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You'll never guess why these men aren't bathing anymore

luke viia

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Some dudes in Cambridge are working on a new bacterial spray (not antibacterial; bacterial) that could eliminate the need to shower entirely. They hypothesize that an ancient bacteria, nitrosomonas eutropha, was once a part of our human microbiome, and was responsible for cleaning our skin, acting as a deoderant, an anti-inflammatory agent, and an immune booster. Unfortunately, it can be killed very easily. As in, you bathe once, and you probably kill them all.


Here's a NYTimes article about it. I heard about it through a coworker, as we drove back from a work site, smelling like wet dogs, and discussing this problem. I'm not sure I'm into it -- generally I am skeptical of biotechnology startups -- but it's intriguing, at least. One of the biggest draws for me is that people are reporting their skin health is actually improving after using the product for a while. I recently started having atopic eczema breakouts, and this shit sucks. I also work around skin irritants all day. My gf has her own set of skin issues. It's a daily grind for both of us to keep from having breakouts regularly, and that's lame. If this product truly is innocuous, I might just Try This One Weird Trick to Stop Showering Forever.








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I've stopped using soap as often and over my entire body because I feel it is harsh and unnecessary. There is important bacteria on our skin. I've also noticed I have a less need for moisturizing and I see no real reason to use harsh soaps all over my body every time I wash. I also don't use regular deodorant anymore, both for health reasons and practical ones. Regular deodorant always ruins clothing when you sweat and I got very tired of this. I do always wash my underarm and genital areas when I bathe though. I wash my hair as infrequently as possible to keep it at a tolerable level of greasiness. I eat very clean these days and supplement appropriately as well so body odor is minimized. I probably do smell more from my armpits when I'm under highly sweaty conditions because natural deodorants just don't work AS well, but the compromise is worth it imo. For instance, I've gone all day and been outside multiple times today in Texas and I do not smell.


I've been on a kick of checking labels of all the products I use to make sure they use as little unnatural chemicals as possible over the past year or so and its interesting how easily these very unnatural things can be replaced and diminished with a little bit of conscious purchasing.


It's also important to note that one easy fix for improving skin and hair quality is lowering the temperature of your showers. Hot water dries your skin and I imagine it irritates conditions like eczema. Taking it a step further and using ice baths can massively improve your health by reducing inflammation.

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Guest fiznuthian

I've stopped using soap as often and over my entire body because I feel it is harsh and unnecessary. There is important bacteria on our skin. I've also noticed I have a less need for moisturizing and I see no real reason to use harsh soaps all over my body every time I wash. I also don't use regular deodorant anymore, both for health reasons and practical ones. Regular deodorant always ruins clothing when you sweat and I got very tired of this. I do always wash my underarm and genital areas when I bathe though. I wash my hair as infrequently as possible to keep it at a tolerable level of greasiness. I eat very clean these days and supplement appropriately as well so body odor is minimized. I probably do smell more from my armpits when I'm under highly sweaty conditions because natural deodorants just don't work AS well, but the compromise is worth it imo. For instance, I've gone all day and been outside multiple times today in Texas and I do not smell.


I've been on a kick of checking labels of all the products I use to make sure they use as little unnatural chemicals as possible over the past year or so and its interesting how easily these very unnatural things can be replaced and diminished with a little bit of conscious purchasing.


It's also important to note that one easy fix for improving skin and hair quality is lowering the temperature of your showers. Hot water dries your skin and I imagine it irritates conditions like eczema. Taking it a step further and using ice baths can massively improve your health by reducing inflammation.


I do the same things.. :beer:


I read a blog frequently written by a molecular and cellular biologist (http://coolinginflammation.blogspot.com).. he's constantly bringing up the symbiotic relationship we have with microorganisms both within and living on our body. I think it's shaped how I view health quite a bit.. There's pros and cons to our sterile seeking lives.

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Nice, yeah I started thinking about it along with some information with which I had come into contact and I've started to come into the idea that our body is sort of designed to take care of itself. I mean we used to live outside. So I rationalized that heavy washing and industrial products most likely interfere with the processes that our body goes through in order to maintain its health normally.

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i take a hot hot bath everyday. im addicted to it


my dad doesnt bathe for weeks on end. hes not in that great of health. but he doesnt get colds. so ill give him that

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i take a hot hot bath everyday. im addicted to it


hot baths are awesome especially when you throw awesome shit in it that smells good.

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Why wouldn't you want to take a shower? It feels great

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ive been washing myself with fairy liquid for a week because i keep forgetting to buy shower gel. i actually wash my clothes with fairy liquid aswell, im pretty sure it works for pretty much any cleaning task you set it too.

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ive been washing myself with fairy liquid for a week because i keep forgetting to buy shower gel. i actually wash my clothes with fairy liquid aswell, im pretty sure it works for pretty much any cleaning task you set it too.

I used washing up liquid to clean my carpet, scrubbed up a treat.

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I quit smoking cigarettes and now don't really need to shower as much because I don't get itchy balls anymore from not bathing. Ladies?

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