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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Still not sure how I felt about this. There are things I liked but overall it wasn't great. Mixed bag. Least favorite Aronofsky by a long way

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Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

The demon is back, shamelessly, fresh from his catalogue of embarrassment in Paranormal 4 where it spent most of the day playing dancing games on the x box and fooling around in the sand pit in the back yard.

He's possessing mexicans in a place called Oxnard, CA now.

To say any more would give away the plot.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

whatever man, Noah was way better than the Wrestler


not convinced.But I do keep thinking about some scenes from noah. when the watchers land and turn is incredible for example.


and the fight scene where they hold chains between them.


as I say still not sure how I feel. torn I think

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my only complaints were Emma's acting, the acting from all of the Noah kids tpwrads the end, the facial close ups were too often, and the end of Tubul-cain. Did not care for that plot line. The rest with the mythological aspects made the film for me. Loved the stars in the day sky. Loved the parallels between contemporary society and a society from long ago that got completed destroyed by a "natural" event. Anyways, I will most likely never watch Black Swan, The Wrestler or Requiem ever again but I will be seeing this one again.

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Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

The demon is back, shamelessly, fresh from his catalogue of embarrassment in Paranormal 4 where it spent most of the day playing dancing games on the x box and fooling around in the sand pit in the back yard.

He's possessing mexicans in a place called Oxnard, CA now.

To say any more would give away the plot.

I liked the twist thing at the end but the rest of it was shit.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

my only complaints were Emma's acting, the acting from all of the Noah kids tpwrads the end, the facial close ups were too often, and the end of Tubul-cain. Did not care for that plot line. The rest with the mythological aspects made the film for me. Loved the stars in the day sky. Loved the parallels between contemporary society and a society from long ago that got completed destroyed by a "natural" event. Anyways, I will most likely never watch Black Swan, The Wrestler or Requiem ever again but I will be seeing this one again.


she was very posh for a middle-earther.

I also thought all the little boys were girls, so when they said "my sons" I was confused.


black swan had great atmosphere. I watch it once a year probably. not sure I will watch noah yearly. i forgot requiem - that is my least favourite aronofsky. noah moves up

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I love when Aronofsky infers into his storyline without having to blatantly spell things out for the audience. Ex: the original glowing forms of Man in the Garden, although the Creator is never shown, from the Bible we know Man was created in his image, hence he looks the same. Also the ending, when the one son sets out to find other survivors, we know he succeeded bc the human race still exists, therefore he found a genetic pool with which to breed. I'm not sure about the flashes of light across the sky, my girlfriend didn't even notice that, I'm thinking some final approval from the Creator, or some other symbolism, Aronofsky can get a little heavy handed with how far he pushes his symbols per film.

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Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

The demon is back, shamelessly, fresh from his catalogue of embarrassment in Paranormal 4 where it spent most of the day playing dancing games on the x box and fooling around in the sand pit in the back yard.

He's possessing mexicans in a place called Oxnard, CA now.

To say any more would give away the plot.

I liked the twist thing at the end but the rest of it was shit.



I thought it was pretty entertaining for what it was. I mean, you know exactly what you're in for when you sit down and watch a Paranomal Activity movie: lots of scenes where you think something is going to happen but then nothing happens and a couple of jumpscares here and there. I liked the church scene and

did anyone else notice the guy standing in the background of the church scene? He's only visible for a couple of seconds



Also, you guys... The Black Swan sucked.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I love when Aronofsky infers into his storyline without having to blatantly spell things out for the audience. Ex: the original glowing forms of Man in the Garden, although the Creator is never shown, from the Bible we know Man was created in his image, hence he looks the same. Also the ending, when the one son sets out to find other survivors, we know he succeeded bc the human race still exists, therefore he found a genetic pool with which to breed. I'm not sure about the flashes of light across the sky, my girlfriend didn't even notice that, I'm thinking some final approval from the Creator, or some other symbolism, Aronofsky can get a little heavy handed with how far he pushes his symbols per film.


erm what? isn't the idea that the noah family fucked each other to repopulate. hermoine can have more kids, maybe a boy? or the youngest noah kid could fuck the twins.


flash of light? you mean the rainbow? that made me groan.

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I think that is the last line of the Noah story. God sends a rainbow to let Noah realize that there will be no more widespread earth catastrophes. Yes it is cheesey, and so is the bible.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

The watchers for me are quite divisive in Noah. One on hand I really like their design and everything about them. on the other hand they take away the faith aspect of the story. If noah started building an ark by himself and talking about a flood that god told him about, I'd think he was crazy BUT if he also had giant stone monsters helping him I'd be more inclined to believe him (although I could probably explain them away as some new species and not fallen angels but you see my point). in the bible version no-one tried to get onto the ark and probably for that exact reason they do en-mass in the movie

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Yes it is cheesey, and so is the bible.


Its brutal and I am glad they included that too. the bit when everyone is drowning was great.


One part I didnt understand was when the guy swapped 2 girls for some meat. where the girls going to be eaten?

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Thor The Dark World 7/10

The sequel sees a new threat in the form of an uncontrollable ooze which in the wrong hands could release mayhem. Theres a new enemy in the form of the dark elves who have dwelled in the galaxy longer than dinosaurs.

The relationship between Thor and Jane Foster is a focal point but it's pretty bullshit in comparison to the sweet visual delights. The physics is the most mind boggling bits, with anomaly's and people popping up in different dimensions and time zones. I mean, Stellan Skarsgard drops in from the set of Nymphomaniac Vol. 2 naked on a few occasions.

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I love when Aronofsky infers into his storyline without having to blatantly spell things out for the audience. Ex: the original glowing forms of Man in the Garden, although the Creator is never shown, from the Bible we know Man was created in his image, hence he looks the same. Also the ending, when the one son sets out to find other survivors, we know he succeeded bc the human race still exists, therefore he found a genetic pool with which to breed. I'm not sure about the flashes of light across the sky, my girlfriend didn't even notice that, I'm thinking some final approval from the Creator, or some other symbolism, Aronofsky can get a little heavy handed with how far he pushes his symbols per film.

erm what? isn't the idea that the noah family fucked each other to repopulate. hermoine can have more kids, maybe a boy? or the youngest noah kid could fuck the twins.


flash of light? you mean the rainbow? that made me groan.


c'mon man, this was a hybrid version of the biblical myth, Darren tried to marry science to mythology and it mostly worked. even back then, they knew inbreeding was wrong, because you had mutations almost immediately in subsequent generations. I've read theoretically you need a minimum of 32 non-related humans for a viable genetic pool, 16 male 16 female. although they did stick pretty closely to the Adam & Eve story, so that's a contradiction.

Edited by Rubin Farr
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I did like the way he showed evolution whilst noah was describing the 7 days of creation story. except he chickened out of showing the monkey become a human.

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Captain Murcah: The Vinter Soldier - 6.5/10 - I enjoyed all of the main components, Nick Fury, The Cap and Bucky but the film was way too polished, looking a lot like the tv show, which is a polished turd. The story reminded me of Die Hard 4, which I thought had better writing in it, yep I said it. Political intrigue in a comic book film feels false to me. It is not what I want to experience in a world full of superheroes. The action sequences were pretty awesome, especially the Cap vs Bucky scenes. Robert Redford felt out of place like an old withered Owen Wilson. Scarlett Johansson had some awful make up goin on and is a terrible actress, so she was disappointing and sexy. Falcon felt like one of the second rate superheroes on display in the tv series. All in all I could give a fuck about this film, the glowing reviews are really surprising to me. This was better than many of the other Marvel films but that isn't saying much. A polished turd through and through. Whatever. Have fun. The second to last epilogue was fun, the last one is stupid! Yay! Poor Noah is going to be destroyed by this film, sorry Aronofsky!

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Captain America 2 - 9/10 one of the best Marvels so far, kinetic action scenes, character development, a few nods to the comic, great villains, a conspiracy, ties to Avengers 2.


+1 for the Doctor Strange & Pulp Fiction references

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Captain Murcah: The Vinter Soldier - 6.5/10 - I enjoyed all of the main components, Nick Fury, The Cap and Bucky but the film was way too polished, looking a lot like the tv show, which is a polished turd. The story reminded me of Die Hard 4, which I thought had better writing in it, yep I said it. Political intrigue in a comic book film feels false to me. It is not what I want to experience in a world full of superheroes. The action sequences were pretty awesome, especially the Cap vs Bucky scenes. Robert Redford felt out of place like an old withered Owen Wilson. Scarlett Johansson had some awful make up goin on and is a terrible actress, so she was disappointing and sexy. Falcon felt like one of the second rate superheroes on display in the tv series. All in all I could give a fuck about this film, the glowing reviews are really surprising to me. This was better than many of the other Marvel films but that isn't saying much. A polished turd through and through. Whatever. Have fun. The second to last epilogue was fun, the last one is stupid! Yay! Poor Noah is going to be destroyed by this film, sorry Aronofsky!


i agree with you mostly. didnt think think the action was even that good though. i was really bored. the bad guys plan was just silly and yes noah was much better

Captain America 2 - 9/10 one of the best Marvels so far, kinetic action scenes, character development, a few nods to the comic, great villains, a conspiracy, ties to Avengers 2.


+1 for the Doctor Strange & Pulp Fiction references


the gravestone reference was bizarre, really not sure how i feel about that. is every actor in a marvel going to reference their most famous roles?


also completely disagree with your review. the only good bit was the nick fury car chase scene. the ending with the helicarriers was like a hsitty video game where I am not playing - we've got to replace the card in each of the helicarriers? i mean come on

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