelled “lock it down!”. I was like “what?” And they shouted back “get back inside and lock it down!” Most of the cops left but then 2 cops stayed behind in the rain and waited there for like an hour. Eventually they were leaving and I asked what was going on again and , after I told them I had a toddler sleeping in our back bedroom and was concerned about weapons being discharged, they said they were sending a K-9 unit and to move my kid to another room (luckily I said something… not like they would have let me know). The K-9 unit never came and I was up way too late looking out my windows. Luckily nobody was shot and nothing was damaged. Thanks a lot, pigs. 

Edited by J3FF3R00
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9 minutes ago, J3FF3R00 said:

I had 10 fucking cops in my backyard last night looking for some guy who was potentially armed. I had no clue what was going on so I opened my patio door and they yelled “lock it down!”. I was like “what?” And they shouted back “get back inside and lock it down!” Most of the cops left but then 2 cops stayed behind in the rain and waited there for like an hour. Eventually they were leaving and I asked what was going on again and , after I told them I had a toddler sleeping in our back bedroom and was concerned about weapons being discharged, they said they were sending a K-9 unit and to move my kid to another room (luckily I said something… not like they would have let me know). The K-9 unit never came and I was up way too late looking out my windows. Luckily nobody was shot and nothing was damaged. Thanks a lot, pigs. 

Didn’t you say that you live in a crazy neighborhood? You gotta move out of there. 

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3 hours ago, YEK said:

Didn’t you say that you live in a crazy neighborhood? You gotta move out of there. 

Yes. I’m working on it.
Luckily, the majority of the issues are with rampant drag racing, loud parties and catalytic converter theft. Funny, while this was going on, the house behind us had party with a live salsa band that was so loud our windows were rattling. It explains why I had no clue that someone was in my backyard, because I could barely hear myself think. Live salsa and mariachi bands are pretty common in my neighborhood. Last night they only went to about midnight but they usually go to like 3am. 

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On 1/19/2024 at 3:25 AM, user said:

There’s few things I regret more than committing to not drinking this January. I fucking hate it and I’m never doing it again. Getting absolutely zero of the short-term benefits, instead just feel miserable all the time. 12 more days til I get my life back. 

haha why not give up on this silly charade now? I've never understood the dry January thing. I think it's a recent phenomenon tied to all the rise in self-help and fitness crap out there. does not drinking for a month somehow make you feel better about yourself? I mean if a person is drinking far too much and its problematic in the day to day, then probably good to get serious about curbing the habit. we all know there's plenty of help for that kinda thing out there... but taking a month off then resuming the same ol habit? what's the point? at least that seems to be what happens to the people I know IRL who do this dry Jan thing. can't wait to get hammered in Feb lol

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new specialist. she's great. her office staff.. not so much. currently navigating the healthcare bureaucracy in USA because her office didn't fill out the forms for prior authorization for a procedure. calling their office, insurance, office, insurance.. all because someone can't do their fucking job right. 

in USA.. incompetence is as big an epidemic as anything else. when you encounter someone who knows what they're doing and how to resolve issues.. make sure to let them know they're appreciated. jfc. people half assing their job in the healthcare industry is fucking annoying af. 

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There’s this phenomenon that maybe a few of you are familiar with: driving on the highway and needing to change lanes … see an opening … as soon as you signal or start to merge the person driving the car behind the opening slams on the gas to block you out of the lane. What is it in human brains that results in this behavior?

It’s clear that these people don’t want anyone entering their lane, but why? Why is it so important to risk a collision to keep someone out of the lane? If I succeed in entering the lane (most often to make an exit or enter the carpool lane), this kind of person will then start behaving belligerently, either waving hands, cursing, tailgating, flashing their brights, etc. It’s bad enough that they tried fucking over a stranger but now they’ve actually convinced themselves that they’re the ones who have been victimized in some way. They also almost 100% of the time slow down to a normal speed after you get in. 

Because I have to drive so much, this happens to me sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. Today was a textbook example: I needed to get in the carpool lane (with my toddler in the back and a “baby on board” sign in my window… I wait for an opening… put on my turn signal… neanderthal-brain in the carpool lane stomps on the gas but I continue merging… dude tailgates me, flashing his brights, calls me “asshole!” (I can read his lips), he slows back down and literally 10 miles later ends up speeding up along side me, rolling his window down and flipping me off. 

If you are someone who does this to other people, please stop. 

Edited by J3FF3R00
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9 hours ago, ignatius said:

new specialist. she's great. her office staff.. not so much. currently navigating the healthcare bureaucracy in USA because her office didn't fill out the forms for prior authorization for a procedure. calling their office, insurance, office, insurance.. all because someone can't do their fucking job right. 

in USA.. incompetence is as big an epidemic as anything else. when you encounter someone who knows what they're doing and how to resolve issues.. make sure to let them know they're appreciated. jfc. people half assing their job in the healthcare industry is fucking annoying af. 

I hear that.

I've had ongoing tendonitis issues with my legs since the beginning of October (I've had sporadic flare ups for the last 10yrs). It was just my knees and I was still managing to get to work, sometimes with a stick, but it was manageable.
Beginning of January my achilles tendon went and I was fucked. Pretty much relying on crutches to get to my bathroom and kitchen. Was stuck indoors for 12 days.

So now I need to go to the doctor. I need pain meds, I need a note for work as I've had more than 7 days off, I also need a reevaluation. Some of my colleagues have mentioned arthritis.
I moved here 2 summers back and I haven't yet registered with a doctor as I haven't needed to go to one.

I call them and am brushed off and told I need to register online. I go online and do that. It's a very small practice so assume I will hear back in a day or two, despite the generic text about a maximum of 2 weeks. Nearly a week goes by so I call them. The woman I speak to seems confused as to why I wouldn't have heard back from them by now so she does some checks. "oh, I see your application in our inbox. It seems you aren't in our catchment area"

This is strange to me as it's a 10min walk around the corner

"you can still register with us, but you need to come in person and fill in a form here" I am now being told to come do the thing I was told I couldn't do the first time I called them.

So I schlep myself to the Practice, on crutches, the 10min walk takes me 35mins. I arrive and explain my situation to the girl at reception. She asks for my postcode and puts it into the computer there.

"that's weird, you are in our catchment area"


but hey ho, I am there now. I fill in the paper form with all the information I already filled in on their website, which is presumably sitting in an inbox somewhere in the offices behind this receptionist. She then directs me to a janky touchscreen thing so I can give them a blood pressure reading.....and then answer all the questions I've answered both online and with pen and paper, but for a third time via touchscreen!

I've been there half an hour now. I'm done with the touchscreen but there is a queue for reception, so I have to get in it, on my crutches. 10mins later I realise the girl I've been dealing with has gone and it's a different girl sitting there. She's like "yeah you're registered, that's it"

"ok.....so......an appointment?"

"oh we don't make appointments after X time. I'll text you a url and you follow that link tomorrow after 8am, or you can call after 8"

I shlep myself back home on my crutches, which turns out to be one of the hardest things I have ever endured. I am low on energy and strength reserves now. My legs are screaming at me, and the temp has dropped to zero. The last 200 meters to my building I am having to stop and take a 5min rest for every 10 meters I travel.

I get in around 6pm, pop a load of ibuprofen, prop my legs up and sleep until 3am

In the morning I call the Practice. I am told about this URL once again by a woman who clearly doesn't want to talk on the phone to anyone. Fine I'll do it online, I fill in a triage form. They call me back a few hours later and offer me an appointment in 10 days time, this is the soonest available appointment. I ofc have no option but to take it. I'm still waiting to attend this appointment. I can actually walk unaided now.

The bow on this dogshit cake would be for the doctor to dismiss my problem and refuse to give me a sign off sheet for work, as I appear to be fine.

Anyway sorry WALL OF TEXT


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3 hours ago, hello spiral said:

I hear that.

I've had ongoing tendonitis issues with my legs since the beginning of October (I've had sporadic flare ups for the last 10yrs). It was just my knees and I was still managing to get to work, sometimes with a stick, but it was manageable.
Beginning of January my achilles tendon went and I was fucked. Pretty much relying on crutches to get to my bathroom and kitchen. Was stuck indoors for 12 days.

So now I need to go to the doctor. I need pain meds, I need a note for work as I've had more than 7 days off, I also need a reevaluation. Some of my colleagues have mentioned arthritis.
I moved here 2 summers back and I haven't yet registered with a doctor as I haven't needed to go to one.

I call them and am brushed off and told I need to register online. I go online and do that. It's a very small practice so assume I will hear back in a day or two, despite the generic text about a maximum of 2 weeks. Nearly a week goes by so I call them. The woman I speak to seems confused as to why I wouldn't have heard back from them by now so she does some checks. "oh, I see your application in our inbox. It seems you aren't in our catchment area"

This is strange to me as it's a 10min walk around the corner

"you can still register with us, but you need to come in person and fill in a form here" I am now being told to come do the thing I was told I couldn't do the first time I called them.

So I schlep myself to the Practice, on crutches, the 10min walk takes me 35mins. I arrive and explain my situation to the girl at reception. She asks for my postcode and puts it into the computer there.

"that's weird, you are in our catchment area"


but hey ho, I am there now. I fill in the paper form with all the information I already filled in on their website, which is presumably sitting in an inbox somewhere in the offices behind this receptionist. She then directs me to a janky touchscreen thing so I can give them a blood pressure reading.....and then answer all the questions I've answered both online and with pen and paper, but for a third time via touchscreen!

I've been there half an hour now. I'm done with the touchscreen but there is a queue for reception, so I have to get in it, on my crutches. 10mins later I realise the girl I've been dealing with has gone and it's a different girl sitting there. She's like "yeah you're registered, that's it"

"ok.....so......an appointment?"

"oh we don't make appointments after X time. I'll text you a url and you follow that link tomorrow after 8am, or you can call after 8"

I shlep myself back home on my crutches, which turns out to be one of the hardest things I have ever endured. I am low on energy and strength reserves now. My legs are screaming at me, and the temp has dropped to zero. The last 200 meters to my building I am having to stop and take a 5min rest for every 10 meters I travel.

I get in around 6pm, pop a load of ibuprofen, prop my legs up and sleep until 3am

In the morning I call the Practice. I am told about this URL once again by a woman who clearly doesn't want to talk on the phone to anyone. Fine I'll do it online, I fill in a triage form. They call me back a few hours later and offer me an appointment in 10 days time, this is the soonest available appointment. I ofc have no option but to take it. I'm still waiting to attend this appointment. I can actually walk unaided now.

The bow on this dogshit cake would be for the doctor to dismiss my problem and refuse to give me a sign off sheet for work, as I appear to be fine.

Anyway sorry WALL OF TEXT


dude. holy shit. i feel your pain. so sorry you have to deal that level of bureaucracy all while being on crutches and in pain. jfc. it's crazy there's no type of triage and priority list for people. it's no wonder why people in USA just go to the emergency room for everything. i suspect that happens there as well. 

it's absolutely no fun chasing people down on the phone and being a pain in the ass just so they'll do their god damned jobs. that's kind of where i'm at currently. i woke up at 3am and couldn't fall back to sleep because i was dreaming about conversations i'm inevitably going to have with various healthcare office workers. so now i'm staring at the clock and waiting for the 9am mark so i can call and ask them if they got my messages and if all is clear and to please fucking call me once you have some answers. they suck at following up. i'm going to use the "you catch more flys with honey" approach and be as nice as possible without being a pushover. and this is for surgery to remove my thyroid because cancer (of course it's cancer because it always is cancer w/me)

as for tendons. fuck. i came a hair away from severing my right achilles when i was around 13.. and still to this day it's tight and weird and i get tightness, weakness and pain in it.. i have to wear an ankle brace sometimes and stretch it all the time. 

fuck dude.. i hope you get things sorted out.. i firmly believe in the idea that stress reduces our life spans and a lot of stress is created with healthcare situations and the systems of healthcare failing us and forcing us to become advocates for ourselves in the worst times of our lives. 

also, life would be meaningless w/o music and sex.

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4 hours ago, ignatius said:

dude. holy shit. i feel your pain. so sorry you have to deal that level of bureaucracy all while being on crutches and in pain. jfc. it's crazy there's no type of triage and priority list for people. it's no wonder why people in USA just go to the emergency room for everything. i suspect that happens there as well. 

it's absolutely no fun chasing people down on the phone and being a pain in the ass just so they'll do their god damned jobs. that's kind of where i'm at currently. i woke up at 3am and couldn't fall back to sleep because i was dreaming about conversations i'm inevitably going to have with various healthcare office workers. so now i'm staring at the clock and waiting for the 9am mark so i can call and ask them if they got my messages and if all is clear and to please fucking call me once you have some answers. they suck at following up. i'm going to use the "you catch more flys with honey" approach and be as nice as possible without being a pushover. and this is for surgery to remove my thyroid because cancer (of course it's cancer because it always is cancer w/me)

as for tendons. fuck. i came a hair away from severing my right achilles when i was around 13.. and still to this day it's tight and weird and i get tightness, weakness and pain in it.. i have to wear an ankle brace sometimes and stretch it all the time. 

fuck dude.. i hope you get things sorted out.. i firmly believe in the idea that stress reduces our life spans and a lot of stress is created with healthcare situations and the systems of healthcare failing us and forcing us to become advocates for ourselves in the worst times of our lives. 

also, life would be meaningless w/o music and sex.

Yeah mang, ur situation sounds if anything shittier than mine, stay strong bruh

Yeah I had the achilles tendon go before in 2021, needed 4 weeks off work then too, that was actually the last time I went off sick. I never go off sick. Which at least affords me leeway with work, they know I won't be off unless I really need to be.

Yeah I try not to get stressed about this crap, tis a killer indeed.

exactly re: last point. I have been making use of my houseboundness:

There's actually a pretty well known label around these parts interested in putting some of this stuff out :^)

something for the FWS thread if the talks work out 

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On 10/9/2023 at 7:35 PM, cruising for burgers said:

I had it... and a hydrocele as well... cirurgy solved it... no biggie... hope u the best!


edit: make sure u tell the surgeon right before he starts which testicle it is... a little bird once told me...

yo just got surgery for this today! feeling good already 🙂 

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5 hours ago, logakght said:

yo just got surgery for this today! feeling good already 🙂 

That’s great. One less thing to worry about

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  • 2 weeks later...

was having a good sleep and a wrong number woke me up when my phone was vibrating. first solid sleeping like the dead type sleep in a long time and fucking wrong number wakes me up. i didn't answer just looked at it later and it was a call from minnesota.. going to start putting the phone in a drawer or something. 

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So many people out and about that wear their headphones in the rain and snow. Just don’t. 

On 2/12/2024 at 2:26 PM, YEK said:

Received an album from discogs in shitty condition. Now I have to get my money back. 

Guy didn’t give me my money back I had to ship it back to Australia. With the cost of shipping I’m going to lose at least half what I paid for it. No more buying from discogs. Fucking crooks. 

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My flight to the Caribbean tonight has been delayed 1hr 29 minutes due to inclement (ie Canadian) weather. 

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My 'I'm on Team Jew' Albert Einstein t-shirt went down badly on dress down Friday.

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On 1/10/2024 at 2:03 PM, chenGOD said:

OPN is playing in Tokyo next month with Jim O’Rourke opening and I might not be able to go 😢

I was in fact, unable to go 😢😢

22 hours ago, kakapo said:

My 'I'm on Team Jew' Albert Einstein t-shirt went down badly on dress down Friday.

Probably because you paired it with those velour chinos. 

On 2/21/2024 at 2:10 AM, ignatius said:

was having a good sleep and a wrong number woke me up when my phone was vibrating. first solid sleeping like the dead type sleep in a long time and fucking wrong number wakes me up. i didn't answer just looked at it later and it was a call from minnesota.. going to start putting the phone in a drawer or something. 

Put it on sleep mode or sleep focus whatever you have. 

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21 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Put it on sleep mode or sleep focus whatever you have. 

i thought it was but apparently not.. or perhaps i need to re-goose the settings.. it's kinda permanently in sleep mode/do not disturb mode.. 

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3 hours ago, ignatius said:

i thought it was but apparently not.. or perhaps i need to re-goose the settings.. it's kinda permanently in sleep mode/do not disturb mode.. 

I’m considering buying an alarm clock so I can just turn the fucking phone off. 

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8 hours ago, chenGOD said:


Probably because you paired it with those velour chinos. 


More likely because I was working at the North West London Palestinian Law Centre that day.

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My neck / shoulders have been a constant mess for a little over the past week. I’ve gotten 2 massages, taken countless scalding-hot baths with epsom salts, loaded up on ibuprofen / muscle relaxers / indica edibles, hit that shit with my Theragun, bought an e-stim/TEMS electro pulse therapy machine on Amazon and zapped my muscles into oblivion (not all in the same day, mind you) and it is still completely fucked. The e-stim/TEMS therapy seemed the most helpful but this morning I woke up and it was back to square one, with the exception of my shoulders being a lot better than before. I had zero range of motion for a few days and it got a little bit better with each thing I tried but I have a super tight knot where the top of my neck meets the base of my skull on the left side and it just won’t relax. Not sure what else I can try except maybe acupuncture but I’m broke and I’ve already dropped over $150 on pointless massages. I’m wondering if I should just get a foam neck brace or something. Thoughts?

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