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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Fiancé's having a shitty day, work, cell service BS, came home early to work from home and the fucking cat peed in one of her bags, so now she's moody and irritable as all fuck and kind of venting out on me... I didn't do shit! I'm just hanging out in the bedroom on my laptop trying to avoid her.

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Viacom just sent my girlfriend several threatening emails, one for each episode of Game of Thrones and Inside Amy Schumer on my computer. I thought this only happened to other people! Anyway, guess that'll teach me not to delete stuff immediately after watching.


It's the downloading it in the first place that is the problem you silly egg. They're saying it's on your computer because they would have seen your IP in the torrent swarm, or been providing the seed or your service provider dobbed you in. There are ways of doing things on the net and ways of not, this is an example of not.


nwae, immediately change your net behaviour cause you probably know all about what happens to people from slashdot, ars technica, torrentfreak, etcia.



Or, since we live in Canada, continue on your merry ways.







Still though,




But that doesn’t mean you can get away with downloading your favourite movie illegally. Copyright holders are still able to take people to court; but the case would be civil, not criminal, according to John Cotter, a lawyer with Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP.

“In terms of rights and remedies, the copyright owner has what they’ve always had,” Cotter said. “So that if the recipient of the notice doesn’t take down the content in question, they have the same exposure they’ve always had to liability.”

Cotter said damages for copyright infringement can range between $500 and $20,000 for commercial activity.


So that means that noone in canada is going to be seeding torrents anymore, heh. Wonder if seeding groups start blocking their IP ranges to get rid of the hit and run offenders. No i don't think that this will happen it's just speculation on an unlikely possibility that was intresting to me.

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They'd have to prove that there was commercial activity.

Plus Canadian ISPs are much less likely to hand over your IP address and associated activity.

But yeah maybe fewer seeders from canada? I dunno I haven't paid for Internet in years.

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Viacom just sent my girlfriend several threatening emails, one for each episode of Game of Thrones and Inside Amy Schumer on my computer. I thought this only happened to other people! Anyway, guess that'll teach me not to delete stuff immediately after watching.


It's the downloading it in the first place that is the problem you silly egg. They're saying it's on your computer because they would have seen your IP in the torrent swarm, or been providing the seed or your service provider dobbed you in. There are ways of doing things on the net and ways of not, this is an example of not.


nwae, immediately change your net behaviour cause you probably know all about what happens to people from slashdot, ars technica, torrentfreak, etcia.



Or, since we live in Canada, continue on your merry ways.





I win!


They basically just said "stop sharing that shit."



telus has been on my case in the past for downloading torrents, supposedly they do this to a lot of people, where shaw doesn't care...



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soaked in the rain on the way to work. again. I really need to invest in rainproof gear, this is a joke.


on the flipside I discovered the sheer joy of pointing a hairdryer at your cold, damp butt. feels so gooooood.



Nowhere to post this, but it sucks that Nick Cave's son died.


what? fuck.

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My company just moved into a HUGE office and they won't let me keep my bike by my desk. It's not blocking anyone or anything.


I'm going to start campaigning for an indoor bike rack. I've had stuff stolen off my bike before so I don't want to leave it outside.


Ground a taser to your bike. You may be shocked a few times as you figure out how to turn it on or forget that it's on, but it'll deter anyone from touching your bike and probably keep them from doing so again.


Alternatively, have you asked if there is a place indoors you can store your bike for security purposes? Maybe there's a cool janitor that'll hook up a closet for you?



Believe it or not, I actually thought about rigging something up like this after the last time someone stripped my bike. Just in passing though. I would have to put the off switch on the tire or something. Sounded like a lot of work that wouldn't yield any great results.


1. More on Nick Cave's kid:



2. I'm reading r/asianmasculinity for some reason.


That's awful about his son :sad:

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Take her out to dinner.


She was calm by the time she finished working, ended up getting some chinese takeout, and watching some Daredevil on Netflix, which I have to add I'm surprised how good that show is.

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So, someone at work had hired a freelance sound engineer to work on a big project. He was supposed to clean 27 pretty long recordings and then master them. He told the project coordinator that it was taking him a long time, so he wasn't sure if he could finish it in time. So I volunteered to help him out. He had told the coordinator that he had already finished 10 recordings, so I only had to go through the last 17.

I gave his finished files a quick listen and quickly concluded that he was full of shit. There was absolutely no difference between the original recording and the mastered files.

Oh, and did I tell you that the deadline is tomorrow? So yeah, I just spent the last 10 hours (six of those hours were after work hours) fixing his shit.

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So, someone at work had hired a freelance sound engineer to work on a big project. He was supposed to clean 27 pretty long recordings and then master them. He told the project coordinator that it was taking him a long time, so he wasn't sure if he could finish it in time. So I volunteered to help him out. He had told the coordinator that he had already finished 10 recordings, so I only had to go through the last 17.

I gave his finished files a quick listen and quickly concluded that he was full of shit. There was absolutely no difference between the original recording and the mastered files.

Oh, and did I tell you that the deadline is tomorrow? So yeah, I just spent the last 10 hours (six of those hours were after work hours) fixing his shit.


fuck. thats why i try to not volunteer unless if its a girl and get a chance to fuck. also a fucker I told him i would help him doing animations and he didnt even paid me or said thanks!

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on the flipside I discovered the sheer joy of pointing a hairdryer at your cold, damp butt. feels so gooooood.



lol. you should move to queensland man, it never fucking rains here. Well brizzie anyway. Maybe you'll bring the rain with you, that would be cool, yeah do that. Some nice places to bike out in the hinterland too, windy mountain passes, long rural stretches down into farming valleys, subtropical rainforest, all that shit.

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I'm quitting my job. Tho I don't know if I should just stop going or say that I'm quitting. I'm an inexperienced teen.


You should definitely tell them.

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yeah you might need to use them as a reference, i mean you will need to put them on your resume, better to not burn your bridges, suck it up is a good adult standby. Also, don't quit until you've got alternative plans. Well unless you're rich or something, then do whatever you want, there are no consequences.

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