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This years top ten films (2011)


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watched Drive, Melancholia and Tree of Life


i would have to watch a lot more to do a top ten list


i still have the edit: not english films to watch

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Best film this year definitely Turin's horse, then Melancholia and then maybe Midnight in Paris. These three made it for me, there were more fine films but can't think of any right now...

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The only new movies I've seen this year are:


Harry Potter Whatever: with my gf.

Hugo: with my mom and sister and gf.


I actually really liked Hugo, aside for some minor gripes. It's only the second movie I've ever seen where the use of 3D didn't feel like a bullshit gimmick, but an integral part of the production and story presentation. The first, obviously, was Avatar, which sucked. Hugo is a much better movie than Avatar. Hugo is the best non-Pixar kids' movie in years. I love you, Martin.



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Bridesmaids and Bad Teacher were the only movies where I was surprised how good they were. I also enjoyed Green Hornet.

J. Edgar was probably the best drama (which isn't saying much).Devil's Double had some awesome scenes, but was a tad disorganized and some of the characters were useless.

Yea, shit year for film. We had The Fighter, and King's Speech, and Let Me In (the better American version), and all kinds of great shit last year.


I haven't seen Melancholia, Drive, or Tree of Life. It looks like I missed out. I'll have to catch up before the Golden Globes.

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The Thing

Adjustment Bereau


X-Men First Class

Green Lantern

Transformers 3

Fast Five

30 Minutes or Less


Hall Pass


The only other person to actually do a list of ten.


C'mon dudes. Challenge

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Guest bitroast

I didn't even see 10 films in 2011, so here is list of films I saw instead.


Win Win - only film I really remember enjoying.

Cowboys and Aliens - enjoyable action movie :):)

Planet of the apes - enjoyable bullshit blockbuster movie, also.

Rango - enjoyable enough, bit long and pointless

Paul - average and unfunny.

Source code - dumb, stupid movie that pretended to be clever.

Cars 2 - saw this in cinema full of kids and families. Hands down worst cinema experience ever.

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I don't see movies in theatre that often, but of the four I saw this year one was fantastic, one was great, one was quite good, and one should not exist (only went because it was 11pm in Portland and I had fuck-all to do, didn't know any better).

Fantastic: Melancholia

Great: Drive

Quite good: Midnight in Paris

Should not exist: Contagion

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In no order


Cowboys & Aliens - 6/10 Aside from the cool things blowing up the story was pretty weak

Super 8 7/10 More shit blowing up this time with added lens flares. Story was a tad better, also 80s nostalgia to a time when movies were epic

The Inbetweeners Movie 8/10 Movie version of the tv show of the same name pretty much one of the funniest films i have seen this year.

30 Minutes or Less 6/10 Fairly funny better than the hangover part II

The Hangover Part II 4/10 they took the script from the first one did a copy and replace on locations and names, and you have the same fucking film

Rise of the Planet of the Apes 8/10 i went in thinking it was going to be shit and it turned out pretty darn good! love the CGI in it

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 6/10 was a nice send off but im glad its over!!

X-Men: First Class 7/10 call it a reboot or call it a prequel i thought it was good, aside from a few plot holes like Charles on the beach scene.

Source Code 7/10 id forgotten this was even out this year, no where near as humble as Moon, but it has a nice twist at the end of it.

Attack the Block 9/10 Another brit film Jo Cornish' debut and what a start it is, great direction and story telling, and for the budget they had the CGI/practical effects were AMAZING




Few other films i thought i would stick in but they were all as shit as each other, this year has been awful for films really, i think i've been to the cinema 3 times in total, way under average, and one of those was just because i was in Canada and saw Pirates 4 on IMAX 3D.

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Okay, Cowboys and Aliens was fun, I love the two leads so it was fine.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes was fucking boring just like every other prequel that has ever been made.

Thor was decent was superhero films go and Captain America was enjoyable but instantly forgettable.

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Guest Backson

well its very slow lol and it gets slower


but its a master piece imo




I thought Valhalla Rising was a terrible film. It just happened to be filmed in nice places.


plus, 2009 wasn't it?

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Valhalla Rising was interesting, it was like he was trying really hard to be Herzog but somehow failing, even though most of the elements were in place...not sure why it didn't work for me much at all, despite being a big Herzog fan...also the voice over commentary was funny, as it cemented my feeling that the director was attempting something out of his comfort range...he sounds like an aggro biker dude trying to make an art-house film...(though I haven't seen Drive yet and am fully willing to accept that he has the soul of a poet trapped beneath his tough-guy delivery)

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