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2010s - Decade of the Beard?

Rubin Farr

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As decade fashion trends form and then become passé, I cannot think of anything more pronounced so far this decade than beards.  You've got your hipster neck beards, distinguished old man beards, the 90s IDM beard, male celebrities in the media are all bearded up these days, and the Muslim faith has rocked long beards for thousands of years (OG) lol.

How many of our members, male (or female) are sporting facial hair these days?  It's convenient; because fuck shaving and it's overpriced industry, keeps your kisser warm in cold weather, some girls dig it, makes you look more mature?  I dunno.  Currently, I have an RDJ circa 1995 look going, but it's a pain in the ass to brush out every day, so might trim it down a little.  Share your photos, stories, opinions about the unshaven look here.  :snares:

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I have sported a beard for 6 years at least. I finally managed to grow a beard in my late twenties and now I can't go back because I look like a un-manly dork without a beard. Had it growing wild for a while, but now trim it. My face would feel naked and cold without it.

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Pretty accurate as far as I'm concerned, it was probably some time in 2012 that I got very lazy about shaving, the frequency dropped to like once every two weeks or so and a couple of female co-workers told me I looked good with a beard and should keep it. Probably only shaved it all off three or four times since then. I keep it short though, can't stand when it gets messy and I tend to trim it right back down then rather than trying to keep it in decent shape at a greater length. So I don't look like a lumberjack but yeah, it is actually long enough to noticeably protect me from cracked lips in the winter. :dadjoke:

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Always hated beards, fuck that scratchy itchy dirty manwool on my face! Always cleanly shaved cheeks and chin for me and never in my life had longer hair than a grade 2. For the last ten years I just razor the whole goddamn lot every day or so.


I really got better things to do with my life than fucking about with hairstyles or beards. The only people who do are either muslims, SAS bloke undercover trying to kill bearded muslims, third world shepherds or fat bastards who want to hide their fat bastard triple chins. Or fashion victims.


I'm smooth as a shaolin monk and just as deadly. Watch out!

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I'd put it at more like 2004-2012, but it probably varies by region.

The beard thing began truly snowballing around 2004 in Florida and picked up momentum every year. At this point I see no end in sight.


I haven't seen my clean-shaven face in over ten years. For two years I've had it grown full, which I think is now my most defining characteristic because new people I meet refer to me with "Hey, beard."  I would grow a beard whether it was fashionable or not, though.

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I love having a beard but I'm shaving it off soon so I can actually evaluate if I look better or worse with it. It's been a year and a half since I've been clean shaven.


It's pretty annoying when people refer to your beard as a hipster beard. I'm pretty confident I'll end up growing mine back and keeping it throughout my twenties at least.

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I hate shaving. I've shaved clean all of twice in the past 15 years, and I really doubt I'll every shave my face clean again, ever. I trim very short regularly, but true shave is a never for me. There's literally no reason for me to ever do it.


I once went to a job interview at a UPS place, entry level job making jack shit, and they told all of us who'd showed up that we'd be forced to shave clean. I left. Surprising that they can even implement that policy, honestly, but no matter, not worth $8 an hour. lol

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Young whippersnappers sporting huge beards is greatly devaluing the whole thing. A beard should be earned with time and ought to evolve accordingly, passing through various stages. But no, now it's just straight from puberty to Gandalf. Bah!

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