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I think firmware updates will take care of that. Totally talking out of my ass though as I've yet to fondle a digitakt.

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I'm not too concerned. The octatrack is amazing, and even if a newly updated one got released and I wanted to buy it, I could sell my existing one for close to what I paid for it anyway..


The only things I'd want from an updated octatrack would be on the software side—better mute behaviour, ability to link trigs/tracks like on the monomachine/machinedrum, conditional trigs etc. Anything hardware related would just be a luxury, though it'd be pretty nice to have 8 ins, and 8 outs via overbridge compatibility so I could use it as a multitrack USB interface as well :D

Edited by modey
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All I know is, if they add all the conditional trigs to the OT MK2, this red and green guy sitting directly in front of me might be going on ebay.

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All I really want is for them to fix that bug in the pickup machines, all the other limitations and weird workflow choices I am completely happy to write off as "personality."

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i really hope this is true! been waiting for this forever. octatrack is my main rig.


a mk2 is inevitable at some point. the octatrack remains a very popular machine for Elektron and yet is the only one without overbridge.


the fact that Juno refers to it as a mk2 and shows a slightly higher price than normal leads me to believe this is legit.


overbridge enabled: 100% chance

trig conditions: 100% chance

OLED screen: normally i would say no, but given the price increase: 70% chance

new effects: 40% chance

better time stretch algorithm: god i hope so.

analog filters/overdrive: 0% chance


could care less about overbridge, but trig conditions? yes please.

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Don't like the Digitact aesthetic so happy this isn't wicked. Is the Octatrack v1 out of production? Surely they can't just be redesigning it and asking for £1,200+? Likely will have some Overbridge stuff but I don't give a shit about that. 

Edited by Alan Ord
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The new buttons on the OT intrigue me.

I have a gut feeling they will add trig conditions and other software updates later.

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Very weird. I think I like the new screen though. Pretty funny that they didn't move the cue/reload button - that must have bit every OT user at least once!


It would be awesome if the processor and firmware was the same and they do some updated so that the OG OT gets some love too.

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It would be awesome if the processor and firmware was the same and they do some updated so that the OG OT gets some love too.



Yeah, I'm hoping.




I secretly like the crappy LCD aesthetic, TBH.




EDIT: the response in the announcement thread at Eektronauts is pretty funny.

Edited by RSP
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holy shit i thought for sure those pics were a spoof. well, i'll never be able to sell my OT now. gotta start playing live so it gets used i guess.


i wonder if the hi res encoders mean the fx well have decimals now? like, i'd love to dial in a delay at 24.11 instead of just 24 or 25.

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holy shit i thought for sure those pics were a spoof. well, i'll never be able to sell my OT now. gotta start playing live so it gets used i guess.


i wonder if the hi res encoders mean the fx well have decimals now? like, i'd love to dial in a delay at 24.11 instead of just 24 or 25.

That'd mean new firmware tho and therefore 2 codebases which sounds awful to maintain.
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Also hi res encoders just means the value is incremented or decremented faster per twist. Everything beyond that is in code.

The more I think about it the more likely it seems that the codebase will be the same as OG which means we get firmware updates finally

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