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Shifting musical tastes


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I think my tastes have shifted from aggressive and technical to more ambient and atmospheric.


Yeah this, it's the reason I had no patience for BoC or Amber in my 20's. Everything had to be OTT or cryptic/obtuse or 'difficult'.


I find my musical tastes to be cyclical. Lately, from having conversations with peeps in chatmm, I've been diggin up stuff that I haven't listened to in 7-10 years because something will remind me of it and I have to share it with someone.


lotta free, realtime noise/improv stuff: Albert Ayler, Keiji Haino, Mouthus. Also been digging out all my Hafler Trio records again.

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Oh yeah I mean there's a shit ton of electronic music I still dig, I think I'm just more particular, which comes with old age(28)


Same here. More particular in two ways:


1. I know what I like and I'm at the very least familiar / aquainted with just about every genre out there, so unlike when I was say, a teenager who was listening to stuff like I dunno, DJ Tiesto or top 40 alt rock because he didn't know any better, I can easily say "meh, this isn't for me" instead of wasting time.


2. For the most part I don't give a shit about keeping up with hyped / trendy stuff...at my worst in college I think I was so wrapped up with seeming cool or in the know that I was listening or skimming stuff I didn't even really care about or like for the same of seeming in the know. Looking back there's so much stuff I checked out b/c p4k mentioned it or it was on a lot of dance blogs that has literally been forgotten by most people.

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One thing I have trouble putting my finger on probably has to do with the subjectivity of "art" and art.


I just have a really hard time respecting "artists". Yeah I realize people have a hobby, they start small and work their way up. It's not always pretty or impressive but it reminds me of a conversation I had with an "artist friend".


I had just made my first batch of home brew, and mentioned that I liked giving the beer away to friends and family and know they enjoyed it more than I liked drinking it myself. I like seeing people get a buzz and making each batch much better. And he said "yeah duhh, it feels good to create things." Like being creative is the be all end all. But I just thought to myself, "No, it feels good to create something that objectively doesn't suck balls. Try it sometime."

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I feel like my tastes are broadening. I went through a few musical stages in my teens. at one point my favorite band was Linkin Park when I was... 10/11. Then a year or two later it became Daft Punk/electronic, then A perfect circle, then tool/soft metal), then Radiohead/indie then Aphex Twin/IDM then EvoAva.

Ever since my favorite band was A perfect circle.. i don't know 7 years ago now, my tastes of grown to accompany a broader range of music. I still enjoy Tool/APC, not to the extent as I did before, but it's fun to listen to sometimes. Whereas I outgrew Linkin Park and their ilk quick, and am still a so-so fan of Daft Punk, which to me is pretty entry level Electronic music at this point. They were my first electronic music love, and time has not done them well... well for my tastes.

By the way, I listen

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After I got kids I don't have the time to search and look for new music the way I used to. A few years ago I often had a few beers on friday, and listened to all the new stuff on Boomkat and other sites. Then I ordered some of it, and used Oink/what/waffles for the rest. Now I just listen to whatever I find on Spotify, so I'm missing out on most experimental/underground stuff. I've listened to about 500 artists this year (according to Spotify), and I guess that just 10-20% are Electronic/IDM. The rest of it is rock, pop, etc. 10 years ago, It would be the other way around. Also, I'm listening to a lot of playlist made by others, so I listen to more single tracks and less to whole albums. More a shift in listening patterns than musikal taste, but still.

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The thing is, if at one point of your life you did not shift your musical tastes, you'd probably never stumbled across IDM/Braindance etc.


I found something in Ae when I truly needed when I first discovered it. Now I find things I need in Jesus Christ Superstar and it gives me the same pleasure.


When your musical needs are fulfilled, who cares if it's due to cryptic IDM or crappy pop bands? What matters is the pleasure you get off it :)

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My listening habits are continually shifting and changing with time, but my taste hasn't changed since I was 11.


I like poppy stuff with a really fucking good (usually emotive) melody, I like instrumental stuff that has an element of atmosphere that allows me to conjour images in my head, and I like stuff that confuses the hell out of me (even if I only listen to it once in a blue moon). Almost everything I've ever listened to fits into these categories. There are various genres and movements I've discovered, had recommended, stumbled across, and each time I go in guns blazing, checking everything out. And at some point down the line I've whittled it down to a selection of albums that are either melodically poppy or textural and atmospheric.


I don't listen to much of what falls directly into the 'IDM' bracket these days, although I keep up with Aphex and Autechre releases. The classics come out once or twice a year. FSOL are still my all-time favourites and their ridiculous release rate over the past ten years means I've always got something to explore there. I spent a few years delving deep into Tangerine Dream's extensive discography of late, and these days am exploring vaporwave and some of the interesting ends of dubstep. Yet I guarantee in a year or two, the albums/tracks I'll be regularly listening to from those will all be able to slot seamlessly into a mix with all my other favourites.

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I listen to classical now, mainly on us classical radio stations. Never did before recently though. I like it for both active and passive listening. Only in my 30's but I could see myself going to a classical concert and appreciating it. While seated. I'd like to learn more about classical if anyone can point to a better entry point than wqxr. Mozart?

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