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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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and all because he wants to keep some weird promise to coal miners for jobs that aren't even there and jobs that weren't even killed by green energy but were killed by cheap natural gas. 


fucking guy is an asshole and short sighted as fuck.  the whole thing is just absurd.  he's driving america into a ditch so he gets some money from russia or whatever.. it's all such horse shit.  we should run this asshole out of the country old school stye.. put him on a pole and tar and feather him. 




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dont know if any of you have ever coal mined but its amazing



i heard it's like relaxing sauna down there. 


thing is they don't even do that anymore.. they just blow up the mountain tops and run some conveyor belt things and sort all the dirt. make a waste pond. ruin the rivers and ground water and hey it's all good!  gimme some fucking oxy and turn on the tv. 

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fucking guy is an asshole and short sighted as fuck.  the whole thing is just absurd.  he's driving america into a ditch so he gets some money from russia or whatever..






The corruption is so blatantly obvious, it's crazy how blind his supporters are to it.










and from the New Republic (to counter balance all those librul rags):



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I keep thinking: the ironic thing about the general US stance on climate change is that the US denying it or implementing policies that ignore/worsen it will probably not cost the US itself as much as other poorer/less capable nations, at least in the near future barring some kind of huge cataclysm. in other words, the residents of landlocked Bumfuck, Tennessee voting for and supporting this kind of ignorant shit will not feel the effects of sea-level rise or violent weather phenomena in their hood so much as, say, a tiny underdeveloped Pacific island nation.


so this kind of move costs others the most, really. which is why it's conscionable! :cisfor:

Uhhh New York CIty, California, Florida, lots of New England, some of the Pacific Northwest....they all want a word with you.

I'm talking about the bumfuck Trump dicksuckers.

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yes, but hillary got paid for speeches


and something about emails


all way more important than climate. yep.


some silver linings though. this helps to grow the collective sense of urgency and political will to actually do something. outside the us, but also inside (states, cities). the biggest problem is appearance/symbolic. he/this looks so f-ing stupid.


also lol at macron inviting scientists, entrepreneurs, people to come to france. he's going to be the anti-trump for the coming years. had my hopes up for trudeau. but he's too civilised. which is a good thing actually. macron is secretly prob closer to trump in terms of personality. which makes it way more fun to watch them do handshake battles. ;D

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I keep thinking: the ironic thing about the general US stance on climate change is that the US denying it or implementing policies that ignore/worsen it will probably not cost the US itself as much as other poorer/less capable nations, at least in the near future barring some kind of huge cataclysm. in other words, the residents of landlocked Bumfuck, Tennessee voting for and supporting this kind of ignorant shit will not feel the effects of sea-level rise or violent weather phenomena in their hood so much as, say, a tiny underdeveloped Pacific island nation.


so this kind of move costs others the most, really. which is why it's conscionable! :cisfor:


Uhhh New York CIty, California, Florida, lots of New England, some of the Pacific Northwest....they all want a word with you.



US Military too actually. They have been freaking out about it for years: naval bases and air stations will be compromised, governments will become unstable over crop famine, coastal changes, etc. The Arctic will become a fucking shitshow quickly as the Northern Passage opens up and the Russians scramble for oil and other resources.


and all because he wants to keep some weird promise to coal miners for jobs that aren't even there and jobs that weren't even killed by green energy but were killed by cheap natural gas.  



It's so fucking anti-free market too. This shit did not happen at other major transitions of energy development and implementation, no president in the late 19th / early 20th century was like WE HAVE TO PROTECT STEAM-POWERED JOBS - no, they fucking went to oil and gas machines, nuclear energy, hydro-power, solar power, etc. People re-trained, economies adapted.


Not to mention most people don't realize:

1. points of really low gas are paired with low prices for barrels of oil which is bad on every level of the oil industry - there's no demand and fewer jobs with gas is so cheap and there's nothing the POTUS can do about it

2. you can't subsidize natural gas and oil drilling at the same time

3. China is still coal dependent but actually trying to transition from it - so much so that they build coal scrubbers and moving toward green energy as well 



dont know if any of you have ever coal mined but its amazing



i heard it's like relaxing sauna down there. 


thing is they don't even do that anymore.. they just blow up the mountain tops and run some conveyor belt things and sort all the dirt. make a waste pond. ruin the rivers and ground water and hey it's all good!  gimme some fucking oxy and turn on the tv. 



another irony is that the most vehemently anti-healthcare regions is desperately needed funding to pay for medical treatment of coal workers with damaged lungs - "clean coal" is only clean in the technical sense AFTER it's been extracted, and since most coal is now painstakingly removed from already scrapped out mines the workers, who btw aren't unionized and often contractors/temps, end up inhaling the 90% of sand and dirt they kick up trying to get the coal out

Edited by joshuatx
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never really understood the right-wing passion with opposing anything to do with accepting climate change or wanting to try to at least be kinder to our planet, (like its some left-wing conspiracy). I can lean (slightly) to the right (on occasions)  but this is one of those things that makes me scratch my head. 


it just seems a bit weird imo.

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never really understood the right-wing passion with opposing anything to do with accepting climate change or wanting to try to at least be kinder to our planet, (like its some left-wing conspiracy). I can lean (slightly) to the right (on occasions) but this is one of those things that makes me scratch my head.


it just seems a bit weird imo.




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at the end of the day the problem is the voters, and its up to us to establish a new set of norms to safeguard from the danger of the people being duped by crafty manipulators. skepticism, courteous discourse, and an acknowledgement of the complexity of ethical choices and their need for careful calculation.


the present voter climate is simply inadequate to the responsibility it bears.

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Germany making an REM reference is kind of unsettling.








My word are those two fucking ugly.

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Her face looks like it's nothing but scar tissue.



I mean, I'm far from pretty. But she is particularly gross, made worse each time she opens her mouth to speak.

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The guy is literally a 2 year old.


I don't remember much about being 2, but I remember it enough to know that you're not giving 2 year olds enough credit.


I hope some endangered bird species pecks his shitty eyes out.


not endangered, but:





They were almost extinct in the 80s, close enough.

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I keep thinking: the ironic thing about the general US stance on climate change is that the US denying it or implementing policies that ignore/worsen it will probably not cost the US itself as much as other poorer/less capable nations, at least in the near future barring some kind of huge cataclysm. in other words, the residents of landlocked Bumfuck, Tennessee voting for and supporting this kind of ignorant shit will not feel the effects of sea-level rise or violent weather phenomena in their hood so much as, say, a tiny underdeveloped Pacific island nation.


so this kind of move costs others the most, really. which is why it's conscionable! :cisfor:


Uhhh New York CIty, California, Florida, lots of New England, some of the Pacific Northwest....they all want a word with you.



Last I heard enough states and counties have committed to meeting or exceeding the Paris Accord goals regardless that there's still a real chance the US at large  will still manage to meet them or at least come close.


I forget who said it originally a few months ago, but that election map Trump loves to throw around may have a lot of red on it, but the blue parts are "tall islands in a very shallow sea."


Most of us here can't stand him, especially those of us who were to young to really understand or do anything (if we were even born yet) when the seeds for this were being planted in the 80s and 90s.

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