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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Holy shit Donnie's sending us back to the moon! You can tell in those photos his favorite part was getting to play with the toy astronaut.


I hope he's figured a way to pay for this...recent estimates say this will cost $100 billion

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Holy shit Donnie's sending us back to the moon! You can tell in those photos his favorite part was getting to play with the toy astronaut.


I hope he's figured a way to pay for this...recent estimates say this will cost $100 billion

Mexico The poor will pay



fixt for ya. free of charge. YUGE!

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The way that Fox has weaponized news reporting, and is now basically waging war on every news outlet it deems as part of the "Dem's conspiracy against America" is just off the charts ludicrous. The Republicans keep searching for an enemy to target to keep distracting the public from their inaction and incompetence. I think even they know you can't blame Hillary forever, Trump and co. have a 4 year term to fill. So they label the FBI as un-American, now the "liberal media" is an enemy of the state, but another media outlet picking and choosing who they discredit is just bullshit of the highest power. Remember the news pool? That is still a function of on location news reporting, so the fact that these journalists have to smile at each other when they go to a live location, only to disparage each other back in the studio, knowing they will have to see those people again, and often, just speaks to the bullshit convictions some of these journalists actually have. Look at Megyn Kelly, no one is buying her "oh I'm on NBC now, so I'm a nice fluff piece day time host" when all she did was spit vitriol in her years at Fox. Now she has the women accusing Trump of pussy grabbin on her show? we are thru the looking glass.

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So the special election is going on in Alabama right now. And there are already reports of police intimidation and voter suppression, especially against black voters.

And my state's two Republican senators both stated that they're against Moore, yet all these Trump-loving poop slingers on my local news FB page are condemning their own senators and defending Moore. These local retards are ignorant beyond measure. They might as well pack up and move to Alabama if they love Moore so much.

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I want to say this can't go on much longer surely but feel like I'll probably be saying that in a years time too.

A year? This orange pile of shit will be sitting on our doorstep for 7 more years guaranteed. If the mound of orange has made it this far, it will keep in its place for many many more years.


We are living inside Fargo S3, where this frustratingly disgusting want-to-wring-your-hands-around-its-fucking-neck entity was mistakenly invited in and now is disrupting normal civilized life as we previously knew it.

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the pedophile is gonna win in alabama.. trump will gloat like mad that he's responsible for the win because of throwing the support to him and making robo calls and shit. 


i don't know if the usa can survive 7 more years of trump. if the investigation doesn't bring the stinky fruit to dethrone the orange fuck then he may indeed win in 2020 but who knows.. everything is crazy..


shit is upside down yo

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YESSSS! fUCK ROY MOORE! Dems need to work like shit to register those black voters in southern states. In every state obviously....i mean register everyone and make it easy...dems would crush reps that way.

Edited by bendish
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