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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I wonder how many Republicans know her father was a member of the Slovenian Communist Party? What kind of morals could he possibly be teaching her.


:w00t: :w00t: :wink:

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This is the most undemocratic election I've seen so far. Both Billary and Trumpetbutt can fack owff


so why not help out gary johnson so he can get to the debates?




I sincerely like that guy a lot. He's like a more upbeat yet David Lynch-esque version of Ron Paul, I saw a recent interview with him on Samatha Bee and I felt like he could have been plucked from Twin Peaks.

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This convention is the highlight of a election year that I can no longer fathom is real. It's making all the right-wing bullshit I used to get irate about in 2004/2006 seem so tame in comparison. It's staggering how intellectually, morally, and logically corrupted the GOP has become. I have no idea how any of the centrists/moderates in the party tolerate it (I know they stay in to win elections in Red states but still, that has to be draining).


It exceeds most absurd political spoofs I can think of. It's the Bear Tax episode of the Simpsons, but high on meth and driving off a cliff in a confederate battle flag adorned muscle car.

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I wonder how many Republicans know her father was a member of the Slovenian Communist Party? What kind of morals could he possibly be teaching her.


:w00t: :w00t: :wink:


Lemme tell you something, no one does Communism like the Slovenians. I've seen and met a lot of Communists but the Slovenians are the best at what they do, and my wife is the best at being the offspring of one. They would build a wall and bring jobs to America in a heartbeat. Hillary Clinton wishes she was even close to being a Slovenian Commie but she's at best a beat-up Yugo.

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I am so making chewing gum guy at 0:23 into an animated gif when I get home


It exceeds most absurd political spoofs I can think of. It's the Bear Tax episode of the Simpsons, but high on meth and driving off a cliff in a confederate battle flag adorned muscle car.


lol & spot-on

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old wine, new bottles. i guess nowadays you can even reboot speeches for the american public. besides, can we at least say it's clinton's fault?

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old wine, new bottles. i guess nowadays you can even reboot speeches for the american public. besides, can we at least say it's clinton's fault?



a lot of trump's slogans came from Reagan. "Make america great again" has been used 3 or 4 times i think over various elections/campaigns.

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i don't get why trump's slogan is "make amerika great again". it should be "keep amerika perfect just the way it is"

Is Scott Baio suddenly relevant again?


So his answer to everything seems to be to privatize it - cause that's worked out real well so far.

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Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman whose outsider campaign has both galvanized millions of voters and divided the Republican Party, is the 2016 GOP presidential nominee.



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