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the watmm GAS thread


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Anyone heard the 0-Coast?

The filter on that thing gave me chills

Does it even have a filter?

It's got a few, I think

But yeah, the reason I like it so much is because it gives you a bunch of different ways to manipulate overtones:

Both the 'east coast' and 'west coast' styles of dealing with overtones

(Hence "no coast")



they really should have called it the Makenoise FLY-OVER

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Also since last posting in this thread, I got a really bad GAS attack. Fortunately I quelled it with some cheap stuff and I'm feeling OK now. I ended up getting a couple small things that should be fun on the road/bus/plane/couch/coffee-shop/park.


First the volca FM. I think it's one of my favorite synths already... having that much emotional range in such a small form factor is incredible. That said the editing is not a lot better than the TX81Z so I'm writing an editor working for it. I seem to have succeeded in extracting single voice dumps from bulk dumps, although a lot of the voices don't sound right.


Next the PO-12. I thought this was the most gimmicky hipster piece of garbage when I first saw it. Then I watched some videos online alongside the volca Beats (which I have) and I realized that it not only seems to sound better, it has more range, and it seems to have a much more performance-friendly interface. Plus it just looks more fun. It hasn't arrived yet though, so nothing to report yet.


I'm hoping these two will be a hot couple on the road, or at least I can throw one or the other in my bag, depending on mood and logistics. I also bought new 1/8" cables and some of those hex splitter things that I've wanted for ages.

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Anyone heard the 0-Coast?

The filter on that thing gave me chills

Does it even have a filter?
It's got a few, I think

But yeah, the reason I like it so much is because it gives you a bunch of different ways to manipulate overtones:

Both the 'east coast' and 'west coast' styles of dealing with overtones

(Hence "no coast")

they really should have called it the Makenoise FLY-OVER


Yeah honestly

I don't even know (nor did Nick from SonicState) how the "0-coast" is supposed to be pronounced...No-coast? Zero-coast?

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As you wish...





The biggest difference from the OT was that I imagined all samples being part of the same continuous block of data, kind of like a wavetable. So you can use them individually but they actually represent addresses across the sample space and can be accessed as such.


Also, this block of wave data can also be used for modulators. So you can have an LFO that uses the same waveform data as your wavetable oscillators (or long samples, etc.). Maybe you could even put sequences, automation, or envelope in there. I was also thinking the data could be used as a source of commands like in a tracker.


 A section of the table could also be recorded continuously, with feedback, in a circular way, so that it could be a delay. But the section of memory creating the delay would still be available for oscillators to use, so you could have an oscillator that evolves just by virtue of having a continuously changing delay waveform inside it. Or you could just use the whole the delay section as a loop and play it polyphonically. Of course you'd get clicks and pops but you could filter this out if you're using it as a raw waveform just like subtractive synthesis.


The modulators could run at audio rate, in fact they might be treated basically the same as the oscillators. And the oscillators/modulators could be assembled together as a patch/voice, so that what they're doing depends completely on routing.  That means you could do FM... but since it's a wavetable you could modulate the shape of the operators... and since it can also be a delay you could do Karpluss-Strong synthesis as part of the patch.


And now that I know a little more about filters since I had this though, I realize that you could also create a biquad filter out of said delay with the right coefficients. Those coefficients could also be part of the wave data, as long as it was scaled properly.


So it's actually a pretty simple idea but you could build up complexity and weirdness really quickly with it.


The interface is the problem though. All of this stuff would be nuts to control and you'd end up feeling like you're at the helm of a spaceship. I was thinking a tracker interface would be cool, but I also wanted lots of realtime control with MIDI, etc. If someone could create an interface for this that kind of unfurls and reveals its complexity gradually, this could be a really fun thing.


That said, the OT nailed the important bits of my idea:

- Recording samples spontaneously, or even as part of a sequence

- Sliding smoothly between parameters (slide p-locks)

- Variable track lengths and times

- Un-ganging a track from the master transport control and starting it spontaneously 





Thanks for the elaboration!



Sounds like you sorta want a Hadoop synth. Yeah, I don't think Buzz nor Renoise had this ability. I actually wrote an email to the creator of Renoise and asked why I was unable to throw tracker commands at the start/end loop points of samples, but I could mess with them in real time via the GUI, and never received a response.


The closest thing I ever got to doing something like this was using the Resynth module in reaktor and controlling the parameters via midi in a tracker. I mostly used this to control audio, but I'm sure you could also route it to midi as CC data etc.



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Anyone heard the 0-Coast?

The filter on that thing gave me chills

Does it even have a filter?
It's got a few, I think

But yeah, the reason I like it so much is because it gives you a bunch of different ways to manipulate overtones:

Both the 'east coast' and 'west coast' styles of dealing with overtones

(Hence "no coast")

they really should have called it the Makenoise FLY-OVER

Yeah honestly

I don't even know (nor did Nick from SonicState) how the "0-coast" is supposed to be pronounced...No-coast? Zero-coast?

I've heard mostly no-coast, and i just looked at the make noise site and they specifically use the phrase "no-coast synthesis" so I guess that's it? Flyover would've been funny though.


Dunno if it counts as GAS because it's software but Audulus is on sale this weekend for iPad so I think I'm gonna buy it. Only $15.

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Sounds like you sorta want a Hadoop synth. Yeah, I don't think Buzz nor Renoise had this ability. I actually wrote an email to the creator of Renoise and asked why I was unable to throw tracker commands at the start/end loop points of samples, but I could mess with them in real time via the GUI, and never received a response.


The closest thing I ever got to doing something like this was using the Resynth module in reaktor and controlling the parameters via midi in a tracker. I mostly used this to control audio, but I'm sure you could also route it to midi as CC data etc.

Hadoop synth, I like it. 


The pieces the OT and my imaginary tracker have in common with Buzz are variable track length, and (with the Wave Recorder plugin in Buzz) recording waves.


Cool idea on sequencing Resynth with MIDI. You can actually do similar things with LGPT although there's not much in the way of smoothing, polyphony, or sample length.

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Guest Chesney

Damn, that O coast looks fun as fuck. Just been looking at the Dreadbox Murmux too.

No intention of buying, I can't afford it. But does look rad.

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There's a really old-school junk shop in town near me (floor-to-ceiling with old furniture, crap nobody could possibly want, old, mostly shitty, records, and crap acoustic guitars) but I go in sometimes just in case that fantasy thing happens where you find an MS-20 for £50 quid or something. Nothing like that's ever happened but I did once see a massive old spring reverb unit of indeterminate brand, looked like it would be great for dubby kind of stuff. I've been back since and I'm pretty sure it's gone; I don't even know if it was in working order. But I find myself thinking about that crap reverb unit quite a lot these days, God knows why. It's a sort of retroactive nostalgic what-could-have been GAS.


It was probably absolute shite.


Edit: I also saw a really old-school Yamaha (I think) hardware sequencer in there once, can't say I've ever been tempted by it though. Looked horrendously user-unfriendly.

Edited by Leon Sumbitches
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lol yeah I haunt those secondhand stores all the time. I have no idea what I expect to find in them; I just have a psychological attraction to them after passing up a $120 606 in one store many years ago.. Having said that, one store near my work has a SY22 for a fairly decent price (not a bargain, but not more than I've seen them go for on ebay).. if it's still there by next payday I'm buying it, fuck it.

Edited by modey
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Anyone heard the 0-Coast?

The filter on that thing gave me chills

Does it even have a filter?
It's got a few, I think

But yeah, the reason I like it so much is because it gives you a bunch of different ways to manipulate overtones:

Both the 'east coast' and 'west coast' styles of dealing with overtones

(Hence "no coast")

they really should have called it the Makenoise FLY-OVER


Yeah honestly

I don't even know (nor did Nick from SonicState) how the "0-coast" is supposed to be pronounced...No-coast? Zero-coast?


''In practice however, there's one foundational East Coast element that feels conspicuously absent: a filter. But that's not to say there aren't ways of taming the frequency content of the signal generated by the 0-COAST.''

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Sounds like you sorta want a Hadoop synth. Yeah, I don't think Buzz nor Renoise had this ability. I actually wrote an email to the creator of Renoise and asked why I was unable to throw tracker commands at the start/end loop points of samples, but I could mess with them in real time via the GUI, and never received a response.


The closest thing I ever got to doing something like this was using the Resynth module in reaktor and controlling the parameters via midi in a tracker. I mostly used this to control audio, but I'm sure you could also route it to midi as CC data etc.

Hadoop synth, I like it. 


The pieces the OT and my imaginary tracker have in common with Buzz are variable track length, and (with the Wave Recorder plugin in Buzz) recording waves.


Cool idea on sequencing Resynth with MIDI. You can actually do similar things with LGPT although there's not much in the way of smoothing, polyphony, or sample length.




Regarding loop points modulation in Renoise there are some hackarounds like this tool for instance.

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Guest Chesney

Ha, I have actual dreams of finding synth oddities in second hand stores very regularly.

I have had some pretty cool deals in the past though, so fairly lucky.

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Ha, I have actual dreams of finding synth oddities in second hand stores very regularly.


I thought I was the only one.

i've had this dream too


dreaming about finding synths in second hand stores for most IDM 2017

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It's only actually come true once, unfortunately, but that $50 Korg i30 has made a really nice master keyboard and the access to all of those cheesy mid 90s ai2 sounds is an added bonus.


In fact, I'm pretty sure it's the only AI2 synth with a touchscreen, for what that's worth.

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the elektron analog heat really has caught my attention. maybe that.


Yeah I guess its an additive synth

I still don't know anything about its specs

Just seen a couple impressive demos

Sorry for disinfo



this thread is about synths only? my bad

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I think Limpy replied to the wrong post, looks like that was supposed to be a response to the post below yours, about the 0-coast.


It's a gearlust thread, so of course effects are included!

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cheers, modey!



ive always wanted a sherman filterbank. 


yeah it's kind of a toss up but i like that the heat has presets and is a litlle less "wild" than the shermans

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i have more options for crazy filters now im onto eurorack, the mannequins three sisters is meant to be great fun. the sherman always just looked brutal though, speaker ripping shit. 

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