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Cheetah EP

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Meh. Doesn't do anything for me. Forgettable.


So now we've heard more than half of the EP already (three long tracks)? Now it's needlessly waiting for just two actual new tracks and two small interludes... Warp should've just dropped it all at once imo, never been so underwhelmed by an AFX release before.



Also, how is U M I L still not properly released?!





New track is just about exactly what I've come to expect from this record; really underwhelming in terms of content but nice sounding authentic tape and tube distortion. The whole approach felt fresh about 10 years ago, a bit of a nerdy novelty item at best now. Still better than Deejay as it's more laid back.




preconceptions much?

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now I like 7b more than 3, where with the SC I liked 3 more. And the mixing differences changed that. Wow that rarely happens. Both have been beefed, but 7b needed it a lot more than 3.

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OH yeah, with that 2x202, I'm willing to bet it's been turned way down for the radio play. It just won't sync up with the two other tracks if it's really this low.

It is interesting to see him practice such restraint. He could have easily layed another part on 2x202.

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Reading a lot of angry rants here. Aphex dominance is crumbling!


But then again, it is good music. Music, nothing more, nothing less. I like good music as I like good pussah.

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Reading a lot of angry rants here. Aphex dominance is crumbling!


But then again, it is good music. Music, nothing more, nothing less. I like good music as I like good pussah.

Does this somehow negate what he did with Syro/Drukqs/RDJ album/ICBYD? Honestly Cheetah 7b could have been on syro, maybe as a chill 'transition' track to calm the album down before one of the crazier tracks bumped it back up.

I think it has always been obvious that aphex makes music all along the spectrum just like anyone else, from absolutely amazing to... shit. Though he tends to make absolutely amazing stuff a lot more than other folks. I'm sure he still trudges through the occasional shit track. That all said I'm glad he's releasing a greater swathe of his music, I don't just wanna hear his really good stuff and above, I want to hear his decent-good stuff as well, which was shown to us in the SC dump. Though I consider both cheetahs really good so far.

Edited by Brisbot
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Reading a lot of angry rants here. Aphex dominance is crumbling!


But then again, it is good music. Music, nothing more, nothing less. I like good music as I like good pussah.

Does this somehow negate what he did with Syro/Drukqs/RDJ album/ICBYD? Honestly Cheetah 7b could have been on syro, maybe as a chill 'transition' track to calm the album down before one of the crazier tracks bumped it back up.



I seriously believe Richard doesn't give a fuck anymore. I think he never did. He's just releasing more "new" music just for easy cash, regardless of "concept" or "structure" in this new albums.. For me is just more Aphex Twin music. Would give money for a new The Tuss, tho, maybe.


Reading a lot of angry rants here. Aphex dominance is crumbling!


But then again, it is good music. Music, nothing more, nothing less. I like good music as I like good pussah.

Does this somehow negate what he did with Syro/Drukqs/RDJ album/ICBYD? Honestly Cheetah 7b could have been on syro, maybe as a chill 'transition' track to calm the album down before one of the crazier tracks bumped it back up.

I think it has always been obvious that aphex makes music all along the spectrum just like anyone else, from absolutely amazing to... shit. Though he tends to make absolutely amazing stuff a lot more than other folks. I'm sure he still trudges through the occasional shit track. That all said I'm glad he's releasing a greater swathe of his music, I don't just wanna hear his really good stuff and above, I want to hear his decent-good stuff as well, which was shown to us in the SC dump. Though I consider both cheetahs really good so far.


Adding to your edited post:


Yeah, he's human too. I feel he'll release a lot more of stuff with true gems in the phuture.

Edited by logakght
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"Fan" is short for "fanatic." You are not fanatical. Every release is 10/10. No exceptions. Ever.


fer real? Must be hard picking favorite aphex tracks if you enjoy every single one equally... at a 10/10 level.


edit.. I prob got trolled. Excellent work.



this is 100% me all over, i am and always will be a weirdo fanboi that will never say a bad word against any release/track.


every release is 10/10 in my books

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Not sure if it was posted, but CHEETAHT7b is downloadable from Bleep now.


I'm just getting 'Download failed. Please try again.', tried multiple times now.

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It's for posterity not cash. The more ppl have his music/babies the longer his precious creations (life's work!) will last and the further they'll spread (+vinyl will survive cosmic events that would potentially ruin magnetic storage mediums).

If he wanted money he'd be on a festival tour right now getting £40,000 a night.

Also there seems to be a demand right?

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