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Guest Sprigg


Just bought the Total Annihilation Commander Pack on GoG for $2. It's still my favourite RTS of all time.

Have you played the Supreme Commander games? Been meaning to check those out for ages but never got around to it... I loved TA when it came out as well, had been a C&C junkie before that



I haven't, but it looks pretty awesome! I never got into the C&C games for some reason... something about them just didn't jive with me.

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I just beat Metroid: Other M. What a disappointing game (worst final boss fight ever)!


I started playing Pikmin 2 on the Wii and I am having lotsa fun!

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Picked up the Valve Complete Pack for like $34 the other day because of the Steam Sale... That's like EVERY game Valve has ever made. I figure I'll start with the Half-Life one and all the expansions and work my way through 2 and the episodes, while also running through Portal 1 & 2. Then I'll give the Left 4 Dead's a try (never played em before) and then finally try out Team Fortress 2 after all these years. Then eventually give the Day of Defeats a run.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse



Just bought the Total Annihilation Commander Pack on GoG for $2. It's still my favourite RTS of all time.

Have you played the Supreme Commander games? Been meaning to check those out for ages but never got around to it... I loved TA when it came out as well, had been a C&C junkie before that



I haven't, but it looks pretty awesome! I never got into the C&C games for some reason... something about them just didn't jive with me.



Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander are definitely my favorite RTSs. I feel the same about C&C, Starcraft and Ruse and every other RTS I've ever played. TA and SC just feel right to me. I dunno why, but they are the only RTSs that get my nerd boner goin for some reason.

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i was thinking about getting that Halflife pack too....except i probably wont be able to run any of it on my shit computer.

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Animal crossing new leaf :(

I'm bound to waste so much time on this.

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Trying to beat ocarina of time. It's really long and at times tedious but its a classic in the purest sense. It's huge though and I'm starting to get tired of it. Too much outdated stuff like not being able to skip text and other minor problems that make it a pain at times.


Tried playing resident evil 1 for wii and it wasn't fun.

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If I could get any game right now for wii it would probably be metroid prime 1


My list of games to play



Skyward sword

Chrono trigger



Not sure if skyward sword is worth it. It would be nice to play something recent though.

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After browsing I've decided to get crusader kings 2



huzzah!!! im currently expanding as Emperor of Hispania to claim my rightful place as King of Africa....easier said than done though. Man oh man are the Arab alliances intimidating.

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i completely and utterly lost everything in my ck2 old gods campaign. scotland became huge and powerful and created an empire of britannia so i lost my independence and then titles and holdings gradually. now im the king of ireland with just one completely unupgraded castle under my control, the emperor of britannia is pretty much the most powerful ruler in the gameworld and the vassals' only serious rebellion failed. although i kinda blame the a.i for that because we did have enough manpower and could crush his ultimate doomstack at one time but our doomstack simply decided to go siege some unimportant holdings instead and let his reinforce.

the a.i knows very well when to start wars but leading them is a different matter, although perhaps it calculated other variables that i didn't take into account besides numbers of troops.

now the emperor has the vassals by their balls and even bites off territories from other powerful entities like francia, germany and moravia. i think it's hopeless by now, the current factions are no bigger than 15% of liege's manpower.

still it was very interesting to watch this whole situation unravel rather organically, even losing in this game can be very interesting.

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Guest Donkey Rhubarb



Bought the thief collection off steam. Loved this game to bits when it came out. Replaying through it.


Also playing some just cause 2 multiplayer. Lots of fun. The open beta is available till monday




Servers probably rammed by now

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Guest Enter a new display name

Just finished New Play Control! Pikmin 2 on Wii. I really enjoyed the game, except I didn't bother collecting all the treasures.


Now playing Super Mario Galaxy. Dayum, this game is out of this world!

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I just beat Metroid: Other M. What a disappointing game (worst final boss fight ever)!


I started playing Pikmin 2 on the Wii and I am having lotsa fun!


Oh man, Pikmin is awesome. I still like Pikmin 1 better, since there is less to explore but it has a "lonelier" atmosphere more suited for exploration, but Pikmin 2 is great too. Never got all the treasures...


By the way, is Pikmin 3 ever going to come out? I don't want to get a WiiU but I might if it really comes out some day...


Right now I'm playing Earthbound and Pokémon Black, which is a bit pants actually.

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Guest jasondonervan


I just beat Metroid: Other M. What a disappointing game (worst final boss fight ever)!


I started playing Pikmin 2 on the Wii and I am having lotsa fun!


Oh man, Pikmin is awesome. I still like Pikmin 1 better, since there is less to explore but it has a "lonelier" atmosphere more suited for exploration, but Pikmin 2 is great too. Never got all the treasures...


By the way, is Pikmin 3 ever going to come out? I don't want to get a WiiU but I might if it really comes out some day...


Right now I'm playing Earthbound and Pokémon Black, which is a bit pants actually.



Pikmin 3 is out this week in the UK! :)

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Guest Sprigg

Attempted to play the Feed the Beast Minecraft mod pack, but sadly my computer is so shit it can't handle it (it can barely run vanilla minecraft on short draw distance). Back to Total Annihilation. I'm determined to understand how to use naval units effectively.

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Playing the original UFO: Enemy Unknown by MicroProse again.

I also just noticed Mercenary Kings is available for purchase on Steam. It's a new 2D platformer that looks Metal Slug with a Borderlands-style RPG influence. Not sure whether I want to buy it yet tho.

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I just beat Metroid: Other M. What a disappointing game (worst final boss fight ever)!


I started playing Pikmin 2 on the Wii and I am having lotsa fun!


Oh man, Pikmin is awesome. I still like Pikmin 1 better, since there is less to explore but it has a "lonelier" atmosphere more suited for exploration, but Pikmin 2 is great too. Never got all the treasures...


By the way, is Pikmin 3 ever going to come out? I don't want to get a WiiU but I might if it really comes out some day...


Right now I'm playing Earthbound and Pokémon Black, which is a bit pants actually.



Pikmin 3 is out this week in the UK! :)



That's brilliant news!! I've been waiting for the longest time... I'm skint as usual but I'll see who will let me borrow their Wii :)

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