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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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Nah im not really one to start political / current event threads.. I just like to lurk and then chime in here in there as you guys know :P , so i guess i count on the peeps here that typically make those kind of threads to do so. Ya i know hypocritical. But anyway and yeah Mesh- not sure if you were suggesting that to me, but by wanting to see a thread on this im not looking for a place to promote my positions or talk politics, it was more about me wanting to see mass shootings / terror attacks given acknowledgement and discussion as there are plenty of political current event threads on gen ban, so i just found it odd that the largest shooting in US history didnt have one. But then, maybe i should realize most of watmm are not from the US, so its prob more of a tribalist thing, and then of course given there are threads like this one haha, i imagine some of us Muricans might feel shy about "annoying" you guys (you guys meaning watmm members outside the US) with our tragedies for fear that you see it as "rah rah" or even just fear of posting something *****ic extremist-related even if its a massive isis- inspired or connected terror attack, as many members here are offended by even the inclusion of that word in connection to anything remotely negative, let alone terrorism in general. Now Im going off on a rant. But yeah its that fear of being labeled some kind of bloated ignorant greedy american redneck racist for even mentioning the word terrorism. It's quite absurd- i don't find that same odd response in any other community--even the most progressive far left communities im associated with. But I will say with Robbie no longer here, I don't feel as scared of getting bullied and cornered for saying something remotely positive about the west or the slightest bit questioning of oppressive regimes anywhere across the sea lol


*waits for ridicule for having even mentioned a current event*

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I honestly didn't mean it as a dig. I'm like you I don't particularly want to start the thread myself but I agree it deserves some attention. Surprised noone has started a thread.


Such a sad situation and particularly because it's targeted a demographic which has been shit on far enough. Well not even, it would be just as sad whoever the target was. I don't know. It's pretty fucked excuse my language.

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I honestly didn't mean it as a dig. I'm like you I don't particularly want to start the thread myself but I agree it deserves some attention.


Such a sad situation and particularly because it's targeted a demographic which has been shit on far enough. Well not even, it would be just as sad whoever the target was. I don't know. It's pretty fucked excuse my language.

For sure man, and likewise there ^ i was mostly speaking to everyone abstractly there, but yeah , its terribly sad. I had a very visceral vision today where I imagined if I was in that club witnessing the screams and crying, and it made me shudder. So helpless feeling to think that some 29 yr old lunatic took out 50 people cuz of his batshit crazy mission. Like the thought of actually just randomly cutting a bunch of club goers lives short yesterday- all for some warped delusion/mindset, its hard for me to fathom. We're all so desensitized to mass murder at this point that it seems so far away, hollywood esque.


I have family and friends in the lgbt community so this struck close to home. And man, gay clubs are some of the most fun places to have a drink and hear great music.


I think thats what these psycho terrorists need--some good open hearted expression, funky music and dancing. Dancing, music, and alcohol can solve all the world's problems.

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I don't know if we are desensitized, if that's the right word. The Bataclan thing fucked me up pretty good. I had just been to Autechre live in vancouver here with other watmmers and was thinking "that could have been us?".


This hits home too (maybe a little less because I would be less likely to be found at a ... gay nightclub? than a music venue) but all the same, and this is what they want, but I'm scared to take public transit or go to places like that anymore.


I'm not going to live my life in fear but yeah this stuff has a huge effect on people.

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paris: a group of people tried to bomb a friendly match where merkel and the french president were present, and a couple of km's (!!!) away some other people did a coordinated attack at a gig ..and people were spraying guns at some popular district.


shooting in US: loner killing lots of people.


if you want a thread about the zillionsts shooting in the us make one. and haven't there been plenty on gun control and the likes?

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paris: a group of people tried to bomb a friendly match where merkel and the french president were present, and a couple of km's (!!!) away some other people did a coordinated attack at a gig ..and people were spraying guns at some popular district.


shooting in US: loner killing lots of people.


if you want a thread about the zillionsts shooting in the us make one. and haven't there been plenty on gun control and the likes?

Have you not been following the story? Authorities are saying it was heavily planned and coordinated, the shooter had pledged allegiance to isis and was on a watch list, in addition to the mutilple eyewitness accounts saying there multiple shooters (up to 3). Sure, GoDel, it was just some bored kid who off the wall decided to plan and fund a massive operation that amounted to the largest shooting in US history. And even if it was a lone wolf not connected to any internation terror networks, which I highly doubt, I think its still reasonable to have it discussed. Sorry if it doesnt aualify as a talking point for you, but your opinion is not representative of everyone.

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i haven't said the shooting isnt a relevant talking point, or unreasonable to talk about. what is unreasonable however is to start complaining about the lack of a thread and basically blame it on euro's. being unsympathetic to the oregon thing.

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paris: a group of people tried to bomb a friendly match where merkel and the french president were present, and a couple of km's (!!!) away some other people did a coordinated attack at a gig ..and people were spraying guns at some popular district.


shooting in US: loner killing lots of people.


if you want a thread about the zillionsts shooting in the us make one. and haven't there been plenty on gun control and the likes?

Have you not been following the story? Authorities are saying it was heavily planned and coordinated, the shooter had pledged allegiance to isis and was on a watch list, in addition to the mutilple eyewitness accounts saying there multiple shooters (up to 3). Sure, GoDel, it was just some bored kid who off the wall decided to plan and fund a massive operation that amounted to the largest shooting in US history. And even if it was a lone wolf not connected to any internation terror networks, which I highly doubt, I think its still reasonable to have it discussed. Sorry if it doesnt aualify as a talking point for you, but your opinion is not representative of everyone.



what was a massive operation? he legally bought a couple of guns a week before and he called 911 20 mins he started shooting. i must be missing something, because all articles i'm reading talk about a loner who sympathised with the is thing.


plus, make a thread already.

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i haven't said the shooting isnt a relevant talking point, or unreasonable to talk about. what is unreasonable however is to start complaining about the lack of a thread and basically blame it on euro's. being unsympathetic to the oregon thing.

I dont think its unreasonable to complain about the lack of a thread on something.. Watmm does it all the time. And I never said anything about Europeans.


its a massive operation to coordinate something like that. No lunatic misanthrope can just buy a gun and easily take out 50 people. There are tactical considerations.

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dude, it's not relevant. make your thread about the biggest shooting in (recent) US history.

Thought you just said it was relevant lol


I'm good. Don't feel like starting any threads at the moment, but feel free to if you'd like.

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Lol we just cybered w idm playing in background

It was splendid. *inhales cigarette*


P.s. Miss u guys.. Come visit the vaporwave thread and say hi sometime :D

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Ever seen a duck's penis? Neither have I, or not in person at least -- but google that shit. It's like a hot wheels track built by a schizophrenic patient mixed with a parasitic worm. Fuckin' nuts.



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Ever seen a duck's penis? Neither have I, or not in person at least -- but google that shit. It's like a hot wheels track built by a schizophrenic patient mixed with a parasitic worm. Fuckin' nuts.



lol holy shit.


You're not even kidding.


Adds duck dick to most idm 2016*

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its a massive operation to coordinate something like that. No lunatic misanthrope can just buy a gun and easily take out 50 people. There are tactical considerations.

I think the problem is that it is exactly that easy to get an assault rifle and a shitton of ammo and gear, especially in Flordia.

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