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Explosions at Brussels Airport and metro

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edit: "belgium hardly has a reputation for being a murderous invading empire" ahahahahahahahaha omfuckinglol

edit: lmao

But that was sarcasm?



What was sarcastic about that?


I thought that it was obvious that he was saying that Belgium is not a militarized country.

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edit: "belgium hardly has a reputation for being a murderous invading empire" ahahahahahahahaha omfuckinglol

edit: lmao

But that was sarcasm?



What was sarcastic about that?


I thought that it was obvious that he was saying that Belgium is not a militarized country.



Historically, and within living memory, it was a brutal, racist colonial power. That factors into its reputation for me.

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Guest WNS000


i knew it! pls go and read quran first and what muhammad said about things you're talking about


Yes, read all of his contradicting statements strongly dependent on his mood and power at a given time.

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Historically, and within living memory, it was a brutal, racist colonial power. That factors into its reputation for me.


Yeah, you're right. Wasn't thinking historically, though.

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*shrugs* i guess i'll take the loss then


edit: it still doesn't come across that way to me, i've been in the internet too long


it clearly wasn't sarcasm.

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care to enlighten me on the subject then xox?



gladly my friend but it'd be hard, maybe irl, i hate talking/debating religion/philosophy on forums.

i'd only like to say to you just to consider that you could also be wrong, nothing else.


p.s. imo to understand islam is best to ask muslims about it, to understand christianity ask christians...et cetera

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i knew it! pls go and read quran first and what muhammad said about things you're talking about

Yes, read all of his contradicting statements strongly dependent on his mood and power at a given time.

Yeah, sometimes Muhammad was in the mood to behead Jews, other times he was in the mood to have sex with slaves. Very complex fellow.


But anyway he is the greatest moral teacher the world has ever seen, and he totally didn't act like a member of ISIS.

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peace plees + no harm pleees. 2 wrongs dnt mk it right. killing, eating before others cn eat + consuming in excess + raping my mother (earth) = wrong + tht is nt just my opinion. 'sheathe thx fr yr vry pleasant postings :)

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I lived in Belgium for a year, it doesn't surprise me that it has become a hotbed of extremism as administratively it doesn't work as a country, the structure of the government makes no sense and same with civil service/security forces.


Brussels has 19 mayors and is a French-speaking island within a Flemish half of the country that generally disdains it, the Wallonian/French speaking half of country is dying on its arse and there is no sense of national unity whatsoever.


Anyways, have various thoughts on the matter but just wanted to say something about the country itself, it's broken as fuck.

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^ can often be the same thing.

right now it seems to be kind of hip to be honest even with absurdly dumb/offensive thoughts, Drumpf showing everyone how it's done...

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normally there is feelings like "shame" or "conscience", take these away in a person and you've got a pretty solid asshole.

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^ can often be the same thing.

right now it seems to be kind of hip to be honest even with absurdly dumb/offensive thoughts, Drumpf showing everyone how it's done...

normally there is feelings like "shame" or "conscience", take these away in a person and you've got a pretty solid asshole.


That's the same kind of criticism that was leveled against Rushdie

(And these same critics didn't seem as offended by the fatwa put out on Rushdie's head)


Good riddance to the de facto blasphemy laws perpetuated by folks like you...and shame on you for lumping all us blasphemers in with Trump.

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Phling, every thread like this people do the "nothing to do with Islam" thing

So I point out that Muhammad acted like a member of ISIS

If me saying that offends you more than the fact that he is the moral hero of over a billion people, then where is your shame? Your conscience?

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killing to prove th point crosses all lines, and it does not matter whch side we r on - i knw ths much 2b tru.



yes, those terrorists are faking crazy! mentally ill! but also to blame islam as religion (and indirectly all other muslims) for this act of crime is another craziness and dangerously narrow-minded point of view imo. i mean, muslims around the world are the biggest victims of so-called islamic extremism/terrorists, aren't they? and not just in numbers of deaths. i think that any sane person will agree that one innocent human being killed is one too many, anytime, anywhere.

also, ppl will see what they want to see (IT'S JUST HOW PERCEPTION WORKS AFAIK. WE SEE WHAT WE KNOW AND WE KNOW WHAT WE BELIEVE IS TRUE - in a broader sense), whether was quran or any other book or words.

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"Clinton on CNN now spouting the whole zionist propaganda :

we need to close down ISIS wherever they maybe (further extensions of the perpetual war machine around the world), we can build walls around our country BUT the internet is everywhere (internet policing!!), we need a stronger coalition against these terrorists (get more countries to join our gang of bullies)."

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peace plees + no harm pleees. 2 wrongs dnt mk it right. killing, eating before others cn eat + consuming in excess + raping my mother (earth) = wrong + tht is nt just my opinion. 'sheathe thx fr yr vry pleasant postings :)


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