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Misogyny lies at one of the many hearts of the dank: they are a desperate depiction of current triple, quadruple and cincouple standards concerning society's constructs. They are fed by a drug use, globalisation, internetinization and alienation of expectations put on humans by the zionist machine. Dank maymay's are, in all likeliness, a dying call of an absurd world where most discourse boils down to either "fuck me [sic], daddy" or "[sic] mommy, i want you to hold me again". Dank maymay's are the outings and ramblings of a brand of people who are finding a deeper and simpler truth, but are finding trouble in integrating them into their pre-held beliefs of the world


- That one hobo

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"So many major errors between the sexes could be avoided if at some early point in time, the perpetrators had politely been told they were incorrect." - Cher


Sonny: "I got you babe"


Tree: "Incorrect"


Cher: "ayy lmao"

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