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i like the 60's future factory worker commute one. How were they created, good question? Other art with robocop head inserted was my first thought, but then i realsied that the painting style was the same, they weren't just images from some old sources.

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Guest bitroast

I was a bit bored today, made this:



this is incredible.




Sorry for spamming; sun came out right after I posted.


this is incredible!

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i gotta say, knowing that these were shops kills a lot of the magic for me, but i guess i was quite naive to assume that someone was crazy enough to paint or draw/color something like those from the ground up. i was thinking about how friking awesome one of those would be on my wall. it still would be kinda cool but if it were a painting itd be max headroom cool.


on the other hand, they are still clever and cool, as shops.

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Should really get a site/blog whatever going for the watmm artists. I would happily purchase many of these for the new place I'm moving into soon.

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