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7th Annual MOST IDM Tournament - Final Match


Final Match  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. 1

    • Bioluminescent trees
    • The rogue planet named CFBDSIR_2149-0403 freely drifting in outer space after being ejected from orbit

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I just feel like there's nothing interesting you can do with it. We already have music based on space; it's called new age and there's a reason nobody listens to it.

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just feel like there's nothing interesting you can do with it. We already have music based on space...

This is where I'm at. No doubt that the Rogue Planet is IDM as fuck, but last year we had Incomplete Skyscrapers (big stuff) now we have a massive planet (big stuff). A change of pace would be nice.


In regards to Bio-Trees messing with sleep cycles, I doubt they'd be any more disruptive than street lights (probably less so). Worst case scenario, birds would go live in non-bioluminescent trees.

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O, I see we've reached the point where people complain about this years winner. The whining phase, if you will. We've been here before....

I, for one, am quite happy.

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In retrospect, I should've voted for the space elevator one, it would've made an awesome comp.



I agree



I tried to tell you all ....
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I just feel like there's nothing interesting you can do with it. We already have music based on space; it's called new age and there's a reason nobody listens to it.


why does it have to be new age-y? think outside the box. This is the problem with music, people can't think outside the box, they follow restrictions created by popularity. If you are a true artists you shouldn't be thinking in terms of whats already been done.

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Rogue planet comp WILL BE BADASS. My submission will be about the planet finding a new home system.


Semi-serious question but is this possible, i.e., finding a stable orbit in another system? From my dilettante understanding of universal gravitation I reckon that if it came near the field of something massive (say a star), it'd either get slingshot out on a different trajectory (like how we send satellites to the outer planets) or drop into a long period, comet-like orbit, which is bound to fuck shit up with whatever other planets in the system when it makes a near pass. It's actually kind of hard to envisage a scenario where a planet swooping in from elsewhere doesn't totally throw a system into chaos. IDM.


Also ny no means am I trying to shit on your comp idea (which is great btw) just curious about the real physics of it all :sorcerer:

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Actually I was kind of thinking about that for the song. Hypothetically, solar systems are traveling at all different directions and speeds, right? If the planet were to luck into a system traveling roughly at a similar vector, it might work out. Though I can't see it not colliding worth another planet at some point unless it hooked up with a planetless star.


But yeah, way more likely to get slingshot out or whatever, is my guess. Glad you are thinking about this stuff too!

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Pretty much all watmmers welcome. Non watmmers are probably also welcome, but how hard is it to make an account and realistically anyone who's interested in contributing probably visits the board. The guidelines are that the track must express the theme somehow. Realistically it's just do your own thing. The tracks are judged a panel, including but not limited to me, and they are judged based on quality and relation to the theme.


There's usually a 1 track per person limit, barring collaborations, but I'm thinking of loosening up that rule a bit.


When I close the poll I'll start an EKT thread about it.

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I'm pretty sure Venetian Snares has already done an album called "The rogue planet named CFBDSIR_2149-0403 freely drifting in outer space after being ejected from orbit "

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