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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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@ limp


you are delusional and need to stop using the mainstream media as your source of information already.

Once again, evade the subject...just ad hominem your way out of it


Trump went on record saying Blacks are lazy and stupid

The gov't sued him twice for not renting to non-whites

His cabinet is filled with openly racist people

He says literally "I love war" and he talks about wanting to use nukes

He openly praises the world's fascist dictators

He has incited his supporters to use violence

His proposed foreign policy VIOLATES THE GENEVA CONVENTION


Please, Delet, pick any one of these and defend it

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@ limp


you are delusional and need to stop using the mainstream media as your source of information already.

Once again, evade the subject...just ad hominem your way out of it


Trump went on record saying Blacks are lazy and stupid

The gov't sued him twice for not renting to non-whites

His cabinet is filled with openly racist people

He says literally "I love war" and he talks about wanting to use nukes

He openly praises the world's fascist dictators

He has incited his supporters to use violence

His proposed foreign policy VIOLATES THE GENEVA CONVENTION


Please, Delet, pick any one of these and defend it

But delet and his fellow trumpeters agree with all of that shit lol trump cannot do any wrong in their eyes Edited by Deer
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She really does have Parkinson's or some other neurological disorder though. Yes, it's true and It's fucking creepy actually.


I didn't watch the video which I'm assuming you're referring to, but tbh I don't think you can make any kind of determination that someone has parkinsons based on observations unless they are shaking regularly.


Some people have a tendency to faint more easily and often than others.


There are numerous examples of male presidents tripping, falling, fainting, puking, etc. while serving in their positions. 


An old lady who is working very hard getting faint every once in a while is not a concern to me.

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Is this your opinion as a medical doctor who's studied her medical records? I've never seen any parkinsonian ticks out of her, and her recent symptoms are not in any way associated with parkinsons or any other medical condition, they are however associated with what they say she's been suffering from recently(dehydration, a bacterial infection and seasonal allergies).


WikiLeaks is seriously damaging it's reputation over this election: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/wikileaks-conspiracy-theory-hillary-clinton_us_57d6f4b2e4b00642712ebbd0

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Nixon was hospitalised for a couple of weeks during one of his campaigns, after suffering from exhaustion. JFK managed to cover up numerous hospitalisations during his campaigns and while in office. FDR managed to hide the seriousness of the effects of his polio from the country, and even from foreign leaders he met with. Obama is probably one of the few presidents to not have any serious medical issues before or during his presidency, due to his age. Most presidents are old, and none of them are in perfect health. Trump is overweight, and has a shitty diet apparently, doubt very much he's in perfect health, though not smoking and drinking has probably helped him.

Edited by caze
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You can tell from Trump's body composition that his health is not great. Also balding is partially a metabolic problem and vertex balding is correlated to increased risks for many diseases. People are not even informed enough to properly interpret people's medical information anyhow. For instance, Hillary's low functioning thyroid is actually indicative of a serious dysfunction of the body, but people don't understand this. Doctors will just prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone instead of attempting to improve thyroid hormone secretion.

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You can tell from Trump's body composition that his health is not great. Also balding is partially a metabolic problem and vertex balding is correlated to increased risks for many diseases. People are not even informed enough to properly interpret people's medical information anyhow. For instance, Hillary's low functioning thyroid is actually indicative of a serious dysfunction of the body, but people don't understand this. Doctors will just prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone instead of attempting to improve thyroid hormone secretion.

Drug that bitch, prop her up with a pole down the back of her pantsuit, and let her mop the floor with old orangeface. She can push through a few years of Presidential b.s., we can elect Obama again in 2020.

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It's just bald-faced white nationalism...I mean, imagine if white Christians were causing trouble (which they are...) and some parallel-universe Trump said we should make a database of white Christians and ban them from the country...would these people be down with that? Of course not, because it wouldn't benefit them anymore...these people are the intellectual sewage runoff of the world...they're the ones that want to keep school bullying legal, and hey my right to have any AK-47 I want trumps your right to not live in a fucking shithole surrounded by 'stand your ground' fucking assholes...


It's "why of COURSE we're not white supremacists" with a wink and a nod

I wouldn't mind owning an AK-47

I would like a pistol, and some sort of rifle. But i live in australia and it's not that simple since we're effectively disarmed here. We didn't have the astronomical rate of gun crime that the US has when we were armed by the way. And if you take all the races out of the stats besides white people and north east asians, the US has similar rates of gun crime to europe. Those 'stand your ground' people that limpy is paranoid of are not the one's that will use a weapon to rob or kill him, they are the least likely too. He's just racist against middle america, which is the typical liberal disease.

You seem to think I am just an empty receptacle for the party line, like I just love Hillary and am eager to defend her against all criticism


You can't even concede one single criticism against Trump, whereas I think Clinton is a power-hungry criminal piece of garbage...


"Racist against middle America"...


Have you ever actually been exposed to "middle America"? I live in "middle America" and


We're not talking about "middle America", we're talking about my ex-KKK upstairs neighbor who is obsessed with how big black people's lips are...this is the intellectual pedigree we're dealing with here...


The big difference between us I think is that I recognize blacks commit a massively disproportionate amount of violent crime...but this "middle America" you speak of thinks it's because black people are genetically inferior, whereas it is very clearly the result of Relative Poverty


I mean, tell me Delet, why do YOU think blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime? Just admit that you think they're genetically inferior and we can move on

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You can tell from Trump's body composition that his health is not great. Also balding is partially a metabolic problem and vertex balding is correlated to increased risks for many diseases. People are not even informed enough to properly interpret people's medical information anyhow. For instance, Hillary's low functioning thyroid is actually indicative of a serious dysfunction of the body, but people don't understand this. Doctors will just prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone instead of attempting to improve thyroid hormone secretion.

Drug that bitch, prop her up with a pole down the back of her pantsuit, and let her mop the floor with old orangeface. She can push through a few years of Presidential b.s., we can elect Obama again in 2020.



I don't think we will be able to reelect obama lol


I mean I agree though. you can definitely make it through 4 years on a medical cocktail. She should already be taking stem cells, fecal transplants, and blood replacement therapy.

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You can tell from Trump's body composition that his health is not great. Also balding is partially a metabolic problem and vertex balding is correlated to increased risks for many diseases. People are not even informed enough to properly interpret people's medical information anyhow. For instance, Hillary's low functioning thyroid is actually indicative of a serious dysfunction of the body, but people don't understand this. Doctors will just prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone instead of attempting to improve thyroid hormone secretion.

Drug that bitch, prop her up with a pole down the back of her pantsuit, and let her mop the floor with old orangeface. She can push through a few years of Presidential b.s., we can elect Obama again in 2020.



I don't think we will be able to reelect obama lol


I mean I agree though. you can definitely make it through 4 years on a medical cocktail. She should is already taking stem cells, fecal transplants, and blood replacement therapy.


I've always wondered about that, though. Like, not even saying America would want to re-elect Obama again, but after he took a term sitting out, wouldn't he be good to go again, at least 'legally.' A situation like that would surely go against the spirit of the two-term presidency rule, but it could come up at some point in the future. 


Confirmed/fixt. Also, I saw this picture of her before she had a vagina replacement surgery NSFW 




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so what if she has parkinson's ? she's just a puppet , look at what happened with george bush, they literally gave him a lobotomy because he was against 9/11 , theze presidents don't need brains 

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I think the problem here is that the body is possibly malfunctioning, not the reasoning. People will not vote for a broken body, a broken brain is better.

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Trump was in favour of the Iraq war before it began, despite his constant lies to the contrary now (he said so himself on an interview on Howard Stern's show). He called the war a "tremendous success" just after the invasion. About a month later he called it "a mess", after that he started complaining about the money being spent on Iraq, said it should be better spent on the economy, but never criticised Bush or the justification for war in the first place. It's only about six months later that he shifts his position and starts saying it was a mistake.

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Enlightening piece on the hrc emails thingy.

There’s no Hillary Clinton “email scandal.” There are four of them. Or maybe six. Or none.

An explanation of why the Clinton email scandal is so confusing.



In 2016, we have "Hillary’s emails."


But this shorthand, though somewhat irresistible, suggests a single controversy that is somehow both monolithic and strangely sprawling. The reality is that there are actually four (or, if you include claims of a cover-up, five; or, if you include Benghazi, six) distinct controversies that involve both Hillary Clinton and email. Indeed, there are two separate groups of emails, and some of the accusations against Clinton are contradictory. To understand what’s happening, it’s useful to split up these controversies rather than lump them together:


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You can tell from Trump's body composition that his health is not great. Also balding is partially a metabolic problem and vertex balding is correlated to increased risks for many diseases. People are not even informed enough to properly interpret people's medical information anyhow. For instance, Hillary's low functioning thyroid is actually indicative of a serious dysfunction of the body, but people don't understand this. Doctors will just prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone instead of attempting to improve thyroid hormone secretion.

Drug that bitch, prop her up with a pole down the back of her pantsuit, and let her mop the floor with old orangeface. She can push through a few years of Presidential b.s., we can elect Obama again in 2020.



don't be surprised if Michelle Obama runs for POTUS some day.

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