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Guest Chesney

extra nord mate, you know it makes more sense! Control one with Mono and other with Octa. you could have 2 mini setups and pseudo DJ between them live.

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The only trouble about G2+Octa combo is the lack of diverse end timbre, I feel you'd get a little fatigued by the same output all the time and long for some processing, if that makes any sense at all?. The sound possibilities are endless and insane apart from that it will always sound like a G2+Octa track.

Totally agree with this. I used the MnM solo for most of my WeeklyBeats stuff last year and I got soooo sick of the sound of the MnM, and I think that's why I've been neglecting it. I think my personal style is to have a couple nice things (MnM, OT) and a bunch of cheap stuff (volcas, POs, stompboxes, etc.). Even using one cheap thing that complements the good thing(s) well can add richness and variety. 


Also I've done the MnM + OT combo a few times and it's kind of overwhelming with how ridiculously powerful the two of them are.

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Oh yeah, I have a full cheap setup of volca and gameboys running nanoloop, also using OT as master tempo / mixer / effects; it actually sounds super amazing and is really great to play live from.


I just realised that none of the nord lead models I'm looking at have MIDI thru.. bit of a pain tbh

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Oh no, this morning I glanced into a deep, treacherous abyss and that abyss is people selling lots of usually 3 or more broken 70s and 80s guitar pedals for parts at really low prices.

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I got myself a lowly Boss RV-70 reverb/delay rack unit (still on the way) for $50 because I can hook up Sweepstakes' old ZeroSL to it and access something like 40 sysex-only parameters, including pretty low level control of the "nonlinear" algorithm (there's a four stage amplitude envelope instead of just a simple gate time, and a bandpass filter with a wet/dry blend for doing some parallel EQing), and a few bands of fully parametric EQ! 


These things don't look like much on the surface, but if you skip ahead to page 27 of the manual it gets a lot more interesting. Also, supposedly the algorithms are a few of the less flashy ones (i.e. none of the "3d" stuff) from the Roland SRV 330, although I can't substantiate that.



I'm hoping that for unnatural, 90s sounding mid-grade reverb it will really compliment the $26 Alesis The Wedge well, the Wedge has a kind of hazy, grainy (overused but really appropriate here) thing going on that makes it feel almost like the Wavestation of reverbs to me if that makes sense.  Most of the few accounts of the RV-70 I've found seem to agree that it does surprisingly good clean, small room sounds but gets metallic when you push the parameters too far, which sounds like it could be great for electronic drums.

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I just realised that none of the nord lead models I'm looking at have MIDI thru.. bit of a pain tbh

RSP gave me a sweet tip a while back about these knock-off M-Audio MIDIsports on eBay that double as mergers. I've got one and I haven't used it for merging but it's a nice 4x4 interface.


low level control of the "nonlinear" algorithm (there's a four stage amplitude envelope instead of just a simple gate time, and a bandpass filter with a wet/dry blend for doing some parallel EQing), and a few bands of fully parametric EQ! 

Um, holy balls.

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low level control of the "nonlinear" algorithm (there's a four stage amplitude envelope instead of just a simple gate time, and a bandpass filter with a wet/dry blend for doing some parallel EQing), and a few bands of fully parametric EQ! 

Um, holy balls.



Also there's this video of someone who modded it to have CV control of all the front panel parameters (which is only 4 but still):



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low level control of the "nonlinear" algorithm (there's a four stage amplitude envelope instead of just a simple gate time, and a bandpass filter with a wet/dry blend for doing some parallel EQing), and a few bands of fully parametric EQ! 

Um, holy balls.



Also there's this video of someone who modded it to have CV control of all the front panel parameters (which is only 4 but still):





Shit. This 80-90s digital fx boxes category is my Achilles' heel in GAS department.

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yeah, too bad about the essentially nonexistent support for osx though.. that said, I'm not totally against having a cheap dedicated windows laptop to program it.. hmmmmm


if you're talking about the g2, the editor runs fine on osx. i'm having no problems with it on mavericks.

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Ok, this RV70 is pretty great for $50, just tweaking the presets from the front panel.  More range than I thought, very 90s digital in a way I like.  Diffusion has a lot of range, from really distinct, stuttery individual echos all the way out to almost Alesis-y, grainy wash territory, but still with a different personality (I'd say a long wash of Alesis reveb is like a sandstorm, whereas this is more like ocean waves, if that makes sense, and this seems to build up less in the mids than most of the Alesis stuff I've used). Sits really well in a mix. I just threw it on a guitar track that was sounding too thin and dry even with a fair amount of ITB reverb (Valhalla VVerb) and it really did the job. I can definitely get it to sound "worse" than I expected (in a good way) but also a lot better than I expected.  I'd say anyone looking for a 90s sounding character reverb could do a lot worse, I think up to $100 would be pretty fair for one of these.  I think it's going to pair really well with FM synths.


I like it. I was a little worried it would be redundant since I've had an SE-50 for years and that's also full of early 90s Roland reverbs, but this has a very different character to it.


I'll post some examples once I get in to the sysex-only parameters and start really pushing it.

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Finally got a Behringer RV600 reverb pedal...  Yah, actually super high bang for buck, mang.  The blue LED is also bang for buck, cuz I paid for one pedal, and it gives about 540 pedals worth of brightness.  I can't see fucking shit.

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this thing looks badass. might be tempted to make my first foray into the world of desktop semi-modular. the ocoast is extremely tempting aswell. 

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Yes, sounds giid but nice music too.

Finally got a Behringer RV600 reverb pedal...

....it gives about 540 pedals worth of brightness. I can't see fucking shit.


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Yes, sounds giid but nice music too.

What is this "music" you speak of? I do not know this word.



 nah, nothin'...just sounds but organized

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Finally got a Behringer RV600 reverb pedal... Yah, actually super high bang for buck, mang. The blue LED is also bang for buck, cuz I paid for one pedal, and it gives about 540 pedals worth of brightness. I can't see fucking shit.

lol yeah I put a tiny bit of gaffer tape on all of my behringer pedal LEDs, so ridiculous
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