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new research shows sea levels could rise 60 feet

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meant to type 60 meters!


New research published in the journal Science



New research has led to a warning from a leading Antarctic expert that the world is on track for massive sea level rises resulting from the melting of an ice sheet. The research has revealed that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere continue increasing as predicted, the giant East Antarctic ice sheet will melt.

"Our study shows that this ice sheet becomes unstable and melts if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere reach 600 parts per million—levels which may be reached by the end of the century if emissions reductions targets agreed to recently in Paris are not met," says Professor Tim Naish, Director of Victoria University's Antarctic Research Centre.

"If the Antarctic ice sheet completely melted, global sea level would rise about 60 meters. It's a sleeping giant."


Mad max scenarios could be fun but what will the militaries of the world be up to as civilization declines into ruin because entire cities are effectively disappearing? Hard to even imagine a post-apocalyptic world with loose nukes and modern armies. Enjoy these times before the fall.



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In some of the hyperthermal events in the paleogene, CO2 was at several thousand ppm, and sea levels rose about 20m, and this would be purely from thermal expansion since there were no ice caps at the time. So if we keep pumping shit into the atmosphere we should eventually expect a lot more than 20m at least. All depends on how much shit we burn, how quickly we do it, and how quickly the icecaps respond. If it happens gradually over a few millennia we could probably adapt fine, since human society itself changes pretty drastically over those timescales anyway, but if you reach some kind of trigger point and melt everything in half a century, we'd be royally fucked lol

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well shit me..interesting times ahead regardless of how much sea rises


maybe octopi will evolve to become the dominant species on the planet after the brutal human - mollusc wars

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So hypothetically Earth would be like the movie Waterworld by the end of this century if current trends hold.

Yeah, time for us to expand renewable energy and roll back CO2 emissions & shit.

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The problem is not only that we rely too much on fossil fuels. That's really the tip of the iceberg. The bigger problem is that:
- Most people just don't give a fuck, and are proud to not give a fuck

- Most of the people that do give a fuck, don't realize how much and in how many insidious ways their -lifestyles- contribute to the problem - electric cars and greenwashed substitute products won't cut it

- The government and the big businesses in the best position to make a difference are too invested in the current business models to do anything about it - money will be a higher priority than conservation and most leaders won't realize how completely delusional that is until it's far too late

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We need to get rid of all the farting cows. *eats a burger for the environment*

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I think we've probably fucked it past the point of repair, to be honest. Can't see us getting our shit together enough to stop it happening in the next hundred years.


Have you ever been out drinking when you have work the next day, and realise it's too late, you're not going to be able to avoid a brutal hangover because you've gone past the point of no return? That's us with the environment, imo. As a culture, we're kind of sticking our fingers in our ears and going 'LA LA LA, NEED TO GET THAT NEXT IPHONE UPGRADE FAM, THIS IS FINE, WE CAN KEEP THIS UP'.


The migrant crisis at the minute's going to look like child's play when sea rises start kicking in in heavily-populated third world countries. The end of the 21st century and the start of the next one are going to be pretty heavy duty, I reckon.


Born to late to save the environment


Born to soon to explore 22nd Century Waterworld



Born just in time to browse dank memes


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We need to get rid of all the farting cows. *eats a burger for the environment*

I was gonna say something about the methane emissions too. But I reckon we humans contribute plenty to this too with our gassy butts.


Great news

Your Drumpfness is showing.

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when sea rises start kicking in in heavily-populated third world countries. The end of the 21st century and the start of the next one are going to be pretty heavy duty, I reckon.


Never mind third-world countries, what do you think 20m in sea rise is going to do to the US/UK/Canada/Australia/large swathes of Western Europe/Japan.


I mean in the US, they don't cal that shit flyover country for nothing. Look how much of the population lives on the coasts. Combine that with a big earthquake hitting the west coast (we're due), and North America is gonna be suffering.

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when sea rises start kicking in in heavily-populated third world countries. The end of the 21st century and the start of the next one are going to be pretty heavy duty, I reckon.


Never mind third-world countries, what do you think 20m in sea rise is going to do to the US/UK/Canada/Australia/large swathes of Western Europe/Japan.


I mean in the US, they don't cal that shit flyover country for nothing. Look how much of the population lives on the coasts. Combine that with a big earthquake hitting the west coast (we're due), and North America is gonna be suffering.


Big time

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I am living over 110m from the sea level. Sorry for your drowning coastal dwellers.



i'm a mountain man and will remain a mountain man



No, you're a mountain man and you will become an oceanfront man. Well, by the end of the century.

That's really the tip of the iceberg.


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