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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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On 3/25/2022 at 5:22 PM, ignatius said:


There is tons of this bullshit MAGA crap on cars, yards, fields, everywhere. I think the Trump flag is the new rebel flag, people will fly it for decades. On the good foot, maybe we’ll get a new Trump flag Dukes of Hazard, yeehaw!


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I keep wondering how the poorest, the dumbest, the most racist of Americans have identified so much with and blindly follow a rich New Yorker who doesn't care about them at all.  They were just so hungry to latch on to anyone who was so vocal about being anti-establishment and racist.

From my armchair psychiatrist viewpoint, they want something/someone to blame for their lousy lot in life, instead of looking in the mirror and realizing their own situation is probably because they're not smart enough or hard-working enough, etc.

IMO we're lucky he doesn't give two shits about most of his followers and their well-being.  Imagine if these morons all got behind someone with actual charisma, someone who could wield actual political power other than, "I'll take my voting bloc and go home".

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51 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

From my armchair psychiatrist viewpoint, they want something/someone to blame for their lousy lot in life, instead of looking in the mirror and realizing their own situation is probably because they're not smart enough or hard-working enough, etc.


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1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

I keep wondering how the poorest, the dumbest, the most racist of Americans have identified so much with and blindly follow a rich New Yorker who doesn't care about them at all. 

think you answered your own question there man. I know it's not polite to call someone dumb, but I don't know any other way to describe it. you know those type of people that fall for obvious scams, buy crap products off of 24 hr shopping channels, get suckered into high pressure sales tactics. those are all prime targets for the NY City slickster! and that is unfortunately a massive chunk of the US population. his supporters don't care as much that he's from NYC, because he sure acts and talks a lot like people in their tribe...all the low brow petty shit he's known so well for saying and doing. therefore he somehow gains an iota of their trust, and then they start buying into more and more of the trump show.

I think until donald started his political thing, many of us totally underestimated just how many people like this there are out there, because we usually interact with people with somewhat similar viewpoints as our own. that's why as much as I don't like trump and what he's done to this country, he deserves some small golf clap for his carny smarts, and his non-stop ability to keep his supporters rolling in the pig shit he throws out for them. the fact that he has duped millions of people into believing he is fit to be US pres, is why I say he totally deserves the unofficial title as the biggest con man in the world. 

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15 minutes ago, zero said:

think you answered your own question there man. I know it's not polite to call someone dumb, but I don't know any other way to describe it. you know those type of people that fall for obvious scams, buy crap products off of 24 hr shopping channels, get suckered into high pressure sales tactics. those are all prime targets for the NY City slickster! and that is unfortunately a massive chunk of the US population. his supporters don't care as much that he's from NYC, because he sure acts and talks a lot like people in their tribe...all the low brow petty shit he's known so well for saying and doing. therefore he somehow gains an iota of their trust, and then they start buying into more and more of the trump show.

I think until donald started his political thing, many of us totally underestimated just how many people like this there are out there, because we usually interact with people with somewhat similar viewpoints as our own. that's why as much as I don't like trump and what he's done to this country, he deserves some small golf clap for his carny smarts, and his non-stop ability to keep his supporters rolling in the pig shit he throws out for them. the fact that he has duped millions of people into believing he is fit to be US pres, is why I say he totally deserves the unofficial title as the biggest con man in the world. 

Yes, and people who tend to fall for scams like this are probably not very successful in life (ofc there are outliers, but by and large they're probably not successful).  This orange man comes along and lets them feel that their lives are not where they want them to be because of the swamp in DC, or the minorities coming from other countries and taking their jobs.  They latch onto that and get to say, "yeah, I didn't get that job because the system is corrupt or because that minority got it over me", which is easier than saying, "I didn't get that job because I'm not as qualified or as smart or hard-working as the other person".  It's much easier to blame others or "the system" for their own problems.

I feel that these people have always been here, but they have stayed out of politics because there were few candidates they could get behind.  The problem is that Trump came along and gave them a unifying voice, something they could all rally behind, even if it was only for his own personal gain.

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49 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

It's much easier to blame others or "the system" for their own problems.

yep, lack of accountability. people in general are bad at this (well not all, but a lot), and politicians are on a whole another level when it comes to it. "not my fault / I'm not to blame / let me point a finger" attitude has been a thing in this country for a minute now. my guess would be it largely started probably some time back in the 1970's. that's really when lawyers started threatening everyone and everything with lawsuits, and that has just snowballed into a change in societal attitudes. "no officer, I didn't run into that car, and I'll get a lawyer to fight all the charges" is, if you ask me, an accountability problem. 

any way, we could go on and on about these types of sociological issues, but the fact remains that no one knows how to solve them. politicians say one thing, then do another all the freakin' time. and they are the ones that we are looking to to somehow change things? all politicians are completely full of shit. lie to get votes, then battle it out for years trying to eke through some piece of legislation that is no doubt totally different from when it started.

yes "the system" is indeed fucked, and we're stuck with it. and since it's all so murky/confusing/complicated, you are going to get guys like trump who find a way to exploit it, use any loopholes they can find to their advantage. twist and manipulate everything until it profits them. now we're at a point where even hard proven facts are up for debate, thanks to all these political clowns and their agendas AND who claim to represent the best interests of the people. on some level, I'm almost eerily aligned with beliefs held by a trump supporter, in that I have never felt that the political machine in DC represents me. I feel pretty detached from all of it, hence why I didn't vote a few times over the years when I could of. but I also have a pretty good purview to be able to spot a scam, which is why I didn't vote for the orange guy.



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48 minutes ago, zero said:

on some level, I'm almost eerily aligned with beliefs held by a trump supporter, in that I have never felt that the political machine in DC represents me. I feel pretty detached from all of it, hence why I didn't vote a few times over the years when I could of. but I also have a pretty good purview to be able to spot a scam, which is why I didn't vote for the orange guy.



I think that the level of feeling "represented" increases as you get to more local government.  Recently I have really tried to read up on the candidates running in local and state elections before casting my vote.

I agree that the further up you get, the less it seems the politicians do what's right for their constituents, at least in America.  I've continued to vote in the main elections, but after having to choose between the lesser of two evils too often, I have started to pay more attention to the primaries which I think are vastly more important than the final elections.  We need grass roots movements to get people to pay attention to and participate in primary elections at all levels, I feel that could have the quickest positive impact.

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1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

I think that the level of feeling "represented" increases as you get to more local government.  Recently I have really tried to read up on the candidates running in local and state elections before casting my vote.

for sure. that really does seem to be the best way for people to feel their voice is heard when it comes to politics. I should do the same before the next election comes about, learn more about the local candidates instead of voting blindly.

up until trump, I never disliked the Republican party as much as I do now. last time I just voted straight ticket dem, except in those races where there was only like 1 R candidate there, and was forced to vote for them. it's going to be harder and harder I feel to support an R ticket local candidate even if their viewpoint is entirely reasonable, largely due to how toxic the Republican party has become on a national scale. 

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49 minutes ago, zero said:

for sure. that really does seem to be the best way for people to feel their voice is heard when it comes to politics. I should do the same before the next election comes about, learn more about the local candidates instead of voting blindly.

This is the way to make your voice heard as much as possible.

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the final in the 6 part series on henry kissinger was today. the whole series is epic. fucking amazing really. what a huge piece of shit that guy is. 

it's fucking funny too. the guests are excellent and they take every opportunity to drop shit on him but are also like shocked and "WTF" about a lot of what's revealed. it's great. 


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We are insured but our health plan doesn’t include vision coverage. My wife needed to make an appointment for an eye exam and called our HMO to see how much it would cost. In the past, we would just go to an independent optometrist and it would cost somewhere between $70 and $100. 
Naturally, the costs for such common procedures are hidden so she had to wait on hold and talk to 3 different people before finding out that on top of a $40 co-pay (and our monthly premium of like $300) that a standard eye exam is “somewhere between $200-$450”. As someone mentioned in one of these threads recently, American health care is a total scam. 

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57 minutes ago, J3FF3R00 said:

We are insured but our health plan doesn’t include vision coverage. My wife needed to make an appointment for an eye exam and called our HMO to see how much it would cost. In the past, we would just go to an independent optometrist and it would cost somewhere between $70 and $100. 
Naturally, the costs for such common procedures are hidden so she had to wait on hold and talk to 3 different people before finding out that on top of a $40 co-pay (and our monthly premium of like $300) that a standard eye exam is “somewhere between $200-$450”. As someone mentioned in one of these threads recently, American health care is a total scam. 

been there. that sucks. sometimes it's cheaper to pay out of pocket. i've done that. side step insurance when the doctor's office offers a self pay discount. 

just to mention, congress and biden bragging about 'capping the price of insulin to $35' is a half truth. it caps the Co Pay a person with insurance pays for insulin at $35. so for people without insurance this does absolutely nothing. 

edit: also, what a douchebag idiot. 


Edited by ignatius
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16 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:


If you can't get current events right, you've no hope at history. Best outcome for everyone that she was fired.

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