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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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If I was an Adderall head I would on wall st making deals hustling living the life


I'm just curious about the world, do you really believe the official story?, google "Roswell crash UFO computer chip" after about 5 pages you'll find a Geocities page telling you about the truth about our recent technological advances and who are you gonna believe the official story or some meth head who while high unlocked the truth about technology

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I'm just curious about the world, do you really believe the official story?, google "Roswell crash UFO computer chip" after about 5 pages you'll find a Geocities page telling you about the truth about our recent technological advances and who are you gonna believe the official story or some meth head who while high unlocked the truth about technology


It's definitely possible.. hard to believe a bunch of dummies like us would think of this:

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There are so many assumptions hidden in what you're saying, though...


Using solar panels assumes you would own property...what is stopping Google from buying up land and then renting it to people...that is what tends to happen, the monarchy takes your life and then rents you a life...and if you misbehave politically, hey they send dudes to come rip out your solar panels or beat you up...and if you think this violates some non-aggression principle, well what are you gonna do about it?


Space-x? You think anyone's gonna be thinking about space? People are gonna be thinking about food and violence and how not to get enslaved...this isn't gonna be some beautiful hi-tech world, it's gonna be Dickens with robots and shit...

There's a lot of assumptions in the things you were saying though.


like the assumption that having a driver's license makes one a better and safer driver which isn't the case. Having experience driving makes one a better a driver.


A lot of government regulated things are useless bloat that give the illusion of safety. Like drug laws, and they empower the government and its agents to do things that are manifestly unjust.


a lot libertarianism is about not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives.


You say in lieu of government that it would be the rich and powerful, but the rich and powerful already own our government.


Obviously a totally government free society isn't the answer but our government is nowhere from being ideal

1) You won't find me defending drug laws and gov't bloat and inefficiency and corruption...these are real problems, as real as they come


2) so you're saying that since drivers licences are a low standard, therefor we should have no standard? A lot of Libertarian logic seems to have this flavor...e.g. Our current regulation isn't perfect at protecting against pollution etc, therefor the answer is zero regulation...? You're gonna have to explain that to me, because you always point to this magical logic but how would NO regulation be better and safer than SOME?


3) "not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives"


That is the joke of it...if you think the American gov't is unaccountable, try living under under a corporate tyranny...free markets create monopolies, we know that...even slightly under-regulated markets do...you will live under a 100% unaccountable corporate tyranny, no voting, no elections, no petitions, nothing...it would be Neuromancer, not Burning Man...



but neuromancer was awesome

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There are so many assumptions hidden in what you're saying, though...


Using solar panels assumes you would own property...what is stopping Google from buying up land and then renting it to people...that is what tends to happen, the monarchy takes your life and then rents you a life...and if you misbehave politically, hey they send dudes to come rip out your solar panels or beat you up...and if you think this violates some non-aggression principle, well what are you gonna do about it?


Space-x? You think anyone's gonna be thinking about space? People are gonna be thinking about food and violence and how not to get enslaved...this isn't gonna be some beautiful hi-tech world, it's gonna be Dickens with robots and shit...

There's a lot of assumptions in the things you were saying though.


like the assumption that having a driver's license makes one a better and safer driver which isn't the case. Having experience driving makes one a better a driver.


A lot of government regulated things are useless bloat that give the illusion of safety. Like drug laws, and they empower the government and its agents to do things that are manifestly unjust.


a lot libertarianism is about not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives.


You say in lieu of government that it would be the rich and powerful, but the rich and powerful already own our government.


Obviously a totally government free society isn't the answer but our government is nowhere from being ideal

1) You won't find me defending drug laws and gov't bloat and inefficiency and corruption...these are real problems, as real as they come


2) so you're saying that since drivers licences are a low standard, therefor we should have no standard? A lot of Libertarian logic seems to have this flavor...e.g. Our current regulation isn't perfect at protecting against pollution etc, therefor the answer is zero regulation...? You're gonna have to explain that to me, because you always point to this magical logic but how would NO regulation be better and safer than SOME?


3) "not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives"


That is the joke of it...if you think the American gov't is unaccountable, try living under under a corporate tyranny...free markets create monopolies, we know that...even slightly under-regulated markets do...you will live under a 100% unaccountable corporate tyranny, no voting, no elections, no petitions, nothing...it would be Neuromancer, not Burning Man...



2) false equivalency


3)  unless you can see into the future you have no idea what would be. Only what you believe would be. Asserting so is intellectually dishonest.


The past is only partially relevant to now, because the now is not equivalent to the past.


You also keep going back to 0 government which i find weird because I just stated I don't believe 0 government is the answer.

Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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But just explain how no licenses for drivers could possibly be safer than whatever minimum standard is required to get a driver's license...? And how do you protect against drunk drivers going 120mph on the street where your daughter likes to play? Don't let her go outside?

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that's a pwn

I know we've been over this, but... how is he still a mod? Should someone this bigoted really be representing WATMM? JFC




*pretends not to hear but squints into the distance in such a way that it's obvious i've understood everything you said and i agree*



jk #aussiehumor


*squints even further into distance and signals back yet even more subtly*

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little miss flint never wrote that letter to President Obama. She could barely form a sentence during interviews on the news and just made stupid faces to the reporter.

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little miss flint never wrote that letter to President Obama. She could barely form a sentence during interviews on the news and just made stupid faces to the reporter.


what letter?

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little miss flint never wrote that letter to President Obama. She could barely form a sentence during interviews on the news and just made stupid faces to the reporter.


what letter?



openy's letter to President Obama
Mr. President,
Hello my name is Mari Copeny and I’m 8 years old, I live in Flint, Michigan and I’m more commonly known around town as “Little Miss Flint”. I am one of the children that is effected by this water, and I’ve been doing my best to march in protest and to speak out for all the kids that live here in Flint. This Thursday I will be riding a bus to Washington, D.C. to watch the congressional hearings of our Governor Rick Snyder. I know this is probably an odd request but I would love for a chance to meet you or your wife. My mom said chances are you will be too busy with more important things, but there is a lot of people coming on these buses and even just a meeting from you or your wife would really lift people’s spirits. Thank you for all that do for our country. I look forward to being able to come to Washington and to be able to see Gov. Snyder in person and to be able to be in the city where you live.
Thank You
Mari Copeny
Obama got duped and came to Flint. True story.
Edited by olo
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little miss flint never wrote that letter to President Obama. She could barely form a sentence during interviews on the news and just made stupid faces to the reporter.

i thought this was a trump tweet.
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Trump Goes After Pastor: ‘Nervous Mess'


I don't get how people can respect a dude who talks shit about literally everyone. Especially blue collar men.

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