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To be fair, it was largely the ousting of Hussein from rule of Iraq that allowed it to become a hotbed of shit that it is these days. Not saying Saddam was good by any stretch of the imagination, but he kept the those types out of his country for the most part.

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To be fair, it was largely the ousting of Hussein from rule of Iraq that allowed it to become a hotbed of shit that it is these days. Not saying Saddam was good by any stretch of the imagination, but he kept the those types out of his country for the most part.


I'd say that it merely hastened it - the spread of those preaching Wahhabi doctrine would have entered Iraq eventually. Too much money and backing from the Saudis.

But yes, the US' Middle East policy is a clusterfuck.

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There were times I imagined a sort of alternate timeline scenario if the US didn't invade Iraq back in March 2003. What if Saddam stayed in power up until the Arab Spring at the beginning of 2011, assuming he would have gone out the same way Gaddafi did in Libya? Not justifying the former in any way, but his being ousted was probably inevitable either way, and the country would likely have been in turmoil either way after the fact.

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It wouldn't have been nice to see how the nuclear race between Iran and Iraq would have worked itself out either. The Iraq war certainly wasn't the last resort to preventing that nuclear shit from spiralling out of control, but I think there's a pretty decent chance it would have become necessary at some point. That's just speculation on my part though, it may not have, and so I'm not trying to justify the war based on that speculation.

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Saudis need their shit fixed bigtime. But you can imagine the uproar from the rest of the Muslim world - much of which equally despises the Saudi regime - if any invading force were to even go near the holy cities. That's why change/reform's gotta come from the inside, can only come from the inside. I keep saying this: if you don't want to be the subject of external pressure, do something yourselves.


Some people are just having too much of a good time playing the victim game though. And I don't mean ordinary people, I mean authority figures - politicians, clerics, local leaders etc - very few of whom pull their weight. Which is why I despise most of them.

Edited by usagi
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Saddam had those crazy sons too, but you cant predict what might of happened if we didnt go in. Pakistan is super unstable and they have nukes.

Edited by marf
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To be fair, it was largely the ousting of Hussein from rule of Iraq that allowed it to become a hotbed of shit that it is these days. Not saying Saddam was good by any stretch of the imagination, but he kept the those types out of his country for the most part.


I'd say that it merely hastened it - the spread of those preaching Wahhabi doctrine would have entered Iraq eventually. Too much money and backing from the Saudis.

But yes, the US' Middle East policy is a clusterfuck.



Yeah, if I murder a guy I'm not merely hastening his eventual death, though. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying alternate timelines aren't worth considering but I try to leave them to comic books and fiction novels.


Speculation is fun but not too relevant usually. And yes, well I'd extend your statement and say that the Middle East is a clusterfuck, so its not too surprising that our policy towards those countries and peoples is also a part of that clusterfuck. But isn't that good, for fucking in a cluster? The more dicks and fingers and tongues and dildos getting used in any and every orifice, the merrier? We're sure balls deep entrenched in that orgy of insanity.

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Not really speculation though is it. Wahhabists have been sporadically invading Iraq for some time. The money coming from the Saudis was growing as they tried to contain Saddam, and Desert Storm was a major setback in Iraqi-Saudi relations.

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