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Did you download the Extended Cut?


Naw, but I listened to the Giantbomb podcast where they get pretty heavily into the ending and the differences between the shipped and extended cuts. I did watch the extended/extra endings afterwards, but it didn't really change much for me. Christ, that Buzz Aldrin scene was depressing. I did get the Leviathan and From Ashes DLC, which helped fill a lot of gaps in the story and made the story a lot more enjoyable.


I wonder if they had actually planned that DLC before they shipped the final game or if it was just something they put together to make their game make more sense.

But yeah, like Brad said it seems like he had a better gaming experience than people who played the game when it came out back in March.


And holy shit, I had completely forgotten everything about Buzz Aldrin telling the story of Shepard... god damnit, that was stupid.


A Child: When can I go to the stars?

Stargazer: One day my sweet.


Brad talks about the game was likely EA'd; rushed out the door. I would imagine Bioware planned some sort of expansion when they were told to finish the game; but it would be released as a DLC package and still remain true to the original ending overall.


Cheers for Giantbomb. Jeff and Vinny :wub:


I refuse to believe that any of it has to do with EA. BioWare said right from the beginning - even before they shipped ME1 - that it was going to be a trilogy, so I bet most people thought BioWare knew where they were going with it and that we would get some kind of meaningful conclusion at the end of ME3. But releasing the explanation as DLC after everyone has finished the game seems downright stupid. I'm not gonna buy it because like Jeff said on the BombCast, his Mass Effect game is over. He finished it. He's not gonna play it again and squeeze in this piece of DLC because that is not what happened in his Mass Effect game.

Oh, and just so we're clear I didn't really care about Mass Effect 3's ending. It could have ended with Shepard gunning down Moses and I wouldn't have cared. I loved the gameplay, the powers you got to play with, and the RPG elements. It was a perfectly streamlined RPG for a guy like me who likes to have fun while playing a game but hates overly complicated RPG elements.


Are you a premium member at Giant Bomb? Their premium content is fantastic! 4 bucks a month will bring you so much more content. Jeff has his own "show" where he answers questions. It sounds kinda dull but he is so passionate about these questions and usually ends up talking for little over an hour about nothing and everything at the same time.

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Just finished Mass Effect 3. I didn't quite understand why people hated the ending so much, until I watched all the other endings and realized just how rushed the whole thing was. I didn't play the first two games, but I could understand how players would feel shorted on that as the ending to a long spanning trilogy.


I thought the ending was quite awesome until the little boy appeared (and the credits scene was so cheesy). But people are forgetting how awesome the rest of the game was, because of all the controversy.


But I've already spent so much energy defending it... so fuck it. Whiners gonna whine.


What I've learned from this, is that most the gaming community is bunch of pathetic entitled little babies.

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Thanks Steam sale!


Natural Selection 2 - used to play the original back in the day. Really enjoying it again... was able to get right back into it even after 8 years of not playing.


Miasmata - Dig it so far... really interesting concept.


Thirty Flights of Loving - Just purchased, cant wait to check it out.

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Just finished Mass Effect 3. I didn't quite understand why people hated the ending so much, until I watched all the other endings and realized just how rushed the whole thing was. I didn't play the first two games, but I could understand how players would feel shorted on that as the ending to a long spanning trilogy.


I thought the ending was quite awesome until the little boy appeared (and the credits scene was so cheesy). But people are forgetting how awesome the rest of the game was, because of all the controversy.


But I've already spent so much energy defending it... so fuck it. Whiners gonna whine.


What I've learned from this, is that most the gaming community is bunch of pathetic entitled little babies.



shit, most of the time I play games the ending is about 10% of the overall experience...by the end of a game Im just waiting to see if I get any extra goodies at the end or next playthrough.


I understand people want a good narrative, but chrissakes what about the gameplay that made you love it in the first place?

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Just finished Mass Effect 3. I didn't quite understand why people hated the ending so much, until I watched all the other endings and realized just how rushed the whole thing was. I didn't play the first two games, but I could understand how players would feel shorted on that as the ending to a long spanning trilogy.


I thought the ending was quite awesome until the little boy appeared (and the credits scene was so cheesy). But people are forgetting how awesome the rest of the game was, because of all the controversy.


But I've already spent so much energy defending it... so fuck it. Whiners gonna whine.


What I've learned from this, is that most the gaming community is bunch of pathetic entitled little babies.



shit, most of the time I play games the ending is about 10% of the overall experience...by the end of a game Im just waiting to see if I get any extra goodies at the end or next playthrough.


I understand people want a good narrative, but chrissakes what about the gameplay that made you love it in the first place?


Yeah. The ending controversy has been blow out of proportions.


The gameplay was so much fun. Seriously one the most fun singleplayer experiences I've ever had, because of the awesome combat. And I haven't heard anyone discuss the choices you had to make about the genophage or geths/quarians in the game. That stuff was so awesome.


Nope.. it's all about the ending. It's driving me nuts.

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To be fair, Mass Effect was very much a story driven series of games. To say that the ending hardly matters when you've invested 90+ hours into the thing, is a bit silly. Sure the gameplay was great, but that is not why I play Mass Effect.


It's still my favorite game of the year, closely followed by Max Payne 3. That game was sweet.

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I didn't say it doesn't matter.. I actually said that I liked the ending.


I was commenting on the level of bitching and moaning that it has created.


edit: oh.. you edited that.

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My post was primarily directed at Smettingham. I totally agree that the whole 'outrage' was pretty ridiculous. Not trying to justify that.


Yea, I edited. Bad wording on my part. So sorry.

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To be fair, Mass Effect was very much a story driven series of games. To say that the ending hardly matters when you've invested 90+ hours into the thing, is a bit silly. Sure the gameplay was great, but that is not why I play Mass Effect.


It's still my favorite game of the year, closely followed by Max Payne 3. That game was sweet.



word, but, since I haven't played ME3, shouldn't I logically hate the end to ME2 because it was essentially a "good job but fuck off and buy the next one or the Arrival DLC for a meaningful conclusion"?


Yet I love that game.

Edited by Smettingham Rutherford IV
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My post was primarily directed at Smettingham. I totally agree that the whole 'outrage' was pretty ridiculous. Not trying to justify that.


Yea, I edited. Bad wording on my part. So sorry.



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genophage or geths/quarians in the game.


I don't regret saving the Geth (and losing all the quarians). I regret saving the Korgans. Fuck the Korgans, and fuck Liara. Liara I never loved you, you're boring. I just wanted my achievement.

If you guys haven't tried it I highly suggest the Leviathon DLC.

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Has anyone played Spec Ops: The Line?


I keep hearing in a lot of podcasts, that it has a lot of interesting things going on, even though it just looks like a very generic third shooter.

genophage or geths/quarians in the game.


I don't regret saving the Geth (and losing all the quarians). I regret saving the Korgans. Fuck the Korgans, and fuck Liara. Liara I never loved you, you're boring. I just wanted my achievement.

If you guys haven't tried it I highly suggest the Leviathon DLC.


I'm looking forward to a second playthrough of it, with all the DLC.

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Just completed the 5th episode of The Walking Dead..


Are you kidding me?! That was IT?! I don't know how to create spoiler tags on here, but:



I spent so much damn time trying to find Clementine, learn her all this stuff about survival, telling Christa and Omid to take care of her and THAT'S how the game ends?

Sure, the conversation with the kidnapper was very well done and the final goodbye was hella emotional, but still. What happened to Christa and Omid? Am I supposed to think that those two people in the distance in that scene after the credits were them? How did she even get out of that city filled with walkers? What the shit happened?


The story in this game was very very well told all the way through but this ending was bullcrap. People have been bitching and moaning about the ending to Mass Effect 3 for nine months now, but somehow this is okay? I'm disappointed, to say the least.


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Natural Selection 2.


First time every playing a game like it. Pretty sweet.


Just wish my mic would work. They don't support the format.

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Just completed the 5th episode of The Walking Dead..


Are you kidding me?! That was IT?! I don't know how to create spoiler tags on here, but:





I spent so much damn time trying to find Clementine, learn her all this stuff about survival, telling Christa and Omid to take care of her and THAT'S how the game ends?


Sure, the conversation with the kidnapper was very well done and the final goodbye was hella emotional, but still. What happened to Christa and Omid? Am I supposed to think that those two people in the distance in that scene after the credits were them? How did she even get out of that city filled with walkers? What the shit happened?


The story in this game was very very well told all the way through but this ending was bullcrap. People have been bitching and moaning about the ending to Mass Effect 3 for nine months now, but somehow this is okay? I'm disappointed, to say the least.



ep 1-5 was just season 1.


bought hotline miami and FTL last night, been playing FTL for the past 2 hours, awesome game.

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I started getting into FPS on the wii here at the end of the console, now that the later ones support classic controller, though the wiimote is a unique experience and I've gotten better with it. MW3 and Goldeneye are fun online and there is a reason to have them in addition to the 360 or Ps3 versions. I actually like the non-HD graphics, it is sort of like getting to play gamecube games online, and I've played plenty of Halo, CoD etc. on 360.


I want a wii u but going to wait until next year, it looks promising in terms of bringing what is good about HD consoles and good about Nintendo together, but I have black ops 2, ac3 and batman on 360 so this year is about milking the wii 1 and playing all the gamecube Resident Evils etc.

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I picked up FTL as well. Looks simple at the outset but the balance is ruthless. Have only gotten until zone 7 or so so far. I always get to a point where either my defense is too weak, or I run out of rockets which makes it impossible to get through shields in the later levels. It keeps pulling me back in for another try.


I'm also learning Dwarf Fortress using the O'Reilly book. Very cumbersome interface. I'm hoping I'll start to see interesting situations emerge before I give up.

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I think I posted this before, but just in case anyone missed it...


If you play DayZ I own a DayZ server "US 303 Dallas". My friend admins it and it is one of the best run servers available to play, because he is super savvy and runs a lot of anti-hacking scripts. If any of you are interested of course.

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