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stupid first world achievements and successes


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Got all the enrollment steps completed for the college I'm attending in August... It's official now, going back to school for a graphic design degree. Kinda nervous about it, but I'm gonna use that anxiety as fuel to succeed.

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you'll do well. Couldn't be any worse than the little faggits that are there, certainly more experienced, and you'll be more mature about getting shit done.

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Quit my shitty job on Tuesday, got a new one lined up already. Leaving town tomorrow for a long weekend at the ranch my fiancé's family owns in South Dakota. I'm all stocked up on beer and fireworks. Gonna get drunk, go fishing, ride some ATV's, and blow shit up like a real 'Murican. I've needed a little mini-vacation like this for a long time now, looking forward to it.


Also got accepted back into college, and will be starting a graphic design program come mid-August.

that's sounds great man you go for it and have a blast

i wanna quit my absolute monkey shitjob 2 but i gotta wait and cook like a lobster all summer cause my wife got serious back problems and had 2 quit her job.

major bum but she's following an education for pharmacy technician wich might be my ticket for escape from the nazi dildo factory, fuck yeah :cattears:



lol at nazi dildo factory, imagines posters promoting said product for the good of the reich. super 8 style instructional films with bombastic inspirational score featuring women in white 1930s calisthenics outfits swinging the phallic symbol to fertility about, then cuts to obligatorily suited in SS uniform family man cheerily holding baby surrounded by wife and family with homely cottage in the background and volkswagon in drive way.

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you'll do well. Couldn't be any worse than the little faggits that are there, certainly more experienced, and you'll be more mature about getting shit done.


Totally. I went back to uni for graphics/animation and although some were just well talented, as in all things, i generally wiped the floor with my maturity about getting work done, not messing up, views, confidence, sorting out problems (with teams mostly, some were so immature still). I got on with the teachers and they me due to common age.

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Shaved my hair off for the first time in my life.


This... this feels awesome! FUCK YEAH!!!! *shaves entire body*


prepare yourself for weeks of low-maintenance hassle-free stylin'. it's awesome.

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Shaved my hair off for the first time in my life.


This... this feels awesome! FUCK YEAH!!!! *shaves entire body*


prepare yourself for weeks of low-maintenance hassle-free stylin'. it's awesome.


Not having to dry one's hair is awesome!

I could get used to this.

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Shaved my hair off for the first time in my life.


This... this feels awesome! FUCK YEAH!!!! *shaves entire body*


prepare yourself for weeks of low-maintenance hassle-free stylin'. it's awesome.


Not having to dry one's hair is awesome!

I could get used to this.



no visits to the hairdresser every x weeks. no needing to shampoo every day. no overheating dripping scalp in summer. having your head rubbed feels awesome. the list of pros is long.


on the other hand, it definitely suits some people more to have actual hair. I look good with or without but I definitely get more social perks with. so I tend to go winter with and summer without.

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I would shave my head or at least go really short with the head hair if I didn't have a raised up mole on my head which would look fucking nasty by its lonesome and scare away everyone.


Edit: if I got it removed I'd probably have a bald spot there from the surgery and then I'd have to commit to going full-on chrome dome.


Edit 2: probably I'd look like a creepy babyman

Edited by baph
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I would shave my head or at least go really short with the head hair if I didn't have a raised up mole on my head which would look fucking nasty by its lonesome and scare away everyone.


Edit: if I got it removed I'd probably have a bald spot there from the surgery and then I'd have to commit to going full-on chrome dome.


Edit 2: probably I'd look like a creepy babyman






Shaved my hair off for the first time in my life.


This... this feels awesome! FUCK YEAH!!!! *shaves entire body*


prepare yourself for weeks of low-maintenance hassle-free stylin'. it's awesome.


Not having to dry one's hair is awesome!

I could get used to this.



no visits to the hairdresser every x weeks. no needing to shampoo every day. no overheating dripping scalp in summer. having your head rubbed feels awesome. the list of pros is long.


on the other hand, it definitely suits some people more to have actual hair. I look good with or without but I definitely get more social perks with. so I tend to go winter with and summer without.



Fuck hairdressers. Haven't been to one since I was 5 and I've been cutting my own hair for the past 7 years myself. It's way easier than you'd think.

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im a hair wimp..


ive got to have a special expensive razor else i get the worst shaving rash known to mankind. really makes me a sad panda. £300 reduced to £90 on a black friday deal. only thing ive ever been able to use, else i have to go stubbly.


ive got a special extra long shaver for my body because im now getting hair everywhere, so i can do my back. i hate it.


and now one of these to do my own head:




and im going fuckin bald. argh

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At my job, I set out to find the fabled roadkill skunk bud of olden days. We were given the ability to keep researching into genetics (thanks WA liquor control...) so long as we kept a log from seed to sale and agreed to more frequent inspections. I started with a pool of 150 plants from 5 different cultivars I selected due to predominant terpene production being focused where I wanted it. It took close to 6 months to grow then we whittled down with the help of a few friends and my father for testing.


We ended up with 6 keepers out of the bunch from 5 different cultivars. I personally fell in love with two of them and they'll remain in in the stables for years to come.


#1 - Reeks of pure skunk cabbage, rubber, pine and carries a hint of lemon peel





#2 - Reeks like diesel fuel, sweet lime and has a funky cocoa/dark chocolate hint in there.




(pics could be better, but I only had my phone on me)



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At my job, I set out to find the fabled roadkill skunk bud of olden days. We were given the ability to keep researching into genetics (thanks WA liquor control...) so long as we kept a log from seed to sale and agreed to more frequent inspections. I started with a pool of 150 plants from 5 different cultivars I selected due to predominant terpene production being focused where I wanted it. It took close to 6 months to grow then we whittled down with the help of a few friends and my father for testing.


We ended up with 6 keepers out of the bunch from 5 different cultivars. I personally fell in love with two of them and they'll remain in in the stables for years to come.


#1 - Reeks of pure skunk cabbage, rubber, pine and carries a hint of lemon peel





#2 - Reeks like diesel fuel, sweet lime and has a funky cocoa/dark chocolate hint in there.




(pics could be better, but I only had my phone on me)




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At my job, I set out to find the fabled roadkill skunk bud of olden days. We were given the ability to keep researching into genetics (thanks WA liquor control...) so long as we kept a log from seed to sale and agreed to more frequent inspections. I started with a pool of 150 plants from 5 different cultivars I selected due to predominant terpene production being focused where I wanted it. It took close to 6 months to grow then we whittled down with the help of a few friends and my father for testing.


We ended up with 6 keepers out of the bunch from 5 different cultivars. I personally fell in love with two of them and they'll remain in in the stables for years to come.


#1 - Reeks of pure skunk cabbage, rubber, pine and carries a hint of lemon peel





#2 - Reeks like diesel fuel, sweet lime and has a funky cocoa/dark chocolate hint in there.




(pics could be better, but I only had my phone on me)




absolutely beautiful. wish i could try these! :( VA sucks so bad.

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after moaning about loss of £26 due to google drive syncing via my tethered phone, i realised ive just bought the most expensive tea ive ever bought yesterday.



ive got one of those big plastic cola bottles i use as a piggy bank, and its full of notes. it was going to be a synth or module fund, but its now a tea fund.



I bought an gold award-winning oriental beauty oolong, £90/100g, i thought fuckit, i spend that on two bottles of gin, and this will last for a much longer time.


so excited about it turning up. the difference between low-grade tea and medium-grade is one thing, but ive never tried a seriously high-grade one before. its going to be absolutely delicious. Also, the high you get from decent tea is much better. they have a chinese name for it, i cant remember


'For the first time ever we have purchased the 'First Rank', champion of champion teas from the annual competition for Dong Fang Mei Ren, or 'Oriental Beauty'. The prize is awarded to just 10 Jin of tea, which is 600g. Its heady perfume has an almost ever changing aroma that flits from honey to peach to alpine flowers in a breath. It is a perfectly balanced cup of all that one wishes to find in an ‘Oriental Beauty’. Sweet, perfectly ripe fruit flavour, floral fragrance and a long lasting aftertaste. We hope you enjoy the unique opportunity to try this special tea. We feel privileged to stock it.'



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