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Do you eat a lot of meat ?


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I dunno, just being vegetarian makes very little sense to me, if you're doing it for moral or health reasons. I would think being vegan is the way to go.

I don't understand, explain? Why is vegetarian not the more moral option than meat eating, and why would veganism be superior to either?


Veganism is weird right, doesn't it say no eggs and no honey because it's bee torture? lol. Maybe I'm just laughing at a caricature of veganism tho, not the real thing...


Basically, what troon said, many of the animals we eat are intelligent and that's...bad. Fish and chickens? Meh, not so much. Although ducks are cool. I guess if I wanted to be ethical according to my own rules I could still include chickens and fish, because I don't think of them highly. And to be honest, anyone who has spent time around cows, well...But I love pig meat, and pigs are apparently quite smart. Tasty little Wilbur...


I think you're probably right, actually. My idea of veganism is that it's extremely strict and doesn't involve any animal products, which makes sense to me if you're practicing something on moral grounds. I know there are ethical vegans and dietary vegans, just like vegetarians. Like I said, I'm a very light meat eater, and I just don't like dairy products, but I'm extremely lazy when it comes to taking a stance on something for moral reasons. I guess I just don't see the relevance of an animal's supposed intelligence as a grounds to not eat it. For me it's an all or nothing proposition, if you're doing it for those reasons, which I wouldn't, because it's all sort of bullshit.


At this point, I definitely agree with you.


I mean, a grizzly bear or bobcat or whatever doesn't ponder whether the animal is intelligent before eating it. It just eats it. It's the chain of life?


Natural selection etc etc.

This would be a good defense if there were no factory farms, or animal abuse within factory farms, or hormones injected into animals, or if the harvesting of meat in this manner was the least bit sustainable.


A human killing an animal for the purpose of eating it is morally alright with me. But I think there is a massive difference between that and a corporation keeping animals in very tight and brutal living conditions by the thousands. I don't know of any man who would debeak/claw a chicken for the purpose of eating it besides a factory farm worker or a serial killer.

Also, I don't remember the proportion, and I don't want to search it because I'm in class and I don't want dead pigs showing up in my image search results, but the amount of corn we feed one person's worth of cattle can feed like, 7 people or something. That is so stupid. There are starving people all over the world. If we used some of our field space to grow something other than that hard-ass cattle corn, I'm sure we could decrease produce prices.


In conclusion, it is kind of similar to a 1900's American saying, "I'm going to roll down my train window, and shoot these buffaloes because I'm higher on the food chain".

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I'm not familiar with enough good non-meat foods to make me stop eating meat. Also two days without meat and I'm low on energy and constantly hungry. I know this can be solved by eating more and richer types of veggies and stuff but as yet it's too much of a fuss, at least as I see it.

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I don't eat a lot of land meat. I eat a fair amount of sea meat (probably 2-3 times a week), and then land meat a couple of times a month when I get hungry for it. I'm not sure why I do this, except that it feels good.

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I don't eat a lot of land meat. I eat a fair amount of sea meat (probably 2-3 times a week), and then land meat a couple of times a month when I get hungry for it. I'm not sure why I do this, except that it feels good.


You should try some land shark.

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i ate a lot of meat today (bacon, black pudding (not really meat), chicken) and was (healthily..?) shitting almost the whole rest of the time.


i'm assuming it's because i'm not used to it now... not sure if it happened last time i had loads of meat though.

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i ate a lot of meat today (bacon, black pudding (not really meat), chicken) and was (healthily..?) shitting almost the whole rest of the time.


I'd say "shitting almost the whole rest of the time" precludes the possibility of "healthily."

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i ate a lot of meat today (bacon, black pudding (not really meat), chicken) and was (healthily..?) shitting almost the whole rest of the time.

I'd say "shitting almost the whole rest of the time" precludes the possibility of "healthily."

well yeah but it was normal shit, is what i mean. the frequency and urgency was not healthy, nope

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i ate a lot of meat today (bacon, black pudding (not really meat), chicken) and was (healthily..?) shitting almost the whole rest of the time.


I'd say "shitting almost the whole rest of the time" precludes the possibility of "healthily."

well yeah but it was normal shit, is what i mean. the frequency and urgency was not healthy, nope



i know the guy who made this thread doesn't like discussion of meat dishes but black pudding sandwiched between two slices of bacon is really good (never been into black pudding).


Consistency and girth of the deposits were regular? :mu-ziq:

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Hrm... If I'm not mistaken increasing your protein intake gives a sharp increase in metabolism, and when you eat LOTS of meat at once the effect is pronounced. (That's part of why people get the meat sweats I think?).


I remember watching a show where a couple ate over 7000 calories a day, and they actually lost over 10lbs in 2 weeks.

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  • 3 years later...

Bumping three-year-old thread lolol

In more seriousness tho, I've pretty much cut all beef and pork from my diet, mainly for ethical reasons. The only type of meat I consume at this point is chicken and seafood, and I might phase that out soon as well. Not sure if I can go full vegan, but at least the vegetarian route is doable.

Thought about starting a vegetarian/vegan thread, but this seemed to suffice.

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was curious about the post i've made in this thread 3 years ago, and neither my position nor my practices had changed since. i still think eating animals is pretty damn awful and i still do it almost every day, lal.


i don't understand the point of vegetarianism, or eating only particular animals if your goal is higher ethics. i mean how does one choose which animals are deserving of suffering and which aren't? and if you're a vegetarian you're probably substituting meat with cheese and eggs which production also involves animal suffering in industrialized production.

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it's very easy to get eggs from happy chickens...but not for everyone, everywhere eh

anyways,i really can't justify eating meat at all anymore

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