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AAA - Ask Autechre Anything - Sean and Rob on WATMM!


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if everything more or less is held together with electrons more or less, isn't all sound really basically electronic?


esp, since nerves are using electrical impulses too, and synapses are probably digital...

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Are you listening to any Music while you type your answers? If so what? (Or are you watching the X factor like I am right now!)

i'm testing my theory and listening to acid eiffel

it's good, it's doing it

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Here's something that's more of personal interest to me, but I'll ask anyway - How did you get in touch with the directors for your videos back in the day? Did you know them before, or did Warp suggest some to you, ... ?


There haven't been any official ae-videos lately, and I don't know whether there are any plans for the future, but I'm wondering whether you ever look at "submissions" of wannabe- or low-profile-directors and such? Let's say, I have a showreel or something, send that to Warp or directly to you - would you even consider working with someone you haven't met or is it a waste of time?

I'm not thinking of anything in particular right now, I don't have anything, but your music is quite "visual" for me and I like to do music videos (ones that aren't just After Effects plug-ins..), so I'm thinking it'd be pretty neat to make one some day - Just a thought for the future.


If not, just tell me to fuck off now, I can take it. :happy:

Especially after I just got "removed" from the position of directing an upcoming video on Not Not Fun records (long story, it was porn-related ... )


chris was introduced to me by caroline, who is mates with chantal, in a club in london in 94. alex lived with chris at the time.


yeah pm me

Edited by Sean Ae
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eletronic musicians tend to be quite anonymous
but have you ever thought incorporating fans in to the creative process may it be creating beats or just something as simple as a cover art?
oh btw. would you consider your music accidental?

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Are M39 Diffain and tac Lacora labeled right?

Because the pronunciation sound of the track title tac Lacora always makes me think of how M39 Diffain sounds at 2:05 onwards, to the point that M39 Diffain is called tac Lacora for me :p.

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Not sure if intelligible: Are there any artists who have works which came after yours but are similar in style/build to yours that you enjoy/admire/are flattered by?


tbh the way we chuck things about we overlap with a fuckload of things and it's hard to unravel where people got things from, often it's nothing to do with us


like someone like slugabed, when i first heard that i really got it but i could tell none of it had come from us, cos the references were pretty clear. with some things you can't tell at all. even more mushy cos things that we used to do that required weird combinations of gear are now possible using one bit of software or kit, so hearing it on a record isn't so weird, they don't need to have heard of us

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During the Oversteps warehouse gig in London I swear I heard the drums from "Lcc" at one point. My mate passed out in the skanky portaloo's at the back after Haswell's insane set and missed the entire show. Lol at him.


I was also at Bloc festival so heard a massive difference in sets across the Oversteps tour; Bloc was very bass heavy with very little melodic content (or was that just the soundsystem?), Bocking St. was lush and full spectrum (ala the awesome Domino recording). Do your live shows evolve organically as you tour between places, do you respond to how audiences react, and do you perform differently to different nations?


Basically, i'm really interested in your live shows and hope for more. 2010 was a long time ago.

iirc bloc was quite early on in that particular set, i remember not being able to hear the system properly, and the gig ended up a bit more ad hoc. Some venues have impeccable sound system and we get full confidence in what we hear is what you get, so it tends to fully kick off at those shows, domino was one of them, bloc turned out well under the circumstances tho.


last two times you played berlin at berghain had absolutely terrible sound unfortunately... you could virtually hear nothing but the bass, really annoying crowd there too. and way too much light.

that's not a question though - so: maybe next time you come around you could choose another venue pls?


yeah ok

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are there any plans to do some boxset type deal again by that I mean things like a collection of compilation and oneoff tracks..and..BTW why no physical CD/vinyl release for Quaristice.Quadrange?

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I hope these few questions are not too intrusive:


If you had to pick one, what is your favorite Max/MSP object?


What were a few barriers, or failures you two had to break through in Max/MSP before you could really start flowing with music creation?


Do you use RME converters?


Your rhythms in your last few albums have been entrancing to me because of how natural they sound. Do you program your sequences in a gridless format, with a lot of steps (64, 128, etc) or are you doing long jams with velocity sensitive pads to keep yourselves interested?


Just a few random questions, thank you for any answers! You two are both my musical heroes. =)




it happened really quickly cos i was coming from being really into logic's environment window, so i was making tracks within a couple of weeks


yes we do


most of the rhythm is generated, there is no grid as such but we use grid type divisions to do some things

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having the internet around nowadays people either make autechre influenced tracks, make autechre music videos or even spend some time analysing your music and doing some type of essay

do you feel flattered by that or does it make you feel uncomfortable?

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Is the sample at the end of Tewe a cat purring?

Is it your cat?

(Completely serious, that is one of my favorite moments in music ever)

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Actress is someone who has mentioned you in interviews and I think I can hear quite a clear influence from you in some of his music. Have you heard much of his stuff? Do you like it?


Cheers for answers to my other questions I am also now currently listening to Acid Eiffel! Ace tune

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