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Would you leave your country and why?


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Good to hear things turned out well in the czech republic. So you left Belarus because of the political situation? Why did you leave? Did you have a tough time initially in czechistan? Isn't there a language barrier of some kind between the two?

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Guest Shadow GriZZly

Nah, the political situation was just a bonus. I left it, because I didn't saw many opportunities for personal growth and was sick of mentality of people, which are extremely conservative, agressive and "back to the roots", all of those taken to the extreme. Free and critical thinking are prohibited. Let's just say, that the personality of my country and mine didn't match.


No, things went pretty good, I moved here with my girlfriend. There is some sort of repulsion of russians, especially among more older people, but they are more merciful to belarussians.


There is a language barrier, especially between russian and czech. But it's pretty similiar to polish, which is close to belarussian, so if you knew the latter, then it would be no problem.


I don't like the country that much, but it's certainly ten times better than Belarus. Ideally, I would move somewhere north. Canada, Sweden, England or smth like that.

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I've lived overseas but came back to Australia. I've had moments where I've just wanted to pack up and leave again, but ultimately recognise that there are plenty of much fucking worse places to live than here. We might suffer from being a small market, and have to pay higher prices for some things, but there are ways around some of that. We don't have cartel members being beheaded and hung from bridges. We don't have gun massacres every few months. Our politicians are wankers, but aren't they all?


I'm heading towards 40 and am starting to feel like I want to settle down and spend time doing my hobbies, making things that I've always wanted to make. I might travel again later, but as much as things here might piss me off from time to time, this is my home and I love my home.

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I left Peru when I was 10 due the the fact that my mum was a single mother with 3 children and uneducated so had to get help from her brother to immigrate in Australia. I'm 28 now - and my girlfriend keeps calling me "black" and "go back to your country" when we fight - I just laugh because she's not an aboriginal to Australia - she should shut up, though she was born here - oh oh I've gone cross-eyed.



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you should put spiders in her food



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Good to hear things turned out well in the czech republic. So you left Belarus because of the political situation? Why did you leave? Did you have a tough time initially in czechistan? Isn't there a language barrier of some kind between the two?

i just want to point out how terrible this is. Fuck this post.

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I don't really feel I have a country. I've always felt displaced and disconnected. I like Aus but I've been here 13 years and I admit I have been thinking about relocating to get away from my present situation. maybe learn new things about myself. I don't really agree with that Emerson quote that was posted a few pages back. I mean, I can see it happening, there is definitely some truth in it about trying to escape only to find the same old you elsewhere, but at the same time I don't think the experience would be entirely without some learning and enlightenment.


I dunno.


Yeah my country (Australia) is moving backwards now with our new PM and I'm half entertaining the idea of jumping ship.


ffs you can't just leave the rest of us here with him! he smells!


Germany. Get to kick it with my good friend, get a state-sponsored Machinedrum like phling


pity there's only one to go around. maybe phling would be kind enough to let you borrow him.

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Seems like folks in both Australia and Canada are complaining about how their PMs are douchebags. Of course, it's obvious that leadership in the US government leaves much to be desired too. But still...what kind of Bilderberg shit is going on? I'd hate to turn this into a political debate, but it makes me a little suspicious..

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It does beg the question though: what do you notice on a day to day basis about your PM? It's not like you are married with your PM, right? And if you stop reading the newspaper, would you even know who would be PM?



* moves to North Korea*

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Haha, talking about national mentality. A Finnish bread commercial:




Father: “Well are you hungry or not?”


(edit: lol, it even plays the regional song from where I'm from. "The Song of the Hunger Country")

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  • 6 years later...

I'm pretty blessed to be in a good situation atm.

But I am considering moving the The Netherlands, I go there every year and the language is easy to learn for me (Afrikaans sounds and is in general a lot like Dutch). I'd prefer to live in a more stable country (or continent) than the one I am in right now. Also a lot of my family lives there.

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7 minutes ago, thumbass said:

I'm pretty blessed to be in a good situation atm.

But I am considering moving the The Netherlands, I go there every year and the language is easy to learn for me (Afrikaans sounds and is in general a lot like Dutch). I'd prefer to live in a more stable country (or continent) than the one I am in right now. Also a lot of my family lives there.

Shitty weather, though. And you’d be amazed how complacent and dumb decades of uninterrupted prosperity makes you. Entitled, too.

Also, looking down on ones fellow countrymen is a national sport here.

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I could imagine moving to a Nordic country. I heard that the workplace situations are more relaxed than here. Flatter hierarchies, less formal & idiotic. Most people I've met from these places were nice. Beautiful nature, too. I like boating on Scandinavian lakes. I think Finland is pretty cool, too (the Scandinavianess of it is debatable), but the language is pretty difficult. Perkele! But I also like my home so I will probably stay here. Germany is an alright place to live in, lots of morons so I fit right in!

34 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

Shitty weather, though. And you’d be amazed how complacent and dumb decades of uninterrupted prosperity makes you. Entitled, too.

Also, looking down on ones fellow countrymen is a national sport here.

People from non-prosperous places are shit heads, too, in their own ways. I think the Netherlands are a very open-minded place, at least in the larger cities (never been to the countryside). Also probably a good place to move to. Rotterdam has 50% immigrants so being foreign is really nothing special there.

Dutch people are really bad at riding bikes. There are no hills and the bike lanes are very good so no biking skill is required. If you are bad at riding a bike it's the perfect place for you.

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I'm not even sure. I've always wanted to travel and explore many many countries and different continents. I always loved learning about other cultures and languages. I've always had a fear of riding in a plane (I suffer with seizures and stuff from a rare muscle stiffness disorder i have, and I worry if I'm in a plane it'll act up). I really do hate how the United States is lead, but I feel corrupt governments full of greedy, disgusting people who gain supporters brainwashed with a certain idology that causes some to go against each other while the higher ups probably laugh at how they're maniuplating their citizens is a thing every countries governments's deal with. I can't think of a decent politician that exists in the world. It's why I've always been anti-government and anti-war. Though I do like Bernie a bit, probably one of the most decents but other than that. But so much complex issues in this world that overwhelms me and makes me sad of how the world's always been like this, especially with injustice racially and stuff. I wish humans didn't do this to others for absolutely no reason.

Outside of politics, I'm still not sure, lots of pretty areas around the world, and climates as well. Perhaps somewhere like Japan would be cool to live in, or maybe somewhere in Europe. Always wanted to visit South America also to see if there's any places I'd live in. I may stay in California in the future for an animation career, but it's hella expensive and the climate I'm not too big on. I'm a rainy/snow kind of guy, which Southern California doesn't get really, but I love being around the beaches, mountains, desert, lots to do. 

It's pretty hard to decide since there's so much cool things in the world that I've never seen and would love to experience one day.

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6 hours ago, dingformung said:

Dutch people are really bad at riding bikes. There are no hills and the bike lanes are very good so no biking skill is required. If you are bad at riding a bike it's the perfect place for you.

Dude, that's an insult! ;D

Netherlands is biking country numero uno! We have the best bikers!

Tour De France Cheer GIF by Team Jumbo-VismaMathieu Van Der Poel Sport GIF by Play Sports

No intention to move, btw. No reason. As of yet.

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thought about it in 2004. probably should've left then and become a resident of canada and eventually a citizen. but i moved to portland instead. 

I've long want to be out of america just because it's basically dysfunctional and getting worse. and canada seemed nice every time i've gone there. no place is perfect and i like america for a lot of reasons but there's baggage. 


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4 minutes ago, goDel said:

Dude, that's an insult! ;D

Netherlands is biking country numero uno! We have the best bikers!

Tour De France Cheer GIF by Team Jumbo-VismaMathieu Van Der Poel Sport GIF by Play Sports

No intention to move, btw. No reason. As of yet.

Given how many of us ride bikes - poorly, @dingformung is not wrong about that - the fact that we don’t absolutely and utterly dominate in that sport is a disgrace.

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Just now, rhmilo said:

Given how many of us ride bikes - poorly, @dingformung is not wrong about that - the fact that we don’t absolutely and utterly dominate in that sport is a disgrace.

No no no. You're seeing it completely wrong. Seeing how few people outside the Netherlands ride bikes regularly, the Dutch -on average - are frigging bike masters. Could always be better. But at least they know the fundamentals of how to ride a bike.

The fact we don't dominate the sport (apart from Mathieu vd Poel) means little. There's still plenty of fruitcakes biking abroad. Plenty people view the Tour de France. If the situation was more like with speedskating, the Netherlands would dominate biking as well. Not many people watch the world cup speedskating. Tour de France... I don't know. That's close to world league football in terms of world wide viewers? And I mean the eggshape football, you're allowed to keep in your hands. Not soccer. The actual football you're not allowed to hold in your hands. ;D


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8 hours ago, rhmilo said:

Shitty weather, though. And you’d be amazed how complacent and dumb decades of uninterrupted prosperity makes you. Entitled, too.

Also, looking down on ones fellow countrymen is a national sport here.

I know what NL is like haha, prob gonna move in w some family


7 hours ago, dingformung said:

People from non-prosperous places are shit heads, too, in their own ways. I think the Netherlands are a very open-minded place, at least in the larger cities (never been to the countryside). Also probably a good place to move to. Rotterdam has 50% immigrants so being foreign is really nothing special there.


My family lives in and near Amsterdam, I see a lot of foreigners there as well

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Yes. I would 100% leave the USA.
Why? If it isn’t completely obvious by now, I’m sure you can infer.

Seriously tho. I’m thinking about it more and more each year. I’m actually a hair’s breath selling my record collection and packing up a uhaul. Unfortunately, Canada won’t let Americans into their country at the moment because of coronavirus, so even if I wanted to, I’m not sure I could. Again, a big red flag for how boned we are as a society. 

The fact our culture is so backwards is possibly the main issue for me. Actually, avoiding mass shootings and getting access to affordable healthcare are probably the biggest reasons.
Also getting a fresh perspective and broadened life experience are pretty big perks.



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