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True Detective (SPOILERS)


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I really want to like this show; I can go along with Rust's (that name, seriously) philosophical monologues and the backwards butt-hole of America aspect of the show, they sit right with the BB/True Blood mould, but there are so many poorly executed parts. Woody is miscast in this role - I know someone mentioned he was originally going to play Rust - but he only really shines in unhinged roles, the straight guy... Not so much. Not sure what you call it, ("exposition"?) But the cheap way the connections and clues are unravelled through dialogue, and "oh look turns out whatshisface was doing this with whatshisface" is the kind of shit I'd expect from NCIS or any other by-the-numbers cop procedural. The interrogation scenes were tedious. And speak the fuck up Rust...

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Guest Mirezzi

The only part of the show I am currently really having a hard time with, given the pains the writing has gone through to tell us all how very perceptive, persistent, and canny he is as a detective, stems from how Rust completely forgot about the fat goofy fuck on a lawnmower. It just doesn't make sense.


Oh, I guess I'm also really cheesed out by the lawnmower man barking out that line at the end of EP07, as though he's breaking the 4th wall Frank Underwood style. It was just far too precious/cute for my liking.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

They're deffo the True Detective that the title speaks of.


They found spaghetti man much quicker than the other two.


they found him but had no idea who he was. so not really

Oh, I guess I'm also really cheesed out by the lawnmower man barking out that line at the end of EP07, as though he's breaking the 4th wall Frank Underwood style. It was just far too precious/cute for my liking.


straight to camera? was it...?

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Guest Mirezzi


They're deffo the True Detective that the title speaks of.


They found spaghetti man much quicker than the other two.


they found him but had no idea who he was. so not really

Oh, I guess I'm also really cheesed out by the lawnmower man barking out that line at the end of EP07, as though he's breaking the 4th wall Frank Underwood style. It was just far too precious/cute for my liking.


straight to camera? was it...?



No, it wasn't direct address, but it was close. I mean, who in fuck's name is he supposed to be talking to? His imaginary Yellow King subordinates?

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

he was finishing his sentence. you never keep talking when someone has stopped listening?

well anyway I didn't mind it


I'm thinking because this has a set length there is gonna be way more fan-fic than usual for this show, or season 1 anyway

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Guest Mirezzi

He wasn't finishing his sentence. lol. The detective cuts him off mid-sentence and drives off. Lawnmower Man gets up off the lawnmower, wipes his brow, walks toward the car as it flies down the dirt road, and right as the camera operator approaches him in a half-moon turn, he finally gives the rest of the line, 20 seconds later. It was definitely theatrical and it really didn't fit the style of the show to be honest. It felt like it was something out of Forest Gump: The Horror Movie.

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I wonder what the story is with only having 8 episodes. Was HBO worried this show wouldn't work? I would have liked for the cult to have been been given more screen time...although this would mean rust or marty wouldn't have been in every single scene as they have been so far.


also, anyone notice the lawnmower man is reemus from boardwalk empire?

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He wasn't finishing his sentence. lol. The detective cuts him off mid-sentence and drives off. Lawnmower Man gets up off the lawnmower, wipes his brow, walks toward the car as it flies down the dirt road, and right as the camera operator approaches him in a half-moon turn, he finally gives the rest of the line, 20 seconds later. It was definitely theatrical and it really didn't fit the style of the show to be honest. It felt like it was something out of Forest Gump: The Horror Movie.


I just took it as him being a psycho freak who doesn't let anyone cut him off mid-sentence. Like Milton from Office Space. The first time I watched it felt wrong, but the second time it just felt like, this guy lives in a fantasy world, he feels like his words are golden, and most likely the fact that the cops are black just irked him even more. So he had to finish the sentence, with his OCD, I run Carcosa and kill kids personality type.


But yes I do feel that Cohle should have picked up on the fact that he ran into the Spaghetti man, especially after going back and finding all of the Carcosa elements within the school.


We shall see if this is resolved on Sunday.


I am excite!

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also lawndude isn't really that scarred is he....

some of you mentioned that the acid hallucinations might have induced a fantasy image of a scarred guy..


but several of the people who'd seen him had said that the scar guy was like SCARRED, and also quite big.

so imo the real scar guy is yet to appear.

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Guest Mirezzi

I'm hoping Lawnie is a red herring, otherwise how anti-climactic.


Agreed and I think it's clearly a red herring. Somehow, someway, the whole meth gang thing has to be tied into this thing as well...right?


Anyway, I don't think it's the lawnmower man.


Nice catch re: Remus from Boardwalk Empire!

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Guest Mirezzi

I think I just found myself both laughing at and laughing with the finale. Anything that felt smart about True Detective for the first six episodes, through performance or through the many amazing elements of its production value, more or less unraveled into a Scooby Do equation that an average viewer had already figured out by paying even the slightest attention. Even the liminal, subtextual horror of the Yellow King's hellish crimes ended up laid bare in painstaking detail, every bit of the mystery brightly lit for the audience to pour over.


Whatever had overinflated my sense of this show's value through six episodes, I sure as fuck was not prepared for where it ended up.


If there were an EP09, I suspect we'd find Rust and Marty taking up a hobby together and trying to cobble together enough business as private dicks to eek out a humble existence in good ole Southern Louisiana.


And they would probably join a band, something that might look a bit like this:



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The brief glimpse of the otherworldly darkness was well done: felt very Hellboy-ish del Toro. That, along with the hints throughout the series of strange evil, all lended the series a bit of uniqueness. Even without all that, it would've been a well done who-dun-it with solid writing/acting/visuals.

Oh, and yes, that is really what southern Louisiana is like. Some of the accents were shit, but overall they captured the atmosphere of the area very well.

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Maaaan, they bit off more that they could chew. The mystical aspect of the murders that was so well played up until the 6th episode just vanished like it never existed. So, what's up with a whole cult of wealthy and influential men raping and murdering little girls? Nevermind, they killed the most sadistic of them, that's enough. What's up with Carcosa and what it is exactly? Ehm, watch these hallucinations of blue clouds and shut up.


Now, I don't want to complain and I certainly don't want to tell others how to present their stories, but wouldn't it be much more interesting to have 2 last episodes just seeing Rust interrogating the killer, if it was so strongly implied that Rust was the master interrogator? All these mystical and satanic aspects would shine through like that. But nope, the killer spoke some more unfounded voodoo jumbo before he was shot to the head and that's that. Kind of dumb if you ask me.


On the plus side, I really liked how Rust spoke about afterworld in the end. Some great acting.

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