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4/20 brah <===@ -----


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i'm also fresh out of ganja and can't get hold of my person :(


*tries again*


good luck mate, was in the same situation, but now im happy: best circumstances with the new actress lp and my controller for Djing back from service.


finally sorted :))

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Yea yea, I'll probably end up smoking a lot of pot today but the only people who 'celebrate' 4/20 are people who already smoke a significant amount of weed everyday anyways.

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Sometimes this stuff just gets ridiculous like I know a girl who will pack multiple smoking devices at 4:00 and then just sit for 20 minutes in wait for the 'proper' time.

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i wish i could still smoke. it just makes me ridiculously paranoid and is not enjoyable anymore. it has been the better part of 10 years like this. i try again every once in awhile and it still sucks. funny because i used to smoke everyday.

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lol :sorcerer:


I have work at 4:45 today but I will smoke myself silly when i get off. I think our plan is to smoke joints beachside this evening.


When I was a student at UC Santa Cruz, 4/20 was fucking insane - hundreds of people gathered all day in the meadow behind our dorms, smoking more or less nonstop. Walking through the crowd at 4 was a unique experience - I've never seen more smoking devices and oversized joints/blunts in one place.

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i have been known to enjoy marijuana, but there is literally nothing more tiresome or annoying to me than so-called 'stoner culture'. if stoner culture didn't exist i reckon that weed would probably be legal or decriminalised in more countries.

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Stoner culture can get really stupid, it's true. But I also think it's stupid to hate on people who take pride in their hobbies. If you enjoy marijuana enough to smoke regularly, it makes sense that you'd want to celebrate it in some way, and talk about it with friends who also enjoy it. "Stoner culture" has become a braindead commercial trend and does a lot to discredit the validity of the drug as medicine, and I agree that is detrimental. But that doesn't mean it's bad to celebrate cannabis in a smart and positive way.


I don't see anybody getting pissed at beer drinkers for discussing and fetishizing their favorite craft beers. So why should their be a bias against people who take pride in their preference of cannabis as a relaxant? Watmm has had several threads on beer and everyone seems happy with this. But any thread on weed with a hobbyist attitude gets these pointless backlashes from people who think they're above anyone identifying themselves as a "stoner". It's annoying. I know that weed culture is full of half-assed hippy bullshit, but the solution to that is not to "just smoke and shut the fuck don't make a big deal out of it", it's to be honest and smart in the way you portray and celebrate the things you enjoy.

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there's a difference between beer drinkers and smokers, though. there's a sub-demographic of beer drinkers who enjoy craft beers and nice IPAs and stuff, but they're not continually shoving it in your face. on the other hand, there are a LOT of 'weed enthusiasts' who will blather on and on about the difference between jack herer and a jack herer/white widow cross, as if they're discussing fine wines. and most of those people couldn't tell you the difference in effect between THC and CBD, or a sativa and an indica. it reminds me of the old joke - 'Q: how do you know if someone is a mac user? A: they'll tell you'.


tl;dr: http://www.reddit.com/r/trees is awful.

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The difference between a "beer enthusiast" and one of these stoners is the length of the conversation when they talk about their "hobbies" (using your words, i don't agree that smoking weed or drinking beer is a hobby).


A beer guy will say stuff like "I like this brand of beer" or "mm refreshing innit", thats about it a 1 second conversation about beer.

A stoner will literally bored you to death, with their 4 hour conversations about some fucking sic-fi looking bong they saw on the internet, stuff like that.





tl;dr: http://www.reddit.com/r/trees is awful.


LOL the place where people act like movie stoners because "that's how a stoner should act".

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lol you guys have never met real beer freaks then.

I do agree though but yeah whoever said it: "taking 420 culture seriously when you're over 18" = lol

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I have a ridiculously low tolerance for the ganj. Two puffs & I turn into a total spaceman for hours, talking about the illusionary nature of self, pre-conception memories, how everything actually boils down to 0 & 1, etc


Occasionally I make long-winded & perhaps creatively grammatisized essays relating to these subjects on the internet

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This day is dedicated to you, Carl Sagan. May your spirit live on.


carl used marijuana as a tool, to gain insight on questions that he was having problems with.

please don't sully his legacy by associating him with the bunch of basement-dwelling morons that this day is typically associated with in the united states. i'm pretty sure he'd be horrified with that association.


sagan is my hero and i find his appropriation by stoner culture extremely distasteful.

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This day is dedicated to you, Carl Sagan. May your spirit live on.


carl used marijuana as a tool, to gain insight on questions that he was having problems with.


that is what weed is "meant" to do, in my opinion. I mean, when all the fun stuff is over, which happens if you do it a lot, it really just comes down to the ability for weed to help you reframe certain issues and see them from another angle. I smoked for the first time in a couple of years a few months ago and was really surprised... I think it's common... at how much I hadn't been noticing. It's a great thing in that respect and I think everyone should do it once in a while.


The problem comes when weed becomes central to your life, or when you're doing it routinely. I'm not saying that's always bad, but it pretty much is.

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