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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Trump Goes After Pastor: ‘Nervous Mess'


I don't get how people can respect a dude who talks shit about literally everyone. Especially blue collar men.


people get the politicians they deserve. knowing the kind of person is, why did she even agree to him coming to make a speech?

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why can't just one of these cunts running for president come out as an atheist, even progressive Jill Stein tip toes around the question wtf come on america its time to evolve 


ii thought obama was going to come out as atheist during his second turn, the guy still goes to church looool what a joke this guy is too smart to believe in that shit, what is he doing?????

Edited by Deer
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why can't just one of these cunts running for president come out as an atheist, even progressive Jill Stein tip toes around the question wtf come on america its time to evolve 


ii thought obama was going to come out as atheist during his second turn, the guy still goes to church looool what a joke this guy is too smart to believe in that shit, what is he doing?????


church is pretty lush minus the dogma. Like, it's so serious and shit and everyone speaks and sings in unison. Sometimes you drink wine and shit. like, I can understand just going. It's what squares do instead of going to concerts or something.

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why can't just one of these cunts running for president come out as an atheist


i don't know if i care about a presidential candidate's religion or lack thereof. there's still a massive portion of the country that's religious that also makes things rather complicated to simply ignore the issue (or at least imo). 


tbh, if someone is religious (or not) i'd rather they keep that to themselves. 

Edited by Nebraska
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why can't just one of these cunts running for president come out as an atheist


i don't know if i care about a presidential candidate's religion or lack thereof. there's still a massive portion of the country that's religious that also makes things rather complicated to simply ignore the issue (or at least imo). 


tbh, if someone is religious (or not) i'd rather they keep that to themselves. 



They used to, in fact it was pretty much standard for presidential candidates to be quiet mainstream protestants. Atheism was actually kind of vogue in the late 1800s, I recall Penn Jillette mentioning that some of the highest paid public circuit speakers were atheists at the turn of the century. That's why JFK and Romney were oddballs as non-protestants (I wonder how many votes they lost as a result) and W's "born-again" religious beliefs were a big deal when he first ran in 2000.


The shift occurred after the 80s when Reagan courted the religious right. Since then evangelicals have been a huge lobbying force on the GOP. On the flipside Democrats would alienate a lot of people if they were more open to secular humanism and atheism. African-Americans and Hispanics are left-leaning voting wise but often socially conservative or at the very least religious. Even the most liberal Hispanic legislators in Texas are often quite openly Catholic.


I have seriously wondered if Obama is a practicing Christian. Same with some other past candidates of both parties. I'm sure many are agnostic. It's a huge deal if you are openly atheist/agnostic and you run for office. It is actually illegal to not belief in God in some form in Texas and run for office (albeit it's never been enforced)


Religion used to be something people didn't ask or talk about. It was pretty much a thing to joke about or a way of identifying your background just as much as ethnicity. It wasn't even really about belief and ideology that often. My great grandmother on my wife's side has mentioned that she did not grow up saying "Under God" in the pledge or saw it anywhere in public. That was a post-50s effort that has stuck since the cold war ended. 

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Most self-reporting atheists are pretty fucking insufferable. Not saying this was the case in the 1800s but it sure as shit is now. Avoiding identifying with a hoard of smug, entitled, neckbearded cunts is worth feigning belief, for damn sure. Rationality uber alles is a pretty flaccid worldview material.


I believe in Terrence McKenna's idea of mushrooms as billion year old space nomads. Not because I don't think it's probably a load of pseudo-scientific bullshit, but because it's such a poetic, inspiring idea. Fuck it, I would rather believe in things that are cool to think about than 100% cold, hard, po-faced truth. If a little bullshit makes your day a little brigher, well, hey, that's what the advertising industry is based on, right? Mind you this does not apply to things like climate change or income disparity, I'm not that nuts.

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why can't just one of these cunts running for president come out as an atheist, even progressive Jill Stein tip toes around the question wtf come on america its time to evolve 


ii thought obama was going to come out as atheist during his second turn, the guy still goes to church looool what a joke this guy is too smart to believe in that shit, what is he doing?????


church is pretty lush minus the dogma. Like, it's so serious and shit and everyone speaks and sings in unison. Sometimes you drink wine and shit. like, I can understand just going. It's what squares do instead of going to concerts or something.




IDM as fuck

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trump is beating clinton in ohio and florida


can people please begin giving their reasoning on how clinton is going to win this again? if all it takes is for one of these two to make a blunder and the entire game shifts to the opposite side, we might as well do a coin toss and go to the polls tomorrow

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trump is beating clinton in ohio and florida


can people please begin giving their reasoning on how clinton is going to win this again? if all it takes is for one of these two to make a blunder and the entire game shifts to the opposite side, we might as well do a coin toss and go to the polls tomorrow


coin flip.  will be close if the polls are accurate - but apparently last 3 or 4 elections.. they were tied at this time. 


within the poll's 3.5 percentage point margin of error, and with 6% behind Johnson and 1% backing Stein.

Edited by ignatius
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flol @ plans


his plans.. they'll be so good.. not even the universe will laugh at them. 


edit:  thousands of jokes just lost their erections. 

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The polls will shift a lot after the debates I think. Hard to call anything until then, but Trump actually has to win Ohio to win the election most likely and he doesn't have a lot of support there. We will see.

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Assange released another batch of Clinton emails the other day, they had absolutely nothing of note in them, I think he's ran out of damaging material.


if the election was held today Clinton would win. Trump has had a good couple of weeks, but he hasn't even managed to get back to his highest polling period of the campaign, just after the RNC. I think since then a lot of people have made up their mind on him, the undecideds are a lot fewer now, and he's probably reached the limit of his support.

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Assange released another batch of Clinton emails the other day, they had absolutely nothing of note in them, I think he's ran out of damaging material.


if the election was held today Clinton would win. Trump has had a good couple of weeks, but he hasn't even managed to get back to his highest polling period of the campaign, just after the RNC. I think since then a lot of people have made up their mind on him, the undecideds are a lot fewer now, and he's probably reached the limit of his support.

I wouldnt trust the polls.




He's going to win isn't he?

it's because Hillary doesn't have a lot of plans


and seems to have health issues

Edited by Ayya Khema
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Assange released another batch of Clinton emails the other day, they had absolutely nothing of note in them, I think he's ran out of damaging material.


if the election was held today Clinton would win. Trump has had a good couple of weeks, but he hasn't even managed to get back to his highest polling period of the campaign, just after the RNC. I think since then a lot of people have made up their mind on him, the undecideds are a lot fewer now, and he's probably reached the limit of his support.

I wouldnt trust the polls.




He's going to win isn't he?

it's because Hillary doesn't have a lot of plans


and seems to have health issues



if you don't trust the polls, then what are you basing your opinion on? 


she doesn't have health issues we know about, she had a case of pneumonia, which seems to have passed.

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why can't just one of these cunts running for president come out as an atheist

i don't know if i care about a presidential candidate's religion or lack thereof. there's still a massive portion of the country that's religious that also makes things rather complicated to simply ignore the issue (or at least imo).


tbh, if someone is religious (or not) i'd rather they keep that to themselves.

Okay have fun having Christian weirdos telling u how to live ur life

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