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50 Incredibly Tough Albums For Extreme Listeners?


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"Here’s a selection of 50 albums that we think make for particularly challenging or difficult listening, because they’re emotionally harrowing, technically demanding, or just plain old make your ears hurt."



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A list of universally acclaimed as good modern music. Can't blame for such choices, the headline is misguiding towards actual descriptions. Media sells articles like that, nothing new.

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Ahaha... aha... ha'.


Yah, "50 Incredibly Tough Albums For Extreme Listeners" = "50 Incredibly Tough Albums For Average People But More Suited For Possibly Extreme Listeners". These are not tough albums FOR extreme listeners....


Without reading this thread, I'd think the article would just be noize tracks, that literally could make you deaf (i.e. too hardcore for me and my sensitive peach fuzz sensibility). Like, albums that take mad will power to not pull the headphones off your head, press stop, or clench your teeth from physical pain.

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Trout Mask Replica is incredibly influential on the way Autechre compose and structure their music.


Redruth, on 25 Apr 2014 - 1:14 PM, said:snapback.png

i would like sum mind-melting ear-bleeders plees?




I feel about them the way pussies feel about Merzbow.


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I thought it was an amusing read. Agree with Trout Mask Replica, wtf is that all about?? :wacko:


David Lynch's favourite album.





Cartoonist and writer Matt Groening tells of listening to Trout Mask Replica at the age of 15: "I thought it was the worst thing I'd ever heard. I said to myself, they're not even trying! It was just a sloppy cacophony. Then I listened to it a couple more times, because I couldn't believe Frank Zappa could do this to me – and because a double album cost a lot of money. About the third time, I realised they were doing it on purpose; they meant it to sound exactly this way. About the sixth or seventh time, it clicked in, and I thought it was the greatest album I'd ever heard".


I finally listened to it a few weeks ago (as I was diving into Zappa's work as well) and really liked it. It's a just fucking weird ass album. Like, you can not enjoy it but still get it, or least appreciate it. Thats Captain Beefheart in a nutshell really.


For example, I loved the lyrics and goofy but sincere vibe to this song, but my wife just couldn't get into it when I played it (she liked the lyrics too) and I don't blame her at all...



Change it to either of these:


- 50 Incredibly Listenable Albums For Extreme Listeners

- 50 Incredibly Tough Albums For Average Listeners




It's such a hyperbolic title and premise - reads like something annoying I would of written as a snotty faux-pretentious college freshman.


It's actually a decent list for people wanting to get a foot in the door in non-mainstream music. That should of been the context.

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